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SUBMISSION - aircrafts.xml - Charon


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Name :The CODE name, it has to match letter for letter if other files refer to it.

HitPoints : Health Points, if they drop below 0 the unit crashes

Armour : Doesnt work, was never implemented (Max).

Range: the maximum flight distance a unit can fly, no matter how fast it is.

TopSpeed : Maximum speed without afterburner a unit can achieve. Its the speed the unit without escorts fly on the Geoscape.

Acceleration : The maximum speed a unit can in- or decrease their speed in AC.

TurnRate: the rate at which an aircraft can turn. Seems to be influenced by rotation accuracy

RotationAccuracy: ??? seems to influence/cap Turn Rate.

Cannons : Cannon Slots, a unit can have a total maximum of 4 weapons

NormalWeapons : Normal Weapons Slots, a unit can have a total maximum of 4 weapons

HeavyWeapons : Heavy Weapons Slots, a unit can have a total maximum of 4 weapons

SuperheavyWeapons : Superheavy Weapons Slots, a unit can have a total maximum of 4 weapons

WeaponPositions: the position the weapons get fired from the aircraft (0,0) in the AC, the codeing is (x,y;x,y;x,y;x,y). Only works for aircrafts.

Soldiers : how many soldiers a unit can carry

Vehicles: How many Vehicles a unit can carry

Grid : ???

RadarRange : the Radar range in kilometers

RadarChance : ??? does it work ?

Upkeep: the total amount of money that gets deducted at the end of the month

Length: ???

Width: ???

Weight: ???

Combat Area: ???

PowerPlant: the Power Plant which gets shown in the aircraft tab in the game

Airframe: the Airframe which gets shown in the aircraft tab in the game

ServiceCeiling: the Service Ceiling which gets shown in the Aircraft tab and unit selection menu in the geoscape

Loadout: The starting lodout when an aircraft is purchases/manufactured. The formula starting from cannons, normal missiles, heavy torpedos, superheavy weapons is (weapon1;weapon2;weapon3;weapon4)

SlotPosition: the position of the weapon equipt button in the aircraft tab, (x,y;...)

Image : the directory for the aircraft image tab and the hangar image, the names have to be the same

ACIMage : the AC image(imagename), the damaged states (imagename00 to imagename100)

SelectionSize: the size of the circle which is shown around the selected unit in the AC

CanEvade : Sets if the unit can evade or not

WeaponLockMod: ???

SpawnCrashsite: Sets if the unit can crash a spawn site if shot down, UFOs only

Buyable : ??? might be hardcoded

OnWinAgainst : The items you receive when the unit gets shot down. For UFOs mostly

ShotDownBonus : The relationship bonus you get when the unit gets shot down. For UFOs mostly

CanLand: ??? Supposed to set the ability to land if the mission requires it

AutoresolveStrenght : The autoresolve value used for the autoresolve calculation

AirstrikeValue : The amount of money the player receives when when airstriking a Crashsite

SEQBackground : ? The background which is shown if in the soldier equipt tab

How to add an aircraft ?

  1. Copy and paste or make a new line in the aircrafts.xml. Set the name for new aircraft
  2. Add all the images to aircraft\; aircraft\hangar and aircraft\aircombat
  3. Add it to items.xml
  4. Add it to manufactures.xml
  5. Add it to researches.xml
  6. Add all new CODE names (unitsname,items, manufacture, research) to strings.xml
  7. Add it to xenopedia.xml
  8. Set all remaining stats in the aicrafts.xml
  9. Clean up errors

How to add an UFO ?

  1. Copy and paste or make a new line in the aircrafts.xml. Set the name for the new UFO
  2. Set the dropped items when shoot down
  3. Add all images to aircraft\UFOs and aircraft\aircombat
  4. Add the unit and all new items to the items.xml
  5. Add the unit and all new manufactures to the manufactures.xml
  6. Add the unit to researches.xml
  7. Add all new CODE names (unit, items, manufacture, research) to strings.xml
  8. Add all necessary new entries to xenopedia.xml
  9. Set all remaining stats in the aircrafts.xml
  10. Clean up errors

How to add a dropship ?


Discoveries & Knowledge:

The Difficulty modifier in the gameconfig.xml doesnt work for humanAirplaneSpeed*** and humanAirplaneRange***. Only the humanAirplaneSpeedNormal and humanAirplaneRangeNormal will get taken on all difficulties. This is a known bug since 2014, lets hope the other difficulty modifiers work as intended. As a general rule: dont trust the difficulty modifier too much, if you wanna make changes set the ***Normal Values to the value you want.

The size of the Cannon images in the AC are hardcoded (kabill)

Edited by Charon
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