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How works suppression? (mechanics)

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I have readed the manual and the guide but it explains almost nothing about game mechanics.

How supression works?

What means the suppression value of the weapons?

How many TUs the supression drains in current turn?

What mean the Supression icon on the unit?

How many TUs drains for next turn?

Need to hit to aply suppress?

If there are somewhere where the game mechanics is explained (all of them, not only supression) I be thankfull to who tell me, because i have lot of questions. I searched a lot (manual, guide, google, forum, official website...) and there is nothing or there is only vague explanations.

Thanks for answers.

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All units have a suppression 'resistance' equal to their bravery score.

Weapons have a suppression damage which is the amount a target's suppression resistance is reduced if an attack lands close to them. Weapons also have a suppression range which is the area around the impact tile that a weapon does its suppression damage.

When a unit's suppression resistance is reduced to 0, the unit is suppressed. This costs it all of it's TUs immediately (negating any possibility of reaction fire) and gives the unit only half it's TUs on it's following turn. You can tell a unit is suppressed as it displays the suppression icon above it.

Suppression resistance recovers at a rate of 25% per turn. Therefore, once a unit is suppressed it is relatively easy to keep it suppressed.

Some complicating factors:

- The armour value of the target minus the armour penetration of the weapon is subtracted from the suppression damage done. Basically, good armour reduces suppression damage, while armour penetrating weapons negate this bonus.

- Some aliens have suppression modifiers which reduces/increases the suppression they take from attacks.

- Burst fire has it's own suppression damage value which applies to *all* bullets fired. Thus, even if only a single bullet lands near a target it will take full suppression from the weapon. However, multiple bullets from the same burst don't do additional suppression damage (hence burst fire suppression values are higher).

- Weapons cause no suppression damage outside of effective range.

- Spoilering this in case you want to avoid spoilers:

Robotic enemies are entirely immune to suppression

I think that's everything. It's plausible some of the above isn't quite correct as it's possible things have changed slightly/I have misremembered. But that's more or less how things stand.

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Thank you a lot.

Where do you find that info? I searched but I found almost nothing and I have many questions on how game works (actually the manual and guide says little to nothing depending on the matter).

Kabill is a modder and a xeno player 'with a white beard'. He knows how the game code works :)

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I think most of it is actually drawn from the original thread where the suppression system was mooted and discussed. I'm not sure whether those posts exist any more though since the subforum they were in was deleted at some point.

In an ideal world, someone would create a document explicating the game mechanics a la UFOpedia (there did used to be a Xenonauts wiki with some of this information but it was never up-to-date and possibly doesn't even exist any more). But really, you'd want someone with source-code access to be involved since knowledge from game-playing and years-old forum posts isn't likely to be the same as what's actually in code.

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But really, you'd want someone with source-code access to be involved since knowledge from game-playing and years-old forum posts isn't likely to be the same as what's actually in code.

I have learned a lot from the periodical dev's pop-ups in the forum in the past. I am like that: methodical. If I found a game I REALLY like, I won't mind spending countless hours scouring the net after boards, discussions, FAQ's, walkthroughs etc looking for the tiniest bit of information before starting the 'real' game :). Game research is part of the fun to me. Downside is the myriad of questions with which I am bombarding the forums. Thanks for your patience hehe.

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