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[V18 stable - terror mission] single shot killed building and revealed enemy

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Hi there,

on a Terror mission I found an enemy inside a building. My sniper shot at him but hit the wall or the window (don't know anymore) instead. Suddenly the whole building vanished and the enemy was revealed, free to shoot.

Then a rifleman shot at him, he hit the enemy and a broken glass sound could be heared. The heavy weapon guy finally downed him. As those bullets were on its way one could hear broken glass sound also.

single shot killed building.jpg

Don't think this is planned to happen (maybe the house was a bouncing castle) but once a bug on my side :)

single shot killed building.jpg


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I had the same thing happen (v18hf3) on a Cruiser in the Middle East. A shot through the window (already broken) hit the alien and killed it. As it died, every tile in the house went to rubble. I thought it might be a psychic shockwave from the alien at the surprise of being killed. ;)

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