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If the aliens capture the control room in a Xenonauts base the base is considered destroyed. I think turnabout is fair play here and, more importantly, alien base missions are very time consuming to play specially the large base missions. I think holding the alien control room for five turns (the same as capturing the bridge on a alien ship) should end ground combat for bases with a complete "win". By the time you've taken the command room you've probably killed well over half the aliens in the base anyway. Hunting every single one down is tedious and should be avoidable. With my proposal there will be three possible victory paths in a base mission. 1. Kill/stun every alien. 2. Destroy the reactors. 3. Capture and hold the control room for five turns. I estimate this could reduce the "real" time needed to take out an alien base by 1/3 to 1/2. Thanks for your consideration.
Little help please: I've captured the command center in a large enemy base. The leader is stunned (like I want.) Now, how do I get the ground combat to end? I've never taken a base before and still had aliens alive in other parts of the base (yes, I hear a few still running about in other parts of the base.) Do I need to destroy the globe in the command room? Destroy everything in the command room? Kill everyone in the base? I know I can go after the reactors too. Anyway, my main thing is that I don't want lose my captive.
Uhmn... How do you deal with alien bases now?
Voidian posted a topic in Xenonauts General Discussion
I used to think heavy plasmas were the most overpowered thing the world of gaming has ever seen melting any armor like butter but now that I'm using the experimental build.... *Opens the door* *Grenades the 2 sebilian guys in front of me, smoke, charge, end turn* *1 sebilian uses a grenade, 90 damage, instant kill my shield dude, another one comes from the side and shoots with a plasma cannon which used to do no damage at all, 200+(!) damage, half the squad is bleeding*... I'm fairly sure this is a lost playthrough now. -
Hi all, I've uncovered my first alien base up in Canada (a small Sebilian base)... and duly died horribly when attempting to assault it. After the entry room and corridor there's a firing squad of aliens waiting behind a wall. I find that their reaction fire kills rifle/assault guys so have switched a rocket barrage to clear these first defenders, but the defenders just keep on coming from deeper in the base. What are your tactics to clear the first room and then proceed onto the other rooms? At what kind of tech level do you consider taking on a base?