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Everything posted by Gulskjegg

  1. I made a post a while ago asking if Xenonauts 2 would be coming out in 2023. The answer is obvious, but I feel like asking again.
  2. I will upload some screenshots next time I play.
  3. When using the rifle in combat mode. Fire select option has the typo.
  4. I was going to complain that you are ugly and your mother dresses you funny but that wouldn't help the game become more immersive.
  5. Would it be possible to add an homage to the original game by including an End Game scenario where the enemy sets up a base or bases on Ceres and/or 3753 Cruithne. There was something special about setting up the perfect team, then dispatching them to Mars.
  6. About 70%+ of my new recruits are female. More than a bit immersion breaking. Unless this is some sort of ESG shill, maybe it should be set to a more realistic 10% to 20% female rate of the original Xenonauts.
  7. A typo where selecting BURST FIRE is spelled as "BIRST FIRE"
  8. Out of respect for the original game, which I loved, and the fact that I paid into the Kickstarter for X2, I will refrain from expressing too much disappointment.
  9. Been waiting literal years since the crowdfunding effort. I see lots of betas, but have no idea if any of them are actually playable, so I don't want to invest my time. Is the game expected to be FULLY released this year?
  10. I have the original game in my Steam library, and just added UFO2 to my wishlist. While I greatly prefer the more "realistic" approach of Xenonauts, UFO2 will be a nice distraction for now.
  11. Well, I guess I will focus my attention on the Rome Total War remaster coming out next month and then Starfield for the holiday season. Hopefully. If and when X2 does have an actual release, I'll try it again.
  12. I support you guys, and paid for X1 and X2, but currently, the X2 Beta is unplayable. I really enjoy X2, but it is a bug-ridden nightmare that CTDon a regular basis, but Baldur's Gate 3 Beta has nowhere near as many issues. . It has been quite a while, so can we get any kind of roadmap or release date within 3+/- months?
  13. I started a new game and the bug went away.
  14. It was possible to edit the stats of newly recruited troops in X1, I have found no way to do so in X2. I was able to edit weapon TU cost, but nothing else.
  15. I set up my primary base in North America, then built a second base in South America. I am unable to build any facilities at the South American base, in spite of having plenty of funds to do so. I do get a red box but when I click on the base overhead I get a warning of existing structure and no power.
  16. I reference a Steam forum post that references a GOG post. https://steamcommunity.com/app/538030 The GOG page shows the March 14th, 2020 release date. https://www.gog.com/game/xenonauts_2
  17. I opened Steam this morning and saw a 3GB+/- patch downloading for Xenonauts 2. Is this the final patch before the scheduled March 14th (?) release date?
  18. I received my unlock code, and upon playing the game, it seems to be similar to the XSolla version. When might we see a Gold or RTM release?
  19. I got the game installed on Steam with no problems. While I would like to see GOG get some of the profits, I doubt it would be worth the aggravation for them to sort my issue out. They have bigger fish to fry. I am content to fiddle with the game and hope a Gold release comes out this year.
  20. I would have actually preferred a GOG code, but mine did not work on GOG.
  21. Thank you for the reply. I will try to redeem the code on GOG. Edit: I was able to use the unlock code on Steam.
  22. I opened my XSolla - Goldhawk launcher and it began a 3.3GB update. I may be wrong, but I think I ordered the game delivery via GOG, but I do not see the early access option on the GOG page. Same goes with Steam. I guess we wait for the Gold release before we see it on GOG or Steam? Oh, and congrats on the release candidate!
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