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Consequences for waiting before attacking downed UFOs and terror missions?

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Is this already in effect, are the devs thinking about it? Or does it just sound stupid? :P

To explain (if my topic didn't make it clear), would there be any consequences for holding back on attacking downed (or landed) UFOs with your troops? For example, if you attack it with your troops right after it lands, all of the aliens would pretty much guaranteed be in the UFO. But if you wait several in-game hours or days before doing anything about it, maybe a lot of the aliens would have gotten a chance to get farther out into the map, forcing you to spread your troops more.

The same with terror missions. Say that you wait half a day before you go to it. Maybe most of the civilians will already be dead by the time you get there.

I think this would help out a little with the planning. There would still be a bit of randomness to it (especially if you choose to wait), but I think it rewards those who are quick to eliminate the threats as they show up in the world map, rather than waiting. It just adds a little more variety, but also some predictability (in a good way).

So, is this just a terrible idea, or does anyone else think it would be nice? Or maybe it's already a plan? :)

Edited by MrJenssen
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There is already the potential to lose the mission entirely.It would limit crash misssions if every alien was in the UFO all the time assuming you get there early. And when a lot more is happening at the same time you wont evn have the chance to get to some crashsites immidietly.

Personally I think it would be extra work for a negligeble effect, possibly an annoying neglible effect towards the endgame.

Edited by Gorlom
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remember that in Xenonauts the aliens are planned to arrive in waves.

That means you will be unlikely to get to every downed ship immediately.

Throw in the fact that some of the alien fighters will be flying around looking for your dropships to kill and you may be wiser to wait until the skies are clearer before launching them.

Penalising the player for a game design decision sounds like a bad plan.

It might add more variety to the mission layouts but you could accomplish the same with a bit of random placement.

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Yeah but don't forget what it is I'm talking about now. It's already random, most of the aliens will be found outside the UFO's either way as it is now. It won't really be any HARDER if you can't get to the UFO fast (which most of the time you can't), but it just adds a layer of predictability along with the randomness. You are able to predict and plan *a little* better what kind of a mission you'll be facing. For example in a situation where you have several downed UFOs, one large and one small. You might want to prioritize the large UFO first, as it will turn out to be a hell if you let all those aliens scatter before you get there.

It can reward those who are fast at getting to the UFOs (if the UFO is close to the base, or you have no other current activity), but it doesn't really *punish* those who are slower. Again, most aliens are already randomly spawned outside the UFO, scattered around the map. This wouldn't change that for the most part (since you most of the time will not get to the UFOs really fast).

It's realistic, isn't it? And I don't see it ruining the game in any way. It can just make a few missions a little easier for people who prefer to bottleneck the aliens.

I just thought it would add some more variety, and since the aliens gradually start sending more and more ships as the game progresses, this feature could make it easier in the early missions. The curve wouldn't be so steep.

Edited by MrJenssen
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I don't like the idea that you will be able to predict how the aliens will be placed depending on how long it took you to get to the site. I don't agree that it would be realistic. I don't want Chris spending (wasting) time on this feature. But that is my opinion and everyone is entitled to their individual opinion.

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