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Everything posted by Shima

  1. I'd say 10 tile range for grenades is way too short. I'd go with 15-18 + bonus for strength (up to 20 tiles total).
  2. Here's an idea, you could have shoutout to premium preorderers in the endgame credits! I'm sure those guys who paid $500+ in kickstarter campaign won't mind I'm just happy I was able to support this game early and now I can see my extra $10 went towards making a great game!
  3. This happens every time you load a game inside tactical mission. I've encountered this with light scout, scout and corvette so far. I usually can enter them afterwards, but the roof doesn't dissapear and aliens see me and shoot at me through walls of the ufo. And you can't shoot the aliens back, because when you mouseover them, the aiming reticle targets whole ufo instead of the alien and your bullets fly to the northest corner of the ufo. But I managed to kill those bastards by aiming behind the ufo and putting them in trajectory of my bullets So only way to not get this bug is abstain from loading during missions. Which gives my savescumming nature a big headache
  4. Hmmm I don't recall many of such situations in the old game. But I have a plenty of them in this build, since aliens always charge at me from their UFO and reserve their TU's for reaction fire when I get near. In the old game they usually fired a couple shots and then withdrew away from my LOS.
  5. Can aliens hear you? Because I've had several occasions in V18 where I watch an ufo from afar for a few turns and nothing happens. But when I approach it and get to a certain distance and end my turn, 1 or 2 aliens run out of it towards me (not necessarily, sometimes they run away from me), reserve few tu's for reaction fire and then just stand there and end their turn. At which point I utilise this.
  6. What exploit? Having 90-100 strength on all of my team after about 25 battles is completely normal. They just excercise a lot in between missions But seriously, the soldiers level up like mad. +1/2 TU, ST and resilience after nearly every mission makes them superhuman fast. Still, having one of my superhumans completely disintegrate after being hit by plasma cannon was fun! Just a bit of blood and destroyed pieces of equipment were left on the ground. Excellent! And yeah, the frag grenades are quite underwhelming when it comes to damage. I ignored the hit chance when throwing because its quite messed up on most occasions (I get a lot of 0% where I don't think I should) and then I was surprised it managed to land precisely where I wanted few times in a row.
  7. I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended, but the aliens target ther reaction fire exclusively on the xenonaut soldier who "disturbed" them. Example: I had 2 soldiers 1 tile away from a Sebillian and a sniper about 15 tiles away. Trying to shoot the sebilian with one of my close soldiers would cause him to fire back and kill the soldier. But if I shoot him with my sniper, the Sebillian ignores my two soldiers, reactionfires back at the sniper and usually misses. Which depletes his TU pool and makes it very easy to kill him with my 2 soldiers next to him. This is very easily exploitable.
  8. Yeah well 20 alenium per corsair is not really any pain when I have about 100 in stock after I sold a few hundred... I didn't notice plasma weapons eating any alenium so I guess I have to wait for further tiers. Not having necessary materials listed in workshop screen as of yet is a bit confusing
  9. Well I don't have any soldiers stationed in the second base. Just aircraft (I edited my earlier post to list my aircraft there). That saves quite a bit of money. But I plan on having some soldiers there eventually... About the dissapearing equipment bug: I managed to evade that one completely by striping wounded soldiers of everything of value for a day or two when they are about to be completely healed. I usually leave a few grenades or something or them (anything that is available in infinite amount) to see when the bug kicks in and I can equip them again. I managed to go until end of december without any of my valuable equipment missing so far.
  10. You have a point there. Nation funding is so small that building another base to save 3 more regions or so never actually pays off. Although I was able to shoot down more ufos from my second base and get more money from loot... But I'm too lazy to make a proper balance and see if it is profitable or not Edit: On the other hand, having 1 corsair + 1 foxtrot in one base and 2 condors + 1 foxtrot in the second made almost impossible to kill any landingships that came around. I had to shoot all alenium missiles/torpedoes I had, return to base, rearm and quickly go after it again to actually kill it.
  11. What is alenium used for? I must have missed it somewhere. I use it mainly as a backup resource for cash. Which month do you guys think is best for building a second base? Cash is quite tight in this build and I wasn't able to build second base until december or so. I have a gripe with cannons on fighters. They shoot down ufo fighters quite easily, but every medium+ ufo I encounter just laughs at them. Especially when I get gatling lasers. I expected more firepower (and different sound effects) than autocannon but both have completely same damage (about 30% health of a corvette after some serious dogfighting). I know cannons are not meant to be used against bigger ufos but not being able to kill cruiser with 96% dmg after I unload all my plasma rockets and torpedoes into it is just aaaargh! Edit: I think Heavy fighter missiles should have more fuel. It's very cool that they circle around for second pass at you but then they run out of fuel and you don't need to react to them for second time. Forcing player to alter his trajectory and use afterburner/dodge to get out of their reach when they come back at him would be really nice.
  12. Is there any limit to how far you can throw a grenade? I've been able to throw several grenades in a row over good half of terror mission map and land them precisely where I aimed (target reticle told me I have 1% hit chance).
  13. Footsteps can't be heard on snow terrain in general. Both day and night missions. Light drone reaction fire didn't play any sound as well.
  14. I've been going through the game for past few days and I'm really enjoying it. Apart from bugs (everything I've encountered is already mentioned in Bug Reports section) I have trouble reading xenopedia articles in 1366x768 resolution (text is really tiny). But the research reports are great! Very good job, Chris! I love the occasional jabs at engineering and I've had a good laugh reading about Dr. Gusikov and his nuclear reactor history
  15. Whoa this is awesome combination of the two fanart suggestions! I am stunned! Thank you Max_Caine, your contributions are simply great (Henry Ponciano rocks) I think there should be fanart section on the official media page of the game or something, because these pictures are simply too atmospheric and beautiful to be seen by just the forum dwellers!
  16. My suggestion would be a few xenonaut soldiers sitting in the back of a chinook, returning home after not-so-successful mission. Few injuries here and there, some plasma burns on their armour and two bodybags on the floor with scorched helmets on top of them. Everybody looks grim. Fighting aliens is not easy thing to do and losing your friends is something you never get used to...
  17. I support HWP's idea. I think there should be at least some walls visible (northern ones), otherwise it seems like the soldiers are walking on top of a floor plan and not inside the actual UFO.
  18. I always change armours in the armoury as well. If you need clear view of soldier's HP on first glance, how about making the chinook/wounded/unassigned bar filling up with colour, thus representing how many of total HP soldier has? Like a loading bar.
  19. The notifications of bleeding soldiers would be kinda annoying.. I'd propose just one notification "Soldier X suffered critical hit, has Y bleeding wounds" when a soldier gets hit and then just simple blood drop icon (with a number next to it to indicate count of bleeding wounds) on the soldier's portrait when you click on him.
  20. The overkill treshold is fine as it is. Players simply need to be aware of the fact that they can't use rockets do finish off damaged ufo.
  21. $154,695! What a nice round number Great success! I'm really glad it ended so well.
  22. Congratulations! 300% of original goal is very nice sum!
  23. it's in the faq on the kickstarter page. chris@xenonauts.com
  24. Update #13 made me very happy! Russian tilesets are cool and much desired variety, but tileset specific AI soldiers is what I want most from all the stretch goals! I'm glad Chris wants them too
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