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Everything posted by Kouki

  1. Thanks for the report! Do you have a save when this happened? We can load the save and disable the seed re-roll so we can verify if this is indeed the case (will help us save time over trying to reproduce things on our own)
  2. Thanks for the bug report! We'll look into it and get it fixed
  3. Thanks for the report, we'll give this a look and see what's causing it to happen
  4. Yup, this is indeed intended. The transparent doors are a feature that gives your soldiers some cover while inside the pegasus, while seeing the enemy units outside. It'll also act as an unintentional nerf if the pegasus doors blocked vision when you could see outside normally w/ the dragonfly and skyhawk.
  5. Thanks, we'll give this a look As for this other bug, this is a known issue and will get fixed, glad to hear the these bugs can help every now and then though
  6. Do you still have the save file on the start of the turn when this happened? Tried reproducing this on my end but it seems to work normally
  7. Yeah there's a bunch of things going on with the level hide system on higher camera levels and this is especially noticeable on dockyard maps due to the cargo containers, we'll get to sorting this one out once we're over the more urgent bugs and features we still need to implement on the game
  8. Thanks for the report! Yeah I don't think we have the AI set to evade harmful terrain effects yet (I think they won't evade fire either), improving the AI is one of the things we have planned out and hopefully we get to to work on it as soon as the more urgent bugs are out of the way
  9. Thanks for the report! Do you still have the save file for it? We'd like to take a look into it so we can figure out what's going on.
  10. Thanks, we'll look into it and get it fixed
  11. Sorry, I can't quite understand what you mean by making ufo mission 4x? By action point, do you the Operation Cost/Points in the Geoscape layer?
  12. Thanks, unfortunately there's currently a bug on our bug reporter tool as well, which results in the bug report file being empty sometimes. We're working towards getting this fixed asap!
  13. Thanks for the bug report! We'll look into it and figure out what's going on
  14. That's strange, tried loading your save and was able to load in to the tropical map normally. Were you able to load into the battleship mission if it was on a separate biome (farm, etc.)
  15. Thanks for the bug report! This crash is most likely caused by the enemy turn on the terror mission, rather than having the game on the background. We're looking into getting that bug fixed asap!
  16. Thanks for the heads-up, yeah I believe this is just a missing asset, but I'll bring this up with the team anyway, just in case
  17. Thanks, I believe this is a known issue but I'll double check it with the team
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