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Everything posted by podbelski

  1. great news! I think another such prop is a singularity core
  2. Krelling, XCE 0.31 + XNT 6 + Patch4XNT should work very well, in my experience even better than with older XCE versions so you can do the following as I see it: - try playing w/o FitH - install "no smoke; no fire" patch for the FitH (I'm using it and happy), look for the link here
  3. make sure you follow this instruction: 1)Download Fire in the Hole! without add-ons. 2)Extract only tiles and maps (into the XNT folder, overwrite when asked) if this does not help, try to run only with XCE and XNT, w/o other mods, and see if it keeps crashing
  4. yep it's working for me too! but right from the start I saw #### instead of "small scout" and prob smth else... so reverted to default XNT strings.xml so I'm curious - what was changed there?
  5. ... just have reached the "Operation Endgame", April 5, veteran difficulty 3 bases/3 strike teams, just under 5000k maintenance, 3 marauders, 1 fury (which is useful), 2 Corsairs, 3 foxtrots, 3 saracens or smth like that haven't researched MAGs at all, and a Sentinel armor... not sure should I tweak something or consider it normal for this difficulty level. I also haven't changed anything in researches, but have a list with a few planned corrections. Mostly they are about making certain researches available no earlier than a certain game point. still haven't touched alien base teams, but this should be quick... overall I liked this playthrough a lot, the game ended right when I've just started to get bored with big ships GC I think I won't release anything for now, making the above changes first and then running another testgame (not full). I also will be on a vacation in the next couple of weeks, and also don't want to interfere much with drages mod and v1.5 release. So I guess mid-january or even later is a good spot to share the mod. I can share the incomplete but working version earlier if someone wants to try a different game based on the XNT
  6. http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/12441-XNT-6-0-Smoke-adjustments
  7. I was asking about exact penalty formula... ok the MG description tells: "It uses the lower of ACC and STR to determine accuracy and an additional penalty is incurred if the soldier has less than 60 STR (due to the 60 Recoil)" so if the soldier's ACC is lesser than STR recoil does nothing. There are more tricks to this but whatever btw XNT 6 file sets recoil=10 for grenades, seems they are no longer use this feature
  8. could you pls remind me the exact mechincs of the recoil? Can't remember where it is described, but want to adjust it for my mod
  9. I know about heavy weapons conditions, I talk about different case: shooting from the distance gives better results than from 1 tile. This is not related to mods I guess, and similar to what Man of Doge complained about...
  10. re machine guns, I've recently noticed they almost always miss at close range, like the close-range bonus is working as penalty for them... eg standing 1 tile close to the victim fire 3 bursts with 30% chance and hit just one bullet )) I supppose it's a bug but had no time yet to report (this is under xnt)
  11. ... make the aliens shoot rockets into the walls behind which the player hides his xenonauts, that will put difficulty to the next level
  12. if you recently have made changes to research.xml most likely you've broken the XML structure somewhere. If you have a backup (and you should making them very regularly) try to use it instead and see if it works
  13. no, have to finish my own... and don't have a lot of time for all of this
  14. looks like autoresolve does not take armor into account, might be the main reason the feature is unused
  15. technically, you can combine these aspects in many ways. But what's the point? Do you want air combat to be harder, or easier? Or become even more like game in a game? Or maybe you want to solve a particular vanilla problem, then which one and how exactly it will be solved? On the other hand, can this distract the player from the main line enough to say it's an excessive addition? maybe similar questions made vanilla developers turn off these features...
  16. so armor can make certain ufos vulnerable only to heavy missiles... this can be effectively used, the bad thing it's not transparent... I guess Xenopedia is the only place where the player can get the clue what's going on... Another question what is the final goal of such a change?
  17. it definitely reduces damage, but I don't know the exact formula... and why it's not used is also unclear
  18. well in terms of modding I'm afraid there is no means to make psionics work differently. You can set the strength and the range...
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