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[v21 Experimental GC] I've solved the passive drones problem.

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I was creating a massively rapid firing gun for Androns today. To ensure that the AI only used burst fire mode, I removed all single shots from the weapon, and gave it a 30 AP cost. I also lowered the minimum accuracy for Androns down to 2%. So far, so good. I then took it for a spin in the test chamber and ran into a problem: Androns with this gun would only fire on reaction. They'd move around, but beyond that, they wouldn't use the gun despite having the APs.

I gave the gun a single fire snap shot, and the Androns worked again. Then I tried to fool the AI by making snap shot too expensive to use (100 APs) and the AI went back to not actively firing, despite having a legitimate burst fire.

Here's the code for the gun in weapons_gc.xml:

<Weapon name="weapon.AlienDecimatorRifle" bulletType="rocket" emptySound="Empty Click 1">   <props range="30" hands="2" recoil="0" weight="4" isHeavy="0" clipSize="40" reloadAPCost="30" reloadSound="Weapon Assault Rifle Reload" reactionModifier="1" isAlien="1" infiniteAlienAmmo="1" />   <SingleShot sound="Weapon Plasma Rifle Single" delay="0" suppressionValue="40" suppressionRadius="4">	<Set1 ap="10" accuracy="10" /></SingleShot>   <BurstFire ap="40" accuracy="10" sound="Weapon Plasma Rifle Burst" shotCount="8" delay="0" burstdelay="0.2" suppressionValue="100" suppressionRadius="4" />   <GUIImage name="gui/weapons/alienrifle.png"/>   <GroundImage name="grounditemimages/alienrifle.png"/>   <Ammos>     <Ammo name="ammo.alienplasmacell" type="energy" damage="20" mitigation="50">       <Projectile spectre="projectiles/alienbullet/alienbullet" speed="2500"/>               <Impact spectre="particles/alienbulletplume/alienbulletplume" radius="0" fireChance="0" smokeChance="5" gasType="GrenadeFragSmoke"/>     </Ammo>   </Ammos> </Weapon>

Why is this important? It's important because light/medium drones have no single shot. This is why they've been milling around doing nothing. I've been wondering why this is the case since back when I was messing around with alien strength values to get them to fire, and I think I've cracked it. When I give them a single shot option (but giving the single shots atrocious accuracy so drones prefer to burst fire), drones work as they should.

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