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Posts posted by Charon

  1. 3 hours ago, PALU said:

    Concerning the 24 hours, I'd rather see it as the killer gets the first pick, and it doesn't really mesh with bombing the sites to have the governments pick through the sites otherwise. However, an idea is to say that UFOs occasionally are taken down by local forces, and even crash seemingly on their own for unknown reasons (well, you know what they are...), and in those cases local authorities claim those. Maybe in the crash site entry?

    Sure my idea on that might not be the strongest one.

    3 hours ago, PALU said:

    @Charon I think showing the Harridan and Wraith entries at phase 4 is way too late, as the player should know everything of interest by that time, so it would only be a nice picture at that stage, so phase 2 is still my preference.

    Well .. ok. But make sure to overly point out that the future units have not been encountered and those drafts are drawn after some documents wraith/harridans had knowledge on.

    When you you are ready i need you to tell me exactly when you want which entry to get triggered.
  2. 1 hour ago, PALU said:

    The problem with the Harridan and Wraith Lore++ description is that they cover the whole time span in one image. However, given that the (very nice) images are fixed, I think phase 2 is the right place for them, even though it reveals the future appearance of more advanced troop versions not encountered yet (hm, maybe a line about interrogations revealing their existence?).

    But the images are nicely split into 2 instances. What keeps us from using one for phase 2 and the advanced for phase 4 ?

    Edit: And the Wraith and Harridan images can be phase 4 exclusive.

    1 hour ago, PALU said:

    Changing the trigger point for "Laser Mass Production" would be very useful and would work well with:

    Already did.

    @PALUI just thought that your Mass Weapon entry nicely explains why we hastily send 8 soldiers on a UFO missions and only the ones we shoot down. Because other governments would claim everything else after a 24 hours, as they are not directly happy about us taking what we can. So we are a bit "covered ops" and "semi-official". People know about us but dont really talk about us.

  3. 1 hour ago, PALU said:

    - Research Mission states that the craft land frequently, but I don't think that's the case anymore?

    In the beginning they land frequently ( up  to 200 ATP ). But in reality they can land throughout the game. The ships that can land ( lightscout, shuttle, scouts, corvettes, landingships ) are usually the ones which are shot down first due to them being easier to get down ( than carriers or battleships for instance ). Due to this the frequency of landing UFOs tends towards 0.

    1 hour ago, PALU said:

    - Laser Mass Production is present in the OP Endgame save, but not in mine (phase 2/3 transition). The laser weapons mentioned have appeared for a fair while in my game, but the ship refitting is gradual. If the text appears at a late stage it's fitting to say refitting of the largest ships is almost complete (which is what it does currently). Ideally the laser weapon stuff should appear earlier, with the refitting stuff appearing late, but I assume this is not an option.

    The Laser Mass Production is something triggered by a Carrier Datacore, or a Battleship Datacore. Both are something around Phase 4. Way too late, i agree.

    I will change the trigger requirements to be set to any basic Phase 2 UFO: Researches.AlienMediumScoutDatacore(OR)Researches.AlienStrikeCorvetteDatacore(OR)Researches.AlienLandingDatacore. With this you are basically getting the notice as soon as you raid a Phase 2 UFO, then there is the random delay, then the UFO entry, random delay, and then this entry.

    I would like the Laser refitting to become a general weapon refitting. After 50% of the current Phase has passed local forces are getting refitted with MK1 versions of the current tech. This includes all weapon types, ballistic and energy, of the current technology. You can rename the entry from "Laser Mass Production" to something like "Weapon Mass Production"

    "Aliens almost finished refitting UFOs" should become "a continues refitting of bigger and better UFOs for athmospheric flight".

    1 hour ago, PALU said:

    - Bombing Run Mission seems to fail to appear. Present neither in OP Endgame or my save, as far as I can tell. I haven't tried to find out why.

    Because the UFO that triggers the entry isnt in X-Division. Ive added the code to an additional file for X-Division: mission_researches.xml
    It gets triggered right after the first Bombing Run UFO is sent on its mission, which can happen as soon as 150 ATP.

    1 hour ago, PALU said:

    The class analysis entries cause some trouble, because they really reveal too much (or at least too early), at least for the wraiths and harridans. Levels encountered at later phases are described, as well as the non existent "officer", and the terror troops are missing. This is how I've tried to "repair" those:

    We can trigger them when you like, however you like it. Whether you want to fix the entries an/or change the timing is up to your decision. Just keep in mind we cant change the image, so the image with soldiers should get triggered in phase 2, while the one with elites in phase 4.

    The "Officier" class exists, but is actually not researchable for the game. They either drop the normal corpse, or they drop an officier corpse which doesnt hold any research value ( like the harridan one ). Officiers have the same sprites as the normal ones and dont behave any differently other than being used for different purposes by the game. Maybe you can describe them as slightly more disciplined or having slightly more authority without actually being objectively different.


    Thank you ^^.



    updated X-Division 1.00.10


    • X-Divison has gone the step to replace vanilla files. There has been an original file added for every replaced one in case you want to deinstall the mod. In case of doubt make a reinstall of the game or verify game integrity through steam.
    • You only need to download and install the latest Patch avaialble, it contains all prior fixes as well.
    • The .01 to .10 patch is NOT savegame compatible. If you want to make it savegame compatible you need to make a backup of your researches.xml, run the installer, and immediately copy your backup over the new file again. You will miss out on the fixed researches but you can continue the campaign.
    • As a basic rule, never patch during Ground Combat



    1. The Base for this patch has to be version 1.00.00 or higher. This update is not available for versions lower than 1.00.00 .
    2. Download the X-Division 1.00.10 Update:
      ( MD5: b1e6f424099089f6fcaaed6539fe277e )
    3. Deactivate your ANTIVIRUS/UAC program(s), it can intervene with the installation. As soon as the installation finishes you can activate it again.
    4. Start the executable provided in the file. Follow the instruction of the installer
    5. After you have used the installer there is no need to change ANYTHING anymore, everything has been taken care of, including scripts, modloader priority, and everything else you may think of. The only time you might want to change something is if you are activating/deactivating No Airgame or change the soldier models. Enjoy :).


    Dunno, i changed a lot. These are the things i can remember:

    • Fixed some bugs around the Roborex
    • Roborex explosion on death no longer causes overdamage
    • Roborex explosion radius decreased from 6 to 4.5
    • Halfed kinetic armour for semi-shield roboreaper. Their weak point should now be weaker
    • Halfed energy armour for melee roboreapers. Their weak point should now be weaker
    • added mitigation to human stun gas
    • added one loading tip
    • improved the AI of Drones a bit
    • most importantly added X-Divison Palu's Shining Xenopedia to the game
    • 7 new categories for the soldier equipment screen
    • I think i also added the latest Monument IV map by Svinedrengen to the map pool
    • new mod: Nerf The AI: The aliens have less sightrange, deal 20% less damage and have 10% lower stats.
    • new mod: X-Divison Don't Die On Me ! :If your soldier doesnt blow up, takes a minigun point blank or gets left behind he WILL survive the mission.
    • new mod: X-Divison Easy Airgame: Did you ever wanted to try out the manual combat but were put off by the difficulty ? Look no further, this is what you need. UFOs have 50% less hp, while your aircraft are 20% faster and have a 20% further range. Additionally the refuel, rearm, repair and recovery rate are 30% faster.
      Only TOGGLE this during a Geoscape save.
      The Xenopedia page doesnt correctly display UFO hp values with this. Its 37.5% for the lowest difficulty and 50% for all other difficulties of the displayed hp values.
    • new mod: X-Divison Slower Invasion: The Invasion escalates 25% slower.

    @PALU @Svinedrengen @Dagar 



    • Thanks 1
  5. I need some help. It looks like the Xenopedia doesnt take the   <ufoHealthEasy                 value="0.75" /> into account when displaying the hp for UFOs. Can somebody clean his scripts, start a New Game and quickly get a UFOs Xenopedia page. You can quickly do this with the Xenonauts_gc_editor.exe. Press "V" to win the mission.

    Edit: @PALU I also would like to see an empty line inbetween Disassemble and the lore part of UFO entries.



    The Light Scout is a highly manoeuvrable alien craft that seems to be used primarily for scouting missions. Its hull is remarkably resilient, given its almost flimsy looking thinness. This craft is equipped with a beam weapon.
    Picking the Light Scout clean in our research, we have come up with a protocol for extracting further components beyond those readily removable for the craft when it is recovered (unless those are destroyed in the crash or battle, of course). Unfortunately, devising the disassembly protocol isn't a perfect process, so the trial-and-error involved resulted in all of the parts from the examined craft to be damaged beyond repair. We can expect the same thing to happen with all disassembly protocol processes: the first sample will not yield any components.
    Our disassembly protocol will yield 1 Alien Control System, 1 Light Engine, 1 Alien Computer, and one Light Weapon System, as well as 2 units of Alien Alloys and 1 of Alenium.



    The Light Scout is a highly manoeuvErable alien craft that seems to be used primarily for scouting missions. Its hull is remarkably resilient, given its almost flimsy looking thinness. This craft is equipped with a beam weapon.
    Picking the Light Scout clean in our research, we have come up with a protocol for extracting further components beyond those readily removable for the craft when it is recovered (unless those are destroyed in the crash or battle, of course). Unfortunately, devising the disassembly protocol isn't a perfect process, so the trial-and-error involved resulted in all of the parts from the examined craft to be damaged beyond repair. We can expect the same thing to happen with all disassembly protocol processes: the first sample will not yield any components.

    Our disassembly protocol will yield 1 Alien Control System, 1 Light Engine, 1 Alien Computer, and one Light Weapon System, as well as 2 units of Alien Alloys and 1 of Alenium.

    Makes things more structured.

  6. 2 hours ago, PALU said:

    Edit: Hm, I just unlocked the Alien Leader Interrogation, and it doesn't quite hang together. The latter half seems to assume we have actually caught a Praetor, while this research can be unlocked by a Sebillian, so I think the mind control part should be moved to Praetor interrogation, especially given that it's only flavor, although a hint about the mind control power might be suitable.

    Go for it !

  7. About the Xenomorph Lore:

    Xenomorphs are asexual and not actually meant to reproduce ( thank god ). However, the "Prime One Exemplary" actually tricked and developed a secret process to actually reproduce ... Fachuggers. It passed down this knowledge to other Empresses, and those later passed it on genetically to later would-be-Queens ( which in turn can become an Empress after time ). These "Eggs" are stored normally within Praetorian stomachs, and later spit out on the battlefield to fully hatch and evolve in the known facehuggers. Very rarely Warriors can harbour an egg too, Drones however are way too small for that. These Facehuggers are ill adapted to terrestrial conditions however and die due to oxygen poisoning very quickly. However if it finds one ore more hosts they rapidly evolve into premature royal praetorian and after that very quickly into premature queens. It looks to be a very unstable cascade of morphing and it is unsure how stable the evolutions are, but it represents a valid solution to keep the reproduction a secret and at the same time have a soon mature queen ready to lay more eggs ( preferable in a safe spot ).
    The other alien races are not aware of this, as the higher ups havent seen this yet, and the lower ones dont ask questions about it. Once a Facehugger runs wild in an alien ship the crew will fully get assimilated and the UFO crashes. The higher ranking Praetors will simply think that this was a human intervention and won´t pay any attention to it.
    Xenomorphs unlike other creatures are genetically engineered and are psionically immune to any kind of mind control or interference. On a certain level you can say they are the Praetors most dangerous natural enemies.
    Creating Xenomorphs might have been the Praetors biggest mistake, never mind the human war.


    I dont know how much of that you can integrate into the Lore, since if the aliens dont know about this, how should humans do ? Nevertheless this is the real lore behind it. It is basically a prequel of the Alien VS Predator genre, although that lies far beyond the X-Division timeline, maybe even beyond a X-Division 2 timeline. These are very very early stages of Xenomorphs.


    43 minutes ago, PALU said:

    I've mostly stayed away from Lore++ as I didn't know how it behaves. I then assume you intend to load it before my file, and that causes the Lore++ version to be overridden if I've got an entry, and that the images will still be from the "real" version?

    Exactly. Just copy over the full entry of the thing you want to change and the change it. Maybe make a backup if you do something wrong before that.

  8. 58 minutes ago, PALU said:

    Power Sources: I was a bit unclear. I meant the actual items, where I've been wary of disassembling them in case they're needed to build something (think Goliath and control system downgrading disassembly). However, all other indications are that the power sources for vehicles and the like can be built as part of the vehicles themselves. There's a text about naked singularities having to be captured, though.

    You can add something like "Its safe to assume we dont need the reactors for future projects and can go ahead and disassemble them if we need the resources."


    58 minutes ago, PALU said:

    I've thought about getting the immature creature burst out to be described for the Xenomorph, and ought to do so. It really is a bit early to have it in the first entry, it hasn't been experienced yet usually (that would be after the first terror mission with them), but that's probably the best place.

    Honestly, it is not that common, and you could simply leave that information out. You dont have to explain everything, some things can be a surprise. Like the robosadist.

    But you can maybe go ahead and make a note of obvious human hosts for Xenomorphs, as well as Wraith hosts for Praetorian starting in Phase 2 ( if wasnt a facehugger infection ). You can also draw similarities between the rapid growth of facehugger hosts, and the rapid growth of a normal queen during battlefield conditions which leaves behind and old skin of the Praetorian. Btw the Empress is the "Prime One Exemplary" or the closest to it nevertheless.


    @PALUcan you also check on every Lore+ entry ? They are "mostly" correct but i would like you to go down on the nitty gritty and see if they are in line with X-Division lore 100%. If you find anything to correct simply copy over the entry to your file and change it.

    Also you can point out that the Asierus image is an old image where  they were still considered to be fast and agile single missile bombers, but got changed in the last second.

  9. 5 hours ago, PALU said:

    I've also added description based on your morphing image to the Reaper and Xeno DNA entries and corrected the reaper description (it said they'd burst out if zombies were killed, which I think is the base game behavior).

    Nice ! Yes, that they burst on death is vanilla behaviour, X-Division fixes this by making them killable before they hatch. Note however that the Facehugger hosts still bursts open on death in comparasion to reaper ones.

    5 hours ago, PALU said:

    I wasn't too happy about butchering a number of nice aircraft descriptions, but unfortunately, those nice descriptions described something completely different from what the aircraft had turned into.


    5 hours ago, PALU said:

    First grenade had 4, for some reason, but the rest seem to say 8 already?

    Yes, the rarity of toxing grenades dictated that change.

    5 hours ago, PALU said:

    When it comes to "another eye-pleasing format" the problem is that I don't know of any.

    How about you split a longer list into invisible categories ?


    Given our successes with the interrogation of lower ranking Engineers, we had high expectations on the outcome of this interrogation and weren't disappointed.
    • We have gained enough knowledge to be study an Alien Fusion Reactor and develop a disassembly protocol for it without blowing ourselves up. We're ready to start as soon as we have a sample to work on.
    • We are partway on the way to improve on the Ripper armour, but we need quite a few additional pieces of input, mostly in the form of various studies of Androns, but also the results of studying a Xenomorph Empress and additional information from a Sebillian Head Engineer.
    • An improvement on the Sentinel armour seems possible, but depends on us gaining control and design knowledge from Andron disassembly.
    • It should be possible to improve on the Direwolf armour assuming we have developed those blueprints, have studied an Andron Controller, and consulted the Sebillian Head Engineer.
    • The information provided should patch some of the information holes in our Mech development.
    • Assuming our manufacturing and control technologies are up to scratch and we have studied an Alien Fusion Reactor to power it, we should be able to produce an improved Light Tank.
    • We believe we can develop a better dropship assuming we have studied an Alien Fusion Reactor and an Alien Antigravity Generator to power it and keep it aloft, respectively. We also need manufacturing technology sufficient to produce the hull.


    Given our successes with the interrogation of lower ranking Engineers, we had high expectations on the outcome of this interrogation and weren't disappointed.
    • We have gained enough knowledge to be study an Alien Fusion Reactor and develop a disassembly protocol for it without blowing ourselves up. We're ready to start as soon as we have a sample to work on.
    • We are partway on the way to improve on the Ripper armour, but we need quite a few additional pieces of input, mostly in the form of various studies of Androns, but also the results of studying a Xenomorph Empress and additional information from a Sebillian Head Engineer.
    • An improvement on the Sentinel armour seems possible, but depends on us gaining control and design knowledge from Andron disassembly.
    • It should be possible to improve on the Direwolf armour assuming we have developed those blueprints, have studied an Andron Controller, and consulted the Sebillian Head Engineer.
    • The information provided should patch some of the information holes in our Mech development.
    • Assuming our manufacturing and control technologies are up to scratch and we have studied an Alien Fusion Reactor to power it, we should be able to produce an improved Light Tank.
    • We believe we can develop a better dropship assuming we have studied an Alien Fusion Reactor and an Alien Antigravity Generator to power it and keep it aloft, respectively. We also need manufacturing technology sufficient to produce the hull.


    This sorts the information into more digestable and logical parts for the reader. The categories here would be: Technical Equipment, Armour, Vehicles & Dropships.


    5 hours ago, PALU said:

    As far as I can tell, power sources of various complexity don't have any use,

    You mean the researches ? They serve as a ground work for a lot of other technologies i think.

  10. @PALU If you are still interested in updating the Xenoepdia there is a part in the Sonic Technology where i dont quite understand what you want to say. "However, we have some touch challenges ... ".

    • Ceasan Chief Engineer is missing a new line before the list. Also for better readability i would like to see a full line inbetween every list point. This concerns all technician, engineer, chief engineer and head chief entries.
    • The same goes for all specialists, an empty line before the list starts, as well as an empty line inbetween every point for better readability ( or another eye-pleasing format ).
    • Goliath Wreckage: You may hint at the fact that you actually need a goliath core to "maybe" construct a possible ultimate mech units or the sorts. Just maybe. So deconstruction "may" be "too early".
    • Advanced/Heavy/Extreme Chemical Grenades produce 8 human variants for every alien one. I think you will have to change the grenade entries for that.
    • Human Heavy Interceptor: "This craft is superiour to the Interceptor on all point" ( "... in all points " )


    Im impressed overall with the quality of the entries but especially how you handled the Xenomorph ones despite knowing so little about them. Full approval after the fact !

  11. 5 hours ago, Dagar said:

    Are you now counting the versions in binary? ;)

    Yes, the next one will be 1.00.11 :D. And 1.01.00 after that.

    No jokes aside the decadic number signifies that it is only save game compatible with its own number, while the first number counts the versions.

    5 hours ago, Dagar said:

    Also, what does the mitigation to human stun gas mean, exactly?

    On 8/26/2018 at 9:32 PM, Charon said:

    Yes, i added the mitigation values. Before i found out that incendiary/chemical armour doesnt decrease i saw less of a problem with it, because i counted on the fact that in a firefight all armour decreases eventually. With the new inisght i balanced the values out so that you on average have the same stun damage that you have in phase 1, eg. dmg increases and so does the stun threshold of aliens. Stun grenades are not there to stun aliens though as @PALU might have thought, they are rather position denying tools in X-Division arsenal. So making an alien stand in a stun cloud wont make him fall quickly, but smoking a corridor is an effective way to keep aliens from passing through unless they want to voluntarily get themself stunned. This works because stun is per tile, and standing in one tile wont net you as much as passing through 5 tiles in one turn.

    The change also affected units which were once susceptible to stun ( chemical ) damage and made them even more vulnerable to it ( since ... hard to explain but by basically mitigating the little chemical armour they have increased the proportional damage up to 300% ). Funny enough this affects Wraiths very hard, since they have very little chemical armour. On the other hand you would hardly see a wraith walking through a stun cloud since they basically tele everywhere they want to go anyway. So on paper the change is great against Wraiths, but in practice it hardly makes a difference. Its still a buff though.

    • Like 1
  12. 19 minutes ago, PALU said:

    If you think people's perception of this mod is dependent the legalese of whether it's actually part of this mod or technically is part of other mods that your installation sets up to include, I think you're wrong. They can have their money back regardless (which amounts to 0) and will probably base their impression on the totality regardless. If you think the legalese matters you should have a big disclaimer listing all the mods (potentially) used you're not actually responsible for. The ability to disable mods is a valid point, though.

    Apart from that there are countless legal reasons to do so. You could write "Heil Hitler" or "Fuck Blacks" into the Xpedia and i would have no clue. I would have to take responsibility for that, and remove it, propably to a way later date im no longer around. If i would integrate your content we would do the work, and then i would have to remove it again, and on top of that reinstate the old thing which i propably wont have anymore. If its just another mod i can simply, swiftly remove it from the download. This is also has the advantage that you can update your mod UNSUPERVISED. There is a reason why legal space between 2 parties is very beneficial. Both can act more independently while still enjoying the company ( and work ) of each other.

    25 minutes ago, PALU said:

    They can have their money back regardless (which amounts to 0) and will probably base their impression on the totality regardless

    I have a lot of control over that with the installer. I cant deactivate a merged file though.

  13. 18 minutes ago, PALU said:

    2-3 turns for recharge: again and again...

    but you can kill it ... you know that ?

    18 minutes ago, PALU said:

    Reporting bugs: Given the abuse I get when indicating there are error but being unable to provide you with your rather precise bug reports requirements, you shouldn't be surprised I avoid the abuse and let you live in the illusion of perfection.

    What keeps you from adding two screenshots to your text ? I just spend an hour fixing the toborex bug, can you spend the time to make 2 screenshots added to your text ?

    19 minutes ago, PALU said:

    Still, that doesn't get around the responsibility part, but I don't understand how you creating a mod would get around that.

    Its perception of the user. If they know that a different mod adds the Xenopedia they 1. Won´t judge the mod by its Xpedia entries, but will think its nice when they like it, 2. Won´t take things too literally from the Xpedia because they know its from a third party 3. Won´t say its X-Divisions fault for providing wrong information as we always can say that we cant check on a third party mod, its your responsibility, or you can also turn it off. Its important for the user to bring across that information.

    23 minutes ago, PALU said:

    Are the modifications in xenopedia.xml for the current version of this mod or the probably not going to happen future updated one?

    1. I dont have the "current" version anymore. I only have all the future ones. Which people will get their hands on (unofficially ) as soon as you tell me whether or not you still wanna change something in the Xpedia before i do that.

  14. 5 hours ago, PALU said:

    The reason I really don't like the robosadist is that it's extremely annoying as you're locked up turn after turn waiting for it to respawn again and again

    ? Waiting ? Its pretty straightforward, first the shield, then the non-shield, and then you have 2/3 turns for the recharge.

    5 hours ago, PALU said:

    Finally it kills the game when a non existent bug freezes it when the robosadist attacks the ground vehicle

    Fixed: weapons_gc.xml .Why dont you make a bug report, than i can fix those things. X-Division gets as bug free as such reports are handed in. Thank you for the heads up nevertheless.

    5 hours ago, PALU said:

    My first preference would be just integration as part of the mod,

    1. Transfering a 1000 entries by hand is too much work for me, but thats not the main point
    2. I would have to take responsibility and manage the content. I cant take responsibility for such huge content.

    5 hours ago, PALU said:

    the second one integration as part of Lore++

    We cant chime into another persons mod.

    5 hours ago, PALU said:

    but an additional mod would work.

    Thats what i am talking about.

    5 hours ago, PALU said:

    - The Predator armor is described as being impervious to gas, so it came as a surprise when alien stun gas knocked the solider out (and Harridans ought to be immune to non corrosive gas as well). I suspect the units can't be fixed, in which case the description ought to be.

    A lot of this Lore is still taken from the base game, so it should be taken with a grain of salt. The predator armour being described as "gas immune" is from the vanilla game where there were no gases strong enough to circumvent it. Now in X-Division a lot of things change up and i would say those units are "strongly resistant" but not "immune". You still wanna change this ?

    5 hours ago, PALU said:

    - If I remember correctly, the Predator is described as giving the soldier the strength of 3 men. As far as I can see it supports itself, but there's no extra carrying capacity, so there's a lot of unused space there (on my units, as they carry miniguns with some ammo and med packs [so other units can use them]). I hadn't gotten access to that armor when I updated the text.

    Forget the vanilla text, look at the armours.xml.

    5 hours ago, PALU said:

    - The Predator text indicates you should be able to walk through walls like enemy units can, but I've only managed to march through fences rather than jumping them (which at least allows you to clear the way for shield bearers).

    Thats not a problem with the armour, but with the props not being coded correctly. @Svinedrengen and i are currently looking at this, but dont expect anything.

    @PALUHeres the mod, with the latest changes: X-Divison Palu's Shining Xenopedia.zip

  15. 5 hours ago, PALU said:

    My single encounter with a robosadist gave the impression no corpse can be recovered,

    Nice catch. Now there is a problem. Either we 1. throw out a very good gameplay concept ( ressurection ) or we throw out all research ties the unit has ( because the code doesnt allow for items to be dropped after death ).

    Ive looked at it and since only 2 researches are actually tied into roborex drops ( which dont drop ) i decided that the researches simply "drops" the roborex techs. This concerns the Researches.Guardian and the Researches.AncientAntiMatterTechnology. I deleted the requirement for the ancient one and replaced it with the robodog ghost one for the guardian: researches.xml @Svinedrengen
    @PALUif you want to fix up your game propably just deleting the 2 requirements should do. Worst case scenario you will have to manually unlock the armour.


  16. 4 hours ago, PALU said:

    - I don't care about credits nor do I think keeping incorrect info shows respect.

    I corrected incorrect info, but if "Torpedo" was used and the whole flow of the text hints towards "Torpedo" i cant just swap out the word for "Sonic Beam". I would need to rewrite the text, which is ofcourse not what im going to do.

    4 hours ago, PALU said:

    - A robosadist corpse is required to develop one of the last stage armors. My single encounter with a robosadist gave the impression no corpse can be recovered, and my attempts to determine if that was correct from the files failed. The earlier version op endgame save did have the armor, but not the corpse disassembly.

    There needs to be at least another unit alive on the map. Damage it until it falls to a recharging state. Manually fire from a safe distance until it explodes. You should get the corpse. To pull that off you have 2 full turns. Mind that you shouldnt destroy the corpse after the exposion, that destroys it. Also all overdamage kills destroy it too.


    You seem frustrated. Whats the matter ?

    4 hours ago, PALU said:

    - My experience of Androns is that when you open a door in a ship and there's an Andron just beside the door, the bugger blasts through the the shield of the soldier rather frequently. If it was a minigun the soldier is a goner as well. It the andron is at the back of the room the shield will usually save the soldier even against a minigun, but won't be usable for another try. I'd certainly like to have a TeraHertz scanner to see if there's an enemy lurking beside the doors... If only the shielded androns would reaction fire clearing out a craft would be fairly easy. It's possible my play style doesn't build reaction sufficiently, but the shooting galleries I saw in the previous version haven't been seen in the current one, and trying to capture as much as possible doesn't help either.

    Caesan reflex stats range from 75, phase 1, to 135, phase 4. Sebillians range from 60 to 127. Andron units range from 0 to ... 0. For normal andron units at least. The hub/server/terminal/controller ( no shield ) range from 60 to a 80. The only androns which have moderate reflex stats are the guardian scripted ones at a moderate 100. These are the units which mostly won´t leave the command room, whatever the command room currently is. They spawn in the command room and mostly stay there. Although they are visually indistuingishable from other units.

    Not saying that a 100% TU 100 reflex guardian cant completely shoot you away, but thats their best strategy they can hope for. They are just trying their best, and when they point their weapon into the wrong direction its pretty much game over.


    Yo, are you giving your blessings to the integration ?

  17. I have gone over the xenoopedia and spottet a view incorrect things ( due to a lack of knowledge )

    • Striking Crashsites doesnt provide a relationship bonus ( Knowledge.Crashsite )
    • Landing, Supply and Cargo UFO dont have a "torpdeo" but a sonic beam which works similar to the Sonic Thruster cannon just at a longer range.
    • Not all armour Xpedia entries have their production cost in the description.
    • Just a knowledge thing: andron units are bad at reacting in general, unless they have a shield. Once the shield is gone they loose most of their reaction capability.


    I have looked over most of the entries so far and they are well done. I fixed the issues i saw with them and cleaned up a few coding lines. I also merged and updated the data with the current one as much as i could find them. @PALUs orginal file together with a modinfo file seems to work 100%. There are a few conceptual mistakes but i left most of them in out of respect for the creator.

    @PALUWell done. I would like to name it 

    Palu´s Shining Xenopedia

    and integrate it as a seperate mod into the next X-Division Patch. Alternatively, i would also be honored to name it X-Division Palu´s Shining Lore.

    You also asked about morphing creatures. I made a diagram to roughly and concisely explain how morphing units behave:




    ( The faster we get this done the faster im going to unofficially bring out the next version with the changes so far. I will also include the Palu´s Shining Lore into the installer.)


    • Like 1
  18. On 10/4/2018 at 8:04 PM, Koriel said:

    For example, the current X1 soldier attributes implementation and progression, for me, is a rather uninspired and annoying system, because instead of bringing interesting options to manage your soldiers, it forces the player into repeating certain actions in order to optimize the campaign. Having to consume 500 TU on each soldier moving them back and forth on every mission (even on early small maps), to ensure the 2 TU permanent bonus is just tedium most of the time.

    I had to chime in and say that X-Division fixes this. It removes the cap per mission and makes every action count forever. We also slightly adjusted how much points is needed to level for every stat. The result is that X-Division players stopped worrying about stats gain and simply played in their favourite style.

    A common counter argument to this is that players can simply max their soldiers in one mission. Yes, but a game can be exploited in unlimited ways. And if you wanna spend 6 hours doing this its your choice. It definitly isnt necessary.

    On 10/4/2018 at 8:04 PM, Koriel said:

    Unit crouching is another example that I feel doesn't bring any significant gameplay options in X1, as it's something that you always want to do

    Again something which X-Division fixes. We increased the defense and accuracy bonus and increased the cost. The result is that players only crouch soldiers which they think they will stay in a stationary position for longer.


    This is not advertisement for X-Divison, but rather my oppinion that a system doesnt have to be thrown overboard but only tweaked a little bit to be use- and meaningful.


    On 10/4/2018 at 8:04 PM, Koriel said:

    As for the engine, the move to 3D instead of isometric 2D is absolutely needed. The one thing that frustrates me the most in X1 is the asymmetrical Line of Sight / Line of Fire. I hope there will be no such situations in X2 anymore where an enemy can shoot at me from some obscure spot while I can't even see him to shoot back.

    Has nothing do with the engine, and can occur in 2 or 3d by developer decision.

    On 10/4/2018 at 8:04 PM, Koriel said:

    Note: please forgive me if I misunderstood some of the X2 gameplay elements, as I haven't followed it's development closely, but I wanted to make it clear that not all simplification is bad, on the contrary. When adding gameplay elements, they should be meaningful and provide real, tangible tactical options. Adding complexity just for the sake of it does not make a game more interesting, but rather more tedious and grindy.

    What is complex for 1 person is easy for another one. What people on the internet forget is that our skill level to play a game is very different all across the world. Developers need to strike a balance to make the game interesting ( challenging ) while still making it as accessible as possible to reap in the maximum amount of revenue.

  19. 1 hour ago, Dariosgas said:

    Hmm, It's something :D, thanks, though I'd like to ask a few more questions

    Actually, im retired, so i would appreciate if you could ask in a place where other people can answer you questions. How about the main thread ?


    1 hour ago, Dariosgas said:

    1) Which are "the files" you refer to when you say "If you can read the files"?. I am guessing they are all the .xml files, but I can't find information such as alien specific resistances.

    Everything in the main X-Division folder. The aiprops.xml sets the armour for aliens.

    1 hour ago, Dariosgas said:

    2)How the hell do you take down a terror carrier?. Foxtrots in x-division videos are way tankier than in my game (playing on easy): they can take two terror-drone hits or several scout missiles; while in my game foxtrots are destroyed with one terror drone or one corvette spear-cannon. Is it just the way it is in x-division 1.00.01?, am I missing a tech?.


    1 hour ago, Dariosgas said:

    3)The "reveal enemies after 20 turns during terror missions"-mechanic doesn't seem to be working, I've spent hours looking for that damned last alien that was hiding in a dark corner at the 5th floor of a building.

    It is not not working, it is disabled. Terror maps should be small enough and the AI not that campy enough that you will find the last alien in a reasonable amount of time.

    1 hour ago, Dariosgas said:

    4)I have two monitors (one with the game, another one with... not-porn, usually an x-division playthrough), but xenonauts doesn't let me move my mouse cursor to anything that is not xenonauts. I am on win10, is there a way to take the cursor away from xenonauts without having to minimize the game?.

    Have you tried the windowed mode in the launcher ?

  20. 2 hours ago, Larry Burstyn said:

    I noticed the disappearing game bug after I had an update to Windows 10 also.  It disappears from the screen and if I click the little icon on the bottom of the screen (in the tray area) it will reappear on its own several seconds later.  The disappearing act always happens shortly after opening the game.   And after it reappears it does not disappear again.  At least not until I close and open the game at some later time.   I did not not mention it earlier as I realized it was a Windows 10 problem not a Xeno or X-Division problem.

    So its different from simply minimising a programme ? Sounds like a simple minimising to task bar.

  21. 1 hour ago, DDTerr said:

    This off-topic paragraph was written just to explain that some problems can lay outside of your/our possibilities - with Microsoft being responsible for them

    Aye. I just dont think the impression that X-Division crashes  at ever step and corner is a correct one, and fata morgana reports dont help to improve the stability of the game.


    I streamed X-Division tonight and encountered a freezing bug right after i reaction shot a reaper, no GC save was loaded. So the freezing bugs still exist, they appear sometimes and thats why i save every other turn. Mulligan encountered a Crash on Load yesterday. All in all bugs pop up every now and then but the game is totally playable and we try to keep it as stable as we possibly can.

    Thank you for the info, it helps. Maybe not now and not tomorrow, but the cross information from different players help paint a more clear picture than talking back does good ( you know who you are ).



  22. 18 hours ago, Dariosgas said:

    Is there an X-Division manual somewhere?. Knowing the mechanics is a huge part of this game, but I've searched the forums for a long time and can't find anything capable of quenching my desire for information. The kind of information I am looking for is, for example, stat gain mechanics, promotion mechanics, mental status, reflexes! and... pretty much everything. And why not extra info about the enemies because the autopsies descriptions are barely enough in most cases.

    There is not. I think i have answered all possible questions ever asked and the answers are spread all across the internet. From youtube over reddit to forum posts. From live twitch over steam to nexus releases. If somebody could collect all that and call it a manual you would have one.
    If you can read the files its very easy to collect the information you need, although you might not understand how some things work. Basically X-Division works like Xenonauts, and some mechanic changes are explained in Xpedia entries.
    I fear your best bet is asking people how things work or make your own manual for other people to enjoy.

    18 hours ago, Dariosgas said:

    Also, and just as important as mechanics: the tech tree!- is there an easily accessible tech tree?. I know, there is a tech tree in graphml format, I even went through the hassle of downloading the required graphics editor. It *almost* worked, but I fail to find out how to search for techs unless I know exacly what the tech is called like in the graph. For example, if I search for "defender" or "shock", the editor won't find any macthes. Going through the xml with a text editor isn't exactly user friendly either.

    Go through the researches.xml with Excel and cross reference with Yed.

    18 hours ago, Dariosgas said:

    Besides that, is there a way to tempt aliens out of the room they are guarding?. For example in an alien base raid or any larger UFO I am having a hard time clearing the last room because some aliens will just sit in one corner and discharge a full machinegun burst on your flank as soon as you pop your head inside the room, resulting in a dead soldier most times. I've tried with a shield and a knife (for reflexes, kinda guessing it reduces the chances of triggering reaction fire) with no success.

    A defensive position always has the advantage, thats the twist. But you have more numbers, so throw a smoke, let a rookie run in and then hope for the best. The rest of the squad finishes the mission.

    18 hours ago, Dariosgas said:

    Another thing: are cannons (as in division cannon) useful at all?. All other weapons have their niche, but I still haven't found what cannons are good for. They are heavy, innacurate, clips are huge and have little ammo, you can't go for pointblank shots, they don't destroy cover better than grenades, they don't supress better than machineguns, and they destroy loot.

    They have a better range than grenades and better ammo conservation than rocketlaunchers. Cannons are not my first choice either, as in the best case scenario you won´t need them at all. They are more situational when you either 1. are so far ahead you dont need loot anymore or 2. the mission is so abysmall that you just equipt everybody with cannons and flatten the whole map ( base attacks, terror sites, etc ... ). Not every weapon is equally valuable for every situation.


    Good luck, i hope you will find your answers.

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