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Posts posted by MrAlex

  1. 10 hours ago, Komandos said:

    the main strategic resource that contributes to victory should not be money, but new knowledge and technology.

    This is more typical of the Aftermath series. Where the player was given everything in the missions and almost nothing had to be bought. I did not like this approach. In real life, you have to pay for everything, and nothing is given for free, so the existing gaming economy is more relevant. 

    It would be even better if the ammunition for the weapon had to be made separately and they were not endless.

  2. 9 hours ago, Komandos said:

    I like to play big missions of 20-24 people against 20-40-60 aliens.

    Disagree. In the middle of the game, there are enough aliens on missions. 16 soldiers is more than enough. Even 12 soldiers are enough for a comfortable game. We have a tactical game here, not a battle of two armies.

  3. 3 hours ago, Alienkiller said:

    There only work a limitation of Bases worldwide and different sizes. 1 or 2 can maximum Big, others have to be Maximum Medium Size.

    Like I said, I have testet it in several Versions and it don´t belong what you do, the Money and Material is low. If you have 3 big Bases you can´t build up more and half Earth is undefended. 

    Players must decide for themselves which bases they need, large or small. They must also learn to manage their money properly. The game should not make any restrictions to simplify base management.
    This is a strategy, here the player must be able to develop a gaming economy and find new sources to increase money (sale of modern weapons, fighters, construction to improve offices, etc.)

    • Like 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, Komandos said:

    All vehicles must contain a pilot (s). Then it will be the same soldier, only "better armored". But if the tank occupies 3x3, then the firepower of 9 soldiers instead of 1 tank should be higher.


    That's right, every vehicle needs a pilot. As the developers said, it is controlled by the pilot of the aircraft. The initial aircraft has one pilot, Pegasus - two, Valkyrie 3 pilots.

    Each vehicle occupies one tile like a soldier.

  5. It would be convenient to add the ability to create a group of soldiers (a platoon, as in the army). So that with a few clicks we could replace the whole team on dropship.
    For example, if a team returns from a task and they have more than 50% stress, the player needs to replace it all. If it consists of 16 soldiers the player must make 32 clicks to send this team to rest and another 32 clicks to load a new team (64 clicks).
    In the suggested idea, the player will be able to send a whole team/platoon to the barracks with one click, and load another platoon into the transport with another click. This option can be added for transport.

    This is what it might look like


    Team 1.jpg


    • Like 3
  6. The proposed idea is not suitable but it contributed to another idea:
    It would be convenient to add the ability to create a group of soldiers (a platoon, as in the army). So that with a few clicks we could replace the whole team.
    For example, if a team returns from a task and they have more than 50% stress, the player needs to replace it all. If it consists of 16 soldiers the player must make 32 clicks to send this team to rest and another 32 clicks to load a new team (64 clicks).
    In the suggested idea, the player will be able to send a whole platoon to the barracks with one click, and load another platoon into the transport with another click. (2-4 clicks) This option can be added for transport.

    • Like 1
  7. How many soldiers are in transport in your screenshot?
    In the game we are discussing, a maximum of 16 soldiers are available during the mission. Moreover, we have a different face for each soldier, unlike the old game where all units were clones. Therefore, the division of the team by ammunition is enough. And if you have a few special soldiers, it's not so hard to remember their names or faces.

  8. @Komandos When building a new Base, you can decide for yourself what to use it for. I do not see any benefit in the fact that the developers will make restrictions for the player. We try to follow the original X-Com game. It was special precisely because the player decided everything himself.
    Any simplification of the gameplay (endless ammunition for weapons of soldiers, vehicles, fighters, etc.) make the game less interesting. That's why I think simplifying Base management is a bad idea.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Komandos said:

    Why the failure? The bad thing is that you can fire more bullets from a pistol with a few clicks on the trigger than you can do in a single burst from a machine gun. The machine gun must fire more bullets per turn than all other weapons.

    The pistol can fire 5 shots provided the soldier is not moving. The rifle can fire 6 times (2 times by three shots). That's why I proposed to reduce the cost of TU for the machine gun to 50%. Although, it would probably be more correct to add a firing mode with more shots and a higher TU cost.

  10. 1 hour ago, Komandos said:

    Вы также можете раскрасить броню, чтобы выделить отдельных солдат и отряды.

    Каждый вид брони и так имеет разные текстуры в бою, зачем их еще красить? 

  11. 15 hours ago, Alienkiller said:

    What makes me very angry is, that People which haven´t testet a new Feature say we don´t need or that.

    I think the developers spent a lot of time on this, although they could have solved the problem in a simpler way. I definitely do not need it, although perhaps among the new audience there will be fans of this, we'll see.

  12. I use the reflex only for shotgans. This is especially useful against rippers.

    I give roles to soldiers on the following principle:
    Good reflex and a lot of TU = shotgan,
    Good accuracy = riffle men
    good strength and average accuracy = sniper (my snipers carry medikits and lots of grenades)
    good strength and a lot of TU = rocketer (1 or 2 per team if there is no MARS)

    I do not use machine gunners because of poor accuracy and high cost of %TU on shot. For suppressing the enemy is more effective to use flash grenades. They act on a larger area, accurate and spend less TU. And they can be equipped with all soldiers, regardless of role.


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