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v10.2 - Hidden movement screen freeze preceded by alien death sound

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Recently I've been having a recurring crash during ground combat missions. It's different to the old, very frequent hidden movement screen crash, but it's now happened around 5 or 6 times.

It's always at the end of my first turn, I'll click the end turn button and get the hidden movement screen. Then, I hear a Sebillian die and that's it. Nothing else happens at all. I've waited a minute or two, just to be sure but the game doesn't move on from there.

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My hidden first turn longs about 10 -15 min. And i hear the allien dead sounds too, but allways hidden turn closes sucesfulll. My PC is slow and maybe you too must have a more patient to wait next turn? I play version 10.2 download as zip file for orignal xenonauts home site.

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I've had something similar, but I saw the alien die. I can't be sure, but I think I saw the last alien run into a fire and die. Game froze at that point. It could have been a civilian though; it was in a darkish area and the way the camera moves it's hard to tell what you're seeing.

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I have also encountered a lock-up during the hidden movement screen after my 2nd turn, although I am sure there was no alien sound, because no civilians had moved yet. I was getting impatient and killed the game after 3 or 4 minutes, so I don't know if it would have recovered at some point (unlikely).

It happened only once in 11 missions, though. It was the first mission not in an industrial zone, but out in the country with barns and fields.

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