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Kickstarter Doubletake

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So...I'm new here. (Presumably I'll be getting a backer-badge at some point, but I don't expect it to have arrived yet.)

Anyway: so I've lurked these forums from time to time in the past, and one thing that I recall the Head Dude saying at some point, was "No psionics for humans. We don't want 'em."

And that was awesome! Being overpowered through an end-game can be a real experience-killer.

And then the Kickstarter final stretch-goal looks to be psionics for humans.

What gives? If it's necessary to include at all, could it be, like, turned off? Or released as an optional expansion down the road, sometime?

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Hi Oktober,

The idea is that it should just be made easier of people who want to mod it back into the game, to do so. Devs have been consistently clear throughout that it won't be available for humans in the game.

I'm not even sure if it will get as far as a menu option. That might be for the mods as well.

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