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[V7.2 Ground Combat] Soldier regularly shot through smoke


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In the attached save game, in which I just threw a smoke grenade this turn, I have found that the blonde soldier near the base of the ramp to the Skyranger is hit by the visible alien every time I load the save game and end the turn. 

From my side, any soldier that tries to fire through the smoke has an automatic 0% chance of hitting. And although the alien must have a reduced chance of hitting as they typically fire several shots and only one hits, that blonde soldier has been hit every single time I've loaded the save and ended the turn. Which seems weird given the smoke. And the rock in the way which seems to reduce my aim by 40%.

Also, my vision of the alien doesn't seem to be obscured by the smoke, as I would think it should be - a line of sight block so the alien doesn't even see me to aim, and vice versa. Given that I know LOS doesn't seem to be blocked by other things like stun grenades and smoke from explosions this may make sense, but I wanted to try a smoke grenade in order to try and avoid a guaranteed kill by the alien and had some questions on the functionality.


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That's not necessarily indicative of the shot being an easy shot - try using the Randomise Seed checkbox when loading the game to generate a fresh set of random numbers, and then see if the shots start missing. If you don't check that box then the game will generate the same sequence of random numbers every time, so performing exactly the same set of actions will always result in you getting exactly the same result.

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