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  1. Instead of an orbital laser, I would suggest the following mechanism of strategic defeat of the player: At the end of each month, the aliens make a massive raid and land terrorist landings, which the player must eliminate within one day. (If the player ignores the mission, the panic on the planet increases). However, with each new month, the number of simultaneous terrorist operations of aliens is increasing. And one day there comes such a massive alien raid when the player is forced to ignore some of the terrorist missions that have arisen (since the player physically cannot have time to visit all the tasks within one day). For example: it can be 10-20-30 simultaneous terrorist attacks in different parts of the globe. Even if by this time the player will have 6 bases and each base will have one tactical team, the player can have time to visit only 6-12 terrorist missions during the day. The player will have to ignore all other terrorist missions. As a result, the panic will increase, and the player will lose all regions and funding. The principle of the game "Tetris": with each new level of the game, the number of combat missions (terrorist missions) that the player must complete at the same time increases! And it doesn't matter if it's night or day - the player will have to fly to eliminate all threats in the allotted time. For example: at the end of the first month of the game, aliens commit 0 terrorist missions. At the end of the second month of the game - 1 terrorist mission. At the end of the third month of the game - 2 terrorist missions. (Table) 1 Month of play - 0 2 Month of play - 1 3 Month of play - 2 .... .... 12 Month of play - 11 ... ... 24 Month of play - 23 ... ... 36 Month of play - 35 ... ... It will even be possible to arrange competitions - who will be able to last the most days (months) in the game.
  2. I suggest using "cash grants for scientific research" to automatically adjust the difficulty level of the game at the initial (training) level. Monetary grants for research are issued, for the xenonauts team, by different regions of the globe (planets) if the player lags behind in scientific research from the required schedule (plot). "Scientific grants for scientific research" may also be present in the game as a random event that makes the game more gambling and less predictable when repeated games.
  3. Instead of a negative rating (which the game charges for the loss of soldiers by the player) I propose to add to the game "monetary compensation to the relatives of the deceased", which Xenonauts pays for each soldier who died in battle.
  4. There are 6 financial regions in the game that donate money to xenonauts to bring victory over the aliens closer. If the number of victories over aliens increases, then funding also increases. If the number of victories over aliens decreases, then funding also decreases. I suggest adding a Xenonauts organization leader to the game, who can be sent to any financial region and asked to increase donations there. The leader's stay in the financial region reduces panic there and increases the financing of this region. But if the aliens take over the region together with the Xenonauts leader (who will be there), then the player loses the whole game.
  5. Add an aircraft carrier to the game. An aircraft carrier ship can sail the seas and oceans. The aircraft carrier ship will have a radar to detect UFOs. There will be hangars for fighters on the aircraft carrier ship. The aircraft carrier ship will help solve the problem of targeted reduction of panic in the necessary region of the globe. In fact: The aircraft carrier ship is the player's floating base.
  6. Strategic "Action points" I looked at the reviews on YouTube. https://youtu.be/haTy-Hbr86w https://youtu.be/dJ4caSvQj0U To be honest, I haven't been able to figure out how this strategy works. However, I have some ideas: In a tactical battle, each unit, on the battlefield, has action points (AP), which can be spent on certain actions. For example: to increase your morale. Regions on the planet (Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America) are also losing morale, cities, and population under the influence of aliens. Why don't these regions (Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America), as well as aliens, also get "Action Points"? Or let money play the role of "Action Points". Every month, each region (Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America) receives "Action Points" that they can spend: - either to finance Xenonauts; - or to eliminate damage from alien attacks; - or spend AP on activities aimed at reducing panic among the population; - or spend AP on the development of your own economy (which will bring profit next month); - or spend AP to evacuate the population and production to other regions of the planet; - or spend AP on building outposts to repel an alien attack; Each region on the planet has an "instinct of self-preservation" and, obeying it, chooses exactly the strategy of behavior (using its AP) that neutralizes the influence of aliens as much as possible. Every month, each region (Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America) gives a report on what actions their finances were spent on (Action Points). The player's task: 1. To preserve the economy of the region, (so that each month the region has a lot of AP). 2. Counteract the threat of aliens more effectively (across the entire list and type of threats) than the region itself is capable of doing (The appearance of UFOs in the sky, UFO attacks on cities, UFO landings, the elimination of UFO crash sites, alien terror missions, other). In other words: the more missions (tasks) to eliminate threats Xenonauts miss - the less their funding. Aliens can also have their own "Action Points" that are increasing every day. (Replacing the timer in the game). These AP aliens spend on building UFOs and on raids on the planet. Non-downed alien UFOs participate in the following raids. If you do not destroy the alien factory, then sooner or later there comes a moment in the game when the player is no longer able to destroy all the alien ships (UFO) that attack the planet. Non-destroyed UFOs are added to new ones, and a huge number of UFOs attack the planet in the next wave of attack. If there are unclear details, I can discuss.
  7. Chris Posted July 11 If you have questions about any of the items on the roadmap, please post them up for discussion as a new thread on the general forums. If a huge 3x3 (or 5x5) mechanical platform attacks the city during the terror and destroys all the buildings in its path, then it will look impressive (as in the movies). This platform cannot be destroyed by conventional weapons. The player will need a combat platform with powerful weapons or participation in a terrorist mission of a fighter aircraft, which with a certain probability (accuracy) will be able to shoot this target from the air.
  8. Step 1) Put a base in the middle east to cover Europe, much of Africa, and western Eurasia Step 2) Put a base in south-east Asia to cover much of Asia, western Eurasia, and much of Australia Step 3) Put a base in center America to cover both Americas moderately well. Every time. The order may be different, but to min-max your bases you got to have as little of them cover as much ground as possible. In Xenonauts where your money can be quite tight, this is imperative. Maybe you can put your Asian base a tad bit north to cover all of Russia and build an Australian base, or maybe you can have a dedicated north and south American base, but having more than 4 bases (at least in my experience) is really pushing it, financially. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad thing; having people new to the genre figure this out on their own is kind of like a rite of passage, but it isn't really all that thought provoking once you figure it out. It's not even the game's fault, we were just born onto a planet that, through all it's positives, fails miserably in adding strategic and thought provoking decisions when it comes to base placement in the XCOM like genre of games. Now I'm not saying we gotta change the geography of the Earth for Xenonauts, that would be silly, and spit in the whole "cold war" aspect of the game, but what if as like a new game plus option there was randomized land masses and continent lay-outs. Nothing crazy or lore changing, just randomly changing how Earth looks so that when I do decide to play this game again I have another interesting decision to make instead of following the same basic steps. Or you could just remove the base placement mechanic. That would work too.
  9. Are there any plans to add more gadgets? In this case i am reffering to Medkit as a gadget, since it can heal and is not used to deal damage. Some ideas "stolen" from other x-com like games: Deployable shield to give half cover Grapling hook to get to higher terrain easily Range finder to give higher hit chance against targeted enemy Deployable turret that only has reaction fire And i guess there are allot of other fun things one could add to enhance the experience, and make the playstyle more creative with destruction etc. I dont think anything should be too sci-fi and keep with the 70-80s feel of the game. I dont really know if X1 had allot to choose from, that could be re-added. Thoughts?
  10. Hey ppl.. I want to make a mod with different weapon types and aliens with resistances and weakness for this dmg types.. So I am so new and confused a bit.. what dmg types does this game have? Can i give a weapon 2 or 3 different dmg type? För example a rifle with 10 ballistic 20 laser dmg together? Can i create my own type? As enemies.. can I give them specific weakness or resistances? My idea is to make all weapons usefull rather then adding more dmg per tier.. then I want to create weapons with 2 or 3 dmg types.. hybrid ones.. so u still can kill enemies with what u have but it will be much harder if the enemy got resist.. För example at Xcom tftd u nearly can't kill a lobster man with gauss rifle.. he dies but with 10 shot.. but with heavy sonic he dies with onu one or two.. the new guns with more then 1 dmg type will be expensive and in need of different loots from aliens.. so u won't able to craft them so much. Another idea I have to improve the aliens with our tech.. they will use our weapons and adopt them as we do.. I am not good at coding but got amateurish photoshop using and bad English heh... so if an experienced modder want to use my ideas and weapon arts (got 9 human and 3 enemy weapon done including new flamethrower and cannons) I would be very happy and want to share what I done. Some examples..
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