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Weapon.png shows up in Geoscape Equipment screen but not ingame ?


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I have two weapons that i created, i can equip my units just fine. But in the actual ground combat, the units GUI looks as if they have no weapons, though the ammo overlay is there and i can shoot my weapons.

How could that be?

Secondly, i have to say Goldhawk did not-so-god job (in my eyes) in weapon modding. Its hurting that you have to edit 4 files to create a new weapon and its really, really not-so-good that you have to MANUALLY enter the weapons stats into its description to get it into the outfit interface, even though all the stats are already put into the weapon file itself. I mean why do you we programm in the modern day, when you decide to manually repeat tasks by yourself, even though programming is just created to avoid manually repeating a task. Really, all the stats like shots, fire modes, AP use should be drawn into the description by itself. Im not code geek, but i know my share of PHP and JS and even though im a beginner i believe the way descriptions are created is paininducing. I dont understand why they didnt do that better.

I LOVE a lot about XN and its modability, but those weapons descriptions...wow.

Lastly, for future reference is there a debug function or trace log to see when/if the game crashes, whats the line/file that initiated the crash ?

Edited by Ragnarok
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In answer to you first question. you weapon does not show up in ground combat because your weapons_gc config entry is wrong somewhere. check you spelling and check for uppercase and lower case letters. your weapon picture also needs to be in 3 place.

1) .\weapons\ then the appropriate sub folder e.g ballistics.

2) .\gui\weapons

3) .\gui\weapons\small this final folder is a small size picture for when you look in your inventory during ground combat.

On a separate note, not many developers are kind enough to let you mod anything, and even fewer go out of their way to help you.

The fact you can mod this game is awesome, I have spent more time tinkering that I have playing the game. There are lots and hints and tips on this forum, its gust a question of getting stuck in and asking questions when your stuck.

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