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is this a grenade or waterballoon?


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Grenades in my opinion have felt so useless specially compared to the old xcom, The throw range on the grenades are good but the damage and area damage so useless to use. When I have a choice of throwing a grenade I have to get so close to throw it because the area damage is so small. Then once you risk the lives of your men throwing that grenade it hardly takes him down, you need to throw at least 2-3. Then once I upgrade towards the new ones it still has the lacking area and damage unlike the old xcom grenades that just blow up football fields and drop any monster in its path.

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I am thankful of the small damage range of grenades.

I fear the accidents involved with explosives and therefore losing more men.

Throwing is not so accurate after all.

Considering the indirect firing possibilities, grenades are turbo, in my opinion.

Usually I throw 2-3 if I want to kill the opponent, depending how well my grenades land.

When you guys also learn how to throw em grenades for cheap 20tu, I bet you will not complain!

I have played quite long so knowledge is power here, better explosives research is priority.

You guys should use C4 if you want bigger explosions, this does upgrade later on aswell.

Edited by Tascruel
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I use smoke grenades and flashbangs like they're going out of style to great effect, but I'm hard pressed to find a meaningful tactical niche for frags in V19 at least, much as I'd like to. Yes, the alienium upgrades make them better, but they're still awful, and unupgraded they're terrible to the point of uselessness.

Blindfire LMG spam behind a smoke screen > frags.

The only real value I've ever been able to squeeze out of them is as a reliable finisher on an already badly weakened alien (and even in this case it's better to use a flashbang when possible)

Edited by Surrealistik
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