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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2017 in all areas

  1. I was reading the latest XCE 0.34 documentation and it seems to suggest that we could now actually make new dropships. Has anybody attempted this? Or at least know what files need to be updated?
    1 point
  2. You can count on my support for the X2, do not hesitate. In some way your completly right, but in some way people can imagine that teh game mechanic is coherent with flavor, in some way stealth missions sound more Metal gear/Jagged Alliance oriented than the terrorific moment when you face sectoids for first time on Enemy unknown. Im pretty sure you will find the right balance between strategy mechanics and flavor. Good luck pal
    1 point
  3. Ugh. It really sounds like you're taking all the bad things from the new XCOM games and the older UFO clones and throwing them into one game. I can't stop playing Xenonauts 1, I've probably been through it 20 or more times now. (I like long games.) I will certainly give X2 a try, because I will always support you as much as I can, but this is really sounding like something I will play once and never again. The general 'Secret War' idea just does not sound like it will translate well to this game. It's the WORST part of XCOM 2, being stuck to just one ship and attacking from the shadows. Don't go that route. Staff members being static in every game - The UFO series of games did this. It wasn't fun then, I can't see it being fun now. I think the only bonus this really had in the UFO games was that they all had different voices/voice actors and very unique faces/portraits. Somehow I don't see that happening in X2. Staff members having multiple roles - I actually do like this idea. It definitely adds a new layer to the game. Do I REALLY want to send my best scientist/engineer into the field and have them die, setting me back hours, if not days on research/repair? Quality over quantity with Aliens on missions - Nobody wants to fight a big boss alien over and over and over and over again. And with humans? That's boring. I'm not looking to play WW2 with the occasional alien in it, I happen to LIKE the concept of getting overrun by aliens and having to beat them off with a stick like the originals (and X1) did. Instead, this is going to be more like Sectopods and Mutons in The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. Only night missions - Um, what? You take the absolute WORST part of any X-COM game ever, and make it MANDATORY. I haven't tested the beta (or alpha?) since I think the first release. I'll have to fire it up when I get home tonight and see what has changed, and how it feels. So you don't want to make an X-COM clone. My question is, WHY NOT? Why break the mold, fix what ain't broke? X1 is so loved BECAUSE it's an X-COM clone. Don't fall under the assumption that changing the formula is going to attract more people. If anything, it might chase away more than it brings in.
    1 point
  4. Hi Chris Im pretty sure you know that I dont share lot of points of view with Xenonauts 1 approach but with Xenonauts 2 you have the chance to make it right... is not about the scope of the mechanic. The real success of original XCOM is based on the inmersion of fear... The plot sounds weak, the layer of strategy uninteresting and the worst part is not original at all. Im really sorry to be direct but I was unable to found other way to point it. Good luck Chris
    1 point
  5. Thanks for the feeback, but... Please, please, please and please, dont do this. I dont want to fight humans with alien super boss. I dont want jagged alliance. I want xcom. There are so many incredible things that could be done: melee combat, more countries/regions, specific minor bonus for each regions, soldier traits... Then i get: "you fight humans". Man, i think i didnt have a soo great letdown since i first saw the scamper mechanics back when they released X-Com 1. Ok, its your game, but i am really sad you choose to take this direction. Xenonauts was a success basicly because x-com stopped being x-com. If you go the same way, we just lost a great franchise forever.
    1 point
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