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[v20 b5] Black, un-walkable voids [UFO Crash Ground Combat]

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I've seen this before, only the other times, it was a small container-sized missing black voids. This time, it's like half a submap. The other times, I could not shoot through it. This time, I can shoot through it and hit the Caesians on the other side.

It's entirely unwalkable, except for that single tile the soldier is standing on. It can be seen through and shot through.

I have no idea what could be causing this, except perhaps a corrupted sub-map file. With the other issues I've been having, I think I should re-install the game to make sure. ;P

Here's the file.

Buggy file?

Edited by Descan
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Hi - I tried to load your saved game in the Steam version but it just crashes, which suggests to me something you have is missing for me. Have you ever previously installed any map packs? It could also be old versions of official maps causing these problems.

You said you re-installed already - but to be sure could you delete Xenonauts, go to the Steam/SteamApps/Common folder and make sure the Xenonauts folder is gone (and if it isn't delete it), then install again. I know this is a pain, but as I can't reproduce it here there's not much else I can do otherwise.

Also out of curiosity, what are your system specs?

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I did delete everything to re-install it. I'll do that again (For whatever reason, the "units" folder wouldn't delete) I'll see if I can do a full delete.

The only mod I've ever installed is a icon mod. I -doubt- that is the problem, at least for causing the blank voids. It might be causing your version to crash (Though the fact that I could play it after deleting the icon files and re-downloading the basic steam files casts doubt on that.)

And my specs are, at least the important stuff:

Windows 7 64bit, 4GB of RAM, NVIDIA GeForce G210M graphics card, driver version (I'm going to update my drivers)

It's a laptop from Acer Gateway, bought in late 2008. NV58 Series.

Processor: Intel Core2 Duo CPU * * T6600 *@ 2.20GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.2GHz

Edit: After updating my drivers and doing a clean install of Xenonauts (Deleting the Xenonauts folder and deleting local content in Steam) I can report: Nothing has changed. Does not crash for me, same black voids.

Edited by Descan
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Okay, this deserves a double post, because of how stupid I am.

Earlier I reported a crashing save. I posted that save in the thread, along with the autosave from the beginning of combat and the circumstances.

I posted -that- one instead of this black void save. God I'm dumb. Even though I -thought- I'd checked to be sure! Still posted the wrong one.

Here's the -really troo- save. Not Crashy McGee

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The black voids are caused by a recent change in the industiral tileset. The 10x10 concrete and grass submaps used to be called "indus_concrete_10x10" and "indus_grass_10x10", and now they're "concrete_tiles_10x10" and "grass_10x10".

Basically, some of the ground's not loading for you.

I've just gone through the official industrial maps and I don't see any of the old floor submaps. If you've never installed any custom maps, then something's a bit off, but it can be fixed. Broswe to your Xeno dir, then go to assets\maps\industrial\. It should look something like this (although note that the Stinky industrial maps are my own, and not all of them released, so don't sweat it if they're not there).


Open up the .xml files in a text editor of your choice and look for the aforementioned "indus_concrete_10x10" and "indus_grass_10x10", and replace them with "concrete_tiles_10x10" and "grass_10x10" respectively.

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Thanks for the save - the map you are playing on there doesn't exist in the current build of Xenonauts (which is why parts are missing). Can you confirm to me the version number that is displayed at the top right of your launcher (in case it hasn't updated properly) and also take a screen shot of the files in the Xenonauts/assets/maps/industrial directory so I can see if there are any there that shouldn't be?

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I can, sure.

It's possible that the map will no longer be generated, since I re-installed. I can only give you a screenshot of my files -after- re-installing. I don't see why it would be all that different, though, as I never modified any of the files except those class icons I mentioned.

Anyway, the version is definitely V20 B5, and here's the screenshot.


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