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[X:CE 0.33HF1] Soldiers zombified without being attacked?!


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I was going after a downed medium UFO, had only seen one reaper (I'm pretty sure, anyway) and killed it without being attacked, when one of my soldiers(who had never been closer to 3/4 of a screen away from the reaper, with the UFO between them) turned into a zombie when I ended my turn. I thought I must have somehow forgotten about another reaper (although I couldn't see how, and even if I had I thought zombification was instant), shot the zombie, then shot the reaper that spawned from him. When I ended that turn, another soldier -- the closest soldier to the one that zombified, which may or may not be relevant -- turned into a zombie. At that point I decided something must be wrong.

I believe the only mods I have are the ones recommended with CE (I'm playing on linux, so I had to install them manually). I have saves if you want them.

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Just try out and cheat with "Cheat-O-Mat".

Download it.

Open it.

choose the game (must be startet and in action for amount you want to change)

Enter the amount of TUS from 1 soldier.

Hit enter.

Change the amount, just turn the soldier 45° around.

Repeat the last 3 steps until Cha-Ging.

Enter your wish in numbers and hit ENTER. With "lock" the soldier walk around the map without rounds and can shoot all in 1 round.

But you should use this to search the unknown reaper.

The reaper is VERY fast and have the ability to stay out of line of sight.

I lose a 4-man troup again 1 reaper... I never found the original one, so he will hunt the mans down, the survivors fled in my shrike.

This cheat isn´t mean to destroy your game, but you can check out to try tactical moves.

If 1 soldiers ends all in 1 round, the other soldiers earn nothing. That´s not really nice. Only active soldiers earns reputation, so do not cheat with this more than testing and training.

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I had a similar issue testing my mod (that doesn't change the aliens), I had one last soldier in a UFO room only accessible through a teleporter and I knew there were reapers around (probably just reapers and no more sebillians), so I kept him on the teleporter. Every round I'd teleport, check the other room then teleport back to stay safe. By doing this I managed to kill a reaper, the mission didn't end, but a few turns later repeating it my soldier was attacked by a reaper (in the safe room) and I lost the mission.

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