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Found 7 results

  1. Maybe I just want to jump in and play a custom battle with everything unlocked(as long as you discover it in Campaign) for my choosing and then Start Mission! Would love to see this feature added post-release for free Thank you. OpenXcom has already implemented this neat feature which you can also use to test your mods. Next suggestion. Within the new Geoscape, please add any kind of notes that would change the Battlescape and affect your Xenonauts like ugly weather, war zones, and nuclear dead zones. Say North Korea launched a nuke, u could see it traveling and maybe it gets shot in mid-air or maybe it landed so a tiny circled Bio-hazard icon will be over the area it landed in. If a UFO crash lands into a dead zone, you better have Power Suits to protect you from that harmful radiation if you plan to capture the UFO. Say North Korea invaded Mexico and a UFO landed in the Warzone. you will be up against freaked out Military men and they shoot anyone they see. Small icon in the middle of the invaded country and details when you hover over the country. Maybe have an EU Civil War between Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and MORE free-for-all brawl battling each other in madness! Funding wont change because Xenonauts is a secret World-Wide organization requiring the highest clearance so not even the president knows about it so he cant even request funding cuts. At war or not, only the oldest of elites with power AKA council member for that nation would make sure you keep getting paid if you do your job right which is cleaning up, leaving no evidence of alien unknowns. Thank you everyone and I hope you all had great holidays and lots of presents! Muan muah hmma hmmma lots of kisses and hugs! This time my English teacher came to my house and helped me so I its not that bad this timeeee right
  2. I was playing the other day and I realized that nothing on the battlefield is animated from what I could see. So what would be nice to see is. - Dust and other random debris (paper) in the wind - Environmental effects like wind/snow/rain in some situations (this has been requested before I know) - Alien aircraft have glowing parts and maybe some sparks where cracks exist due to crash (atm they are perfect UFO's except the one's on fire) - Characters to have idle animations - And whatever else makes sense. I know this is probably not gonna happen? and some may have been suggested before; just thought I'd make a post about it, as its something I felt would bring the battlefield to life and be much more enjoyable.
  3. Maybe I just want to jump in and play a custom battle with everything unlocked(as long as you discover it in Campaign) for my choosing and then Start Mission! Would love to see this feature added post-release for free Thank you. OpenXcom has already implemented this neat feature which you can also use to test your mods. Next suggestion. Within the new Geoscape, please add any kind of notes that would change the Battlescape and affect your Xenonauts like ugly weather, war zones, and nuclear dead zones. Say North Korea launched a nuke, u could see it traveling and maybe it gets shot in mid-air or maybe it landed so a tiny circled Bio-hazard icon will be over the area it landed in. If a UFO crash lands into a dead zone, you better have Power Suits to protect you from that harmful radiation if you plan to capture the UFO. Say North Korea invaded Mexico and a UFO landed in the Warzone. you will be up against freaked out Military men and they shoot anyone they see. Small icon in the middle of the invaded country and details when you hover over the country. Maybe have an EU Civil War between Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and MORE free-for-all brawl battling each other in madness! Funding wont change because Xenonauts is a secret World-Wide organization requiring the highest clearance so not even the president knows about it so he cant even request funding cuts. At war or not, only the oldest of elites with power AKA council member for that nation would make sure you keep getting paid if you do your job right which is cleaning up, leaving no evidence of alien unknowns. Thank you everyone and I hope you all had great holidays and lots of presents! Muan muah hmma hmmma lots of kisses and hugs! This time my English teacher came to my house and helped me so I its not that bad this timeeee right NOTE. I meant to put this here in suggestions. im sorry and htnak you for your patience..
  4. Having just spent some time sending my Xenonauts through pine forests, Arctic slopes and lush jungles, the expanding use of terrain in the game has been on my mind. Are there any plans to implement differing AP requirements based on the terrain the soldier is going to be moving through? In EU1994 this was:- [table=width: 600, class: grid, align: left] [tr] [td]Move One Space (Normal Terrain)[/td] [td]4 TUs[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Move One Space (Medium grass)[/td] [td]5 TUs[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Move One Space (Tall Grass)[/td] [td]6 TUs[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Climb or Descend One Space (Hill/Ramp/Stairs)[/td] [td]8 TUs[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Impassable[/td] [td]N/A[/td] [/tr] [/table] Extrapolating this you could have:- [table=width: 600, class: grid, align: left] [tr] [td]Move One Space (Normal Terrain)[/td] [td]4 APs[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Move One Space (Difficult Terrain)[/td] [td]5 APs[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Move One Space (Very Difficult Terrain)[/td] [td]6 APs[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Climb or Descend One Space (Hill/Ramp/Stairs)[/td] [td]8 APs[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Impassable[/td] [td]N/A[/td] [/tr] [/table] Where the terrain types could be:- [table=width: 600, class: grid, align: left] [tr] [td]Normal - 4[/td] [td]Road, Street, Grass, Puddles, Light Snowfall[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Difficult - 5[/td] [td]Mud, Medium Grass, Light Brush, Snow, Stream, Sand, Trail, Low Wall[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Very Difficult - 6[/td] [td]Marsh, Tall Grass, Brush/Bocage, Uneven Rocks, Deep Snow, Deep Stream, Rickety Bridge, Wall[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Slopes - 8[/td] [td]Hill, Ramp, Stairs, Swamp, Wheatfield, Dense Foliage, Wreckage, Drift, Shallow River, Dune, Slanted Roof, Crater Ridge/ Shellhole[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Impassable[/td] [td]Bogs, Cliffs, Deep Woods, Impenetrable Forest, Dense Wreckage, Lake/ Deep River, Cliff[/td] [/tr] [/table] As I enjoy the odd skirmish game, I know this is one area a number of players of such things would look at and say “well, that’s pants then,” or phrases along those lines. Not in a purist way, but as it’s really one of the basics. So, I really do hope it’s something that has been planned and was just awaiting some maps to be in place first. Extensions of this would be the use of weather affecting some of the tiles during the course of a mission, or altering it slightly as you get there. This was discussed in this thread It looks to be beyond the current scope, but deserves a mention and a reread. It also mentions the appropriate effects of elevation within the game.
  5. This question has probably been asked and answered already (didn't find anything when I searched though), but how many different types of terrain is planned? Jungle, Desert, Steppe, towns (western, middle-eastern, asian, african, south-american), cities (same geographical varieties apply), leaf-tree forest, needle-tree forest, farmland, mountain (rock/forest/snow?), tundra, coast (there should be variants of this with all of the different themes) and arctic are the minimum if you ask me. Also, will there be seasonal differences on terrain type? Also, will there be height differences in the terrain or will all maps be flat? And lastly, will there be different weather-types? For example hunting down a crashed U.F.O. in the arctic during a storm would give a really cool The Thing-like atmosphere. As I see it, this is (together with a functional A.I.) the last piece of the puzzle before I can start enjoying this game fully - I already know that I like the general design of everything else, so much depends on how this is handled. What is known at this point? *EDIT* Something that would be really cool was if the weather was visually represented on the geoscape, so that if you could see formations of rainclouds over the crash-site, there will be a high chance of rain in the battlescape. These things could have effects on vision range, weapon accuracy and such things. This would mean that you might have to make a tough call beforehand - say if you're stuck with rookies, and a U.F.O crashes in a powerful lightning storm, you might just decide to bomb the site instead because your rookies won't be able to handle those conditions, or do you send them in, risking your whole crew, or do you wait and hope that the weather changes before the aliens scatter or gets picked up by their allies who will most probably slaughter or abduct all the civilians at the site?
  6. So I notice allot of extreme weather events and thought to myself, well wouldn't it be a nice addition to have some of these occur in the game combat now and again depending on area or something? For example you can have Light Rain, Heavy Rain, Storm (heavy + wind), and also perhaps snow/hail effects. Perhaps some missions will have some flooding and on raining missions perhaps ponds of water exist. But first of all it be nice to see some simple rain in combat now and again to flesh things out. Is this possible with the engine? It can come under weather effects.
  7. First off I'd like to start this post by saying a lot of my suggestions or request i don't expect to be in the initial launch of this game. These are more of cosmetic features/suggestions that could add more depth to the game in minuet ways. Also if weather has already been discussed, my apology. If you ask any soldier anywhere across the world he will tell you that weather and terrain dictate tempo of a battlefield. It dictates on how you can attack the enemy and the movement speed of your troops across the battlefield. Thus, I believe a regional/seasonal weather system would be fitting for Xenonauts. On the Global map seeing winter snow fade in and out as winter comes and passes would add a cosmetic appeal to the game. On a battle scale snow or rain could hinder troop movement and sand/snow/rain storms could lower visibility. The global game map is already separated into different regions of the world. Your half way there in my opinion, now all you have to do is add different factors to these regions of the world. Like if its between Month A to month B a sand/snow/rain storm is X likely to happen on this region of the world and Y likely to be represented on a battlefield. Obviously to represent snow/rain fall in the game would be a little difficult so i propose to just have snow fall on the ground or make the ground a little more reflective if you will to represent rainfall and maybe a 10% loss of visibility and slightly increased Ap to move while outdoors. I'm assuming one cosmetic issue that would show itself is how do you prevent this effect from taking place indoors and that in my opinion where things will be a little difficult, I don't know how the developers built the game engine and if buildings are represented differently on a map then the under layer of the ground. On to the next topic Terrain bonuses, I've seen the cover feature which i think is a great feature that's been added. I was just curious to know if there's going to be an elevation bonus. If a soldier is on the second floor or roof of a building will his visibility or accuracy be improved? Will terrain add any bonuses to the combat? If not i think this would also be another feature that would be nice to add. Again if this topic has already been posted my apologies. Like i stated before it would be more of a cosmetic addition to the game with slight feature improvements. Something similar to a NASA weather satellite, if you will [Example] Seeing weather phenomenal take place on the global map would be interesting as well. Please post your own thoughts on the topics and if you think they would add to the game play. Primarily the weather, it would be more of a visual representation of time regarding the seasonal effects on the global map.
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