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Help the noob :L


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Hey dudes, i'm interested in creating some new desert and farm maps, as i find they come up often and would like more variety. However, one weird thing i'm having is that no corner pieces for chain-link fences, hedges, etc. appear, and also it seems like some items when placed have their actual place on the level viewer off by a significant amount of squares. Is my version bugged or is this how it's meant to work? many items also seem to have no texture, despite being listed (a few chain-link fences, for example)

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Sorry for the late reply.

The level viewer displacing everything happens if you haven't extracted the tiles, or have made a mistake in extracting them.

If you haven't already, take a look at the first post of this thread. If you've done that, make sure you've put the tiles folder in the right place: it should be Xenonauts\assets\tiles.

Sometimes, you have to make corners using up/down/left/right sections. Here's an example where I make a sealed off square with the concrete walls in the desert tileset.


Good luck!

Edited by Ol' Stinky
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