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Everything posted by Chris

  1. @Cohali @foxfire so this bug should theoretically be fixed in Milestone 1.24 that is on the Experimental branch. Can you let us know whether it works for you? Details about the patch and how to change branches are in the changelog below:
  2. This is the second half of today's stability patch for Xenonauts 2. We're concerned these fixes may potentially introduce new bugs into the game, so we're releasing this build onto our Experimental branches before we push them out to everyone on the standard branches. Milestone 1.24 can be accessed by switching onto our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here). However, please be aware that Experimental builds have slower load times and worse general performance than normal builds, as they contain a lot of extra logging to help us find and fix crashes when they occur! Milestone 1.24 Changelog: Item sell prices now increase / decrease correctly per item sold even if you sell in a stack, meaning there is no longer any benefit to hoarding items in your stores to sell all at once. The items on escort UFOs are now also recovered if you win the crash site. This means you can now get the bonus Alloys and the Fighter Datacore items when you shoot down a UFO that has alien Fighter escorts. Added a new settings option to disable Camera Edge Scrolling in the tactical combat (i.e. the camera moving if you put the mouse near the edge of the screen). Fixed an issue where the game would fail to load up at all if the /My Documents/ directory was inaccessible for some reason. Fixed a bug where the Cleaner Cell missions would not register when a unit carrying the VIP steps into a dropship for the first time, and did not automatically end the mission with victory like it should (although it did register if that soldier moved a second time within the dropship). Fixed an issue where you could stack Extra Armour modules on the MARS if you were playing in a non-English version of the game. Fixed an AI hang that could occur during the alien turn. Attempted to fix the lockups some people were experiencing in the strategy section of the tutorial. It would be greatly appreciated if people were able to switch over to the Experimental branch and let us know if they encounter any problems with the new build!
  3. "Impossible" was probably an exaggeration, yeah. But I think the change is still worthwhile
  4. Thanks. Can you maybe send me an example of a save file that's is doing this for you? Because I tested it yesterday where I loaded the same save five times and the memory usage stayed the same. But you're right that there is definitely a memory leak in the game, so I'm just wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
  5. Thanks. I've not tested your save but I'm pretty sure it should be fixed in the most recent update (1.23b). If not then please let me know!
  6. Yeah. Thanks for posting up the bug nice and quickly, it stopped us leaving a broken build live for too long. We've got a save game that causes the crash now, so we can fix it and re-release later today!
  7. Thanks. Can you attach the save game? Was it perhaps because you got two popups when your interceptors reached the UFOs? We've had reports of that happening to some people, and it does cause a crash because it's trying to process the same battle twice.
  8. Restarting Steam works too. Thanks for the info regarding the Cleaner Base!
  9. Thanks guys. I've reverted back to 1.22 for now and we'll take a look and see if we can figure out what's going wrong.
  10. Thanks. That's really strange, I can load those saves fine. Can you try reinstalling the game? looks like it might maybe be corrupted?
  11. Thanks. Sure, I'm happy to look into this. You can just attach it to your post here, and please attach the saves as well for me to check.
  12. Thanks. Yeah, ENDGAME isn't accessible in this build of the game (the day 180 pop-up should have said that). It'll be coming in a future update!
  13. Hmmm. We've fixed a similar bug but it was happening prior to the Main Menu screen loading, so it sounds like you're encountering something different. We're happy to look into it though. Would you be able to switch to the debug beta branch (right-click on the game >> Properties >> Betas) and try it there? If it crashes, can you send over the output.log? That might tell us what is going wrong. Details on where to find that are in the sticky at the top of the forum.
  14. Hey, sorry to hear you're having issues. Can you try deleting your game files and reinstalling? If that doesn't work then it'd be great if you could post up a save for me to check. The saves are in My Documents/My Games/Xenonauts 2/
  15. We've released another stability patch for the Early Access version of Xenonauts 2. We'll be releasing two patches today, and this is the "safe" update that everyone will recieve immediately. The second update will come in a few hours and will arrive on our Experimental branches for some testing before general release - but we'll explain that in full when we release it! Milestone 1.23 Changelog: The random number generator seed is now randomised by default when you load a save, as the saved seed appeared to be confusing some players. Saved games will no longer play out exactly the same way every time when you load them, unless you manually deselect the "Reset Seed" checkbox in the bottom right of the Load Game screen (doing this is often important if you're testing to try and reproduce a bug). Fixed a crash at the end of Terror Sites and Landed UFO missions that would occur if the mission timed out while the dropship was in flight towards it (you can now just continue playing those saves). Fixed a crash that would occur if you were holding Shift while attempting to use a grenade or medikit. EDIT - this build was temporarily reverted due to breaking save games, but has now returned in a fixed version named Milestone 1.23b,
  16. Yeah, GOG was having server issues again when we were uploading the build so we couldn't update GOG. However we're releasing a new patch today and GOG should be working again now.
  17. @Cohali @foxfire I think we have a fix for this which we should push in the next 24 hours on the Experimental branch. I'll ping you when we do and hopefully you can check if it works!
  18. That's actually an incredibly helpful post, thanks for taking the time to type it all out for us.
  19. Thanks. This bug is one we’ll hopefully have a fix for shortly. However in future please create new threads for your bugs!
  20. Hey - thanks for the message. I'll have a chat to the programmers this morning and see what they think, but my suspicion is if you know the cause of the crash already then the logs won't tell us anything new. It just becomes a discussion about how we deal with it (assuming we actually can do anything about it).
  21. This is only a minor update to the game, but it may help players that are struggling with the early-game Cleaner missions. We're working hard on fixing the remaining crashes in the game and hopefully we'll be releasing another stability patch tomorrow! Changelog: Reinforcements in the Cleaner missions now spawn less frequently - the initial wave of reinforcements still spawn at the same time as before, but now you have 5 turns before another wave of reinforcements spawn (previously this was 2 turns). This means fighting through the reinforcements to finish the mission should now potentially be possible. Fixed an error in the "Armour Destruction" tooltip that was making it unreadable. Removed any reference to "Closed Beta" from the game version to prevent confusion.
  22. Thanks for the report. Are any of the crashes reproducible? Like if you are having a crash during the alien turn, do you have a save from the end of the turn where it will always crash? If so then I'm sure we can fix it fairly easily. If not, perhaps you could switch onto the "debug" beta branch (I can tell you how to access that if you need) and play for a bit on that, then post up here when you get a crash with the logs and saves? That would probably give us what we need to fix those issues quickly.
  23. Hi - so our publishers are in charge of this sort of thing, but I think there is at least one store that does it. Some of the streamers that covered the game are sponsored by them. I think it's Gamesplanet maybe?
  24. The logic is slightly different. Penetration basically just reduces Armour prior to the damage calculation, so the Mentarch effectively has 20 Armour - and then the lowest roll would be 20 damage, which should cause no damage. I suspect the 2 damage is either because someone shot the Mentarch first and took it down to 23 Armour, or there's a minor issue with the ordering of armour destruction and that is being applied prior to the damage calculation.
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