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Found 8 results

  1. Hello everybody, I have a strange situation with game. I have many times won the ground battles, and now with large ship it crashes. My crashdump is here: https://yadi.sk/d/je7ZUTqFhaudW (Yandex Cloud). Situation: i have 3 bases, alien takes 3 continents. Five UFO's found at my area, all of them was shot down by my aircrafts. I get new point on the map with massive UFO. My aircraft with 10 soldiers came to the UFO and i get a dialog what i decide - to attack or not. I choose to attack, and game crashes. It is first time ever, i have won 60+ battles in ground mode before. Please, help. I love this game and want to play more. Thank you.
  2. Hi there I just purchased Xenonauts through Desaura (http://www.desura.com/games/xenonauts) where I downloaded both the Mac version and the Compatibility Mac version. After installing the normal Mac version just crashes as soon as I click to Play the game. The Compatibility version worked first try, but every other time I have tried to load it, it does the same thing. I have antivirus disabled, and I have Xquartz installed. The OS I am on is Mavericks. I have also tried uninstalling and deleting all files, to reinstall, but then I still get the same problem. This game looks amazing and I am dying to play it! therefore would really appreciate if you can help me get this working please Thanks!! Dan
  3. Please post Mac specific bugs here. Include the version of xenonauts you are running, which version of OSX you have and what Mac you have. Steps to reproduce are very helpful. Known issues: Invisible civilians Glitch with TU on ground Right click brings up context menu - engine bug To hire, or assign requires holding down mouse button - engine bug No fullscreen - coming later
  4. Tell me, how do you install a mod or a map pack via a steam mac version of the game? The best possible way I have found to install mods is by clicking an dragging each individual folder with a folder of the game. Is there an easier way to do this?
  5. Firstly I'd like to apologize if this information has already been posted elsewhere. But I can't seem to find it. Is there a date when the mac version will be available on Steam? It has the option to install, but then installs instantly and when you try to run it is has no executable. Any info on this would be welcomed. Payed for it in the beginning on kickstarter and am itching to play it on my mac. Thanks
  6. (TL;DR: Can I have a Mac version of the Experimental build?) So, here's my dilemma, gents: I run OS X, and so far have simply been taking the standalone Windows version and putting it in a wine wrapper to get it to work. I do this because the Mac build has never been up to date, and because putting the Windows build in Wine works just fine, never had problems. Until now. See, the Experimental build will only be available through Steam, correct? And unless it suddenly got a lot easier to port a game from Windows to Mac, it'll be Windows only? From what I understand, the Stable build will be Win/Mac/Linux, but the Experimental will only be Windows. Since it's Steam, and it tries to be helpful, it won't install a game that you can't run on your OS. Generally, this is appreciated, but now it's simply annoying, because this means that I won't be able to download and play the Experimental build and continue helping the game, because I don't run Windows anymore (not enough disk space to dual boot anymore). Does anyone know how to download a Windows game on Steam while running a different OS? Or will there be a way for me to have a Mac version of the experimental? One recommendation, whoever uploads the game (I believe it's Chris, but I could be wrong) could upload the Experimental build plopped into a wine wrapper. I can write up instructions for how to do that, and even build the wrapper itself so you simply have to place the folder into the wrapper. I just don't want to become useless and only be able to play the (still much appreciated) Stable build, and have to watch from the sidelines. Thanks everyone!
  7. I'll begin with quoting from Kickstarter project page: Chris, guys, just let that stuff go for the moment and concentrate on the game development. Since you began with windows only, finish that one first please. Here are my arguments for baking up my previous statement. I am successfully running Xenonauts on wine under Mac OS Lion since alfa-8.9, which i torrented (shame on me). And on the same setup via Desura preorder since 9.31. I have also successfully tested Desura+Xenonauts on both Debian and RHEL based linux distributions with Wine 1.4, on open-source drivers on ATI and nVidia GPU's. There is also CrossOver, which is easier to setup for ordinary user, again for both Mac and Linux, on which xenonauts work as well. Finally, most games ported on Mac nowadays are wrapped in one of several wrappers (Wineskin, CXE, Cider) instead of being rewritten. I don't know what you used to write the game (and i have enough stuff to do already, otherwise i'd even play with decompiler), but in case it's .NET, check the Mono-Project and see if you could run your code on the MonoFramework. P.S. If there are users here who would like to hear for specific instructions on how to set up wine on Mac in order to get Desura/Xenonauts working, and what to do next - ask here. I assume Linux dudes will know that already, but in case there's someone who does not, be my guest to ask as well
  8. Hy there! The chance is pretty high, that this question was already asked, but is there gonna be MAC OS version? If yes is there a Beta version i can play on macos? Thank you.
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