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Everything posted by Huntota

  1. Yeah, people tend to get used to everything after a while. The point is, if something isn't good, one shouldn't get used to it to begin with.
  2. The way Firaxis dealt with storyline reminded me of Santa Barbara. So much unnecessary relations and drama it hurts. Xenonauts sort of has the same, with all that weird hate for engs from the head scientist guy and too informal research reports all over the place, but at least it's not in cinematic. So, i guess we're on the opposite spectrums. Also, the intro story was ok. The alien invasion research picture was very good. The original x-com intro was pretty lame. Firaxis intro... wait, i already forgot how it was. The only intro i actually liked was in apoc. Tftd was okay, tho.
  3. Well, maybe there's a way to mix american and soviet comms into one big file, then.
  4. Found even better video, 4vs4, a lot of comms. Well, they're calling each other "greys" and "blues" but i guess that can work. Who cares anyway.
  5. Yeah, sending waves of laser rifle guys with t-shirts against aliens was my favourite part of original x-com.
  6. Just don't care that much for a few dead soldiers, even if you liked them. Sure you need experienced people around, but they're still expendable.
  7. Well, this videocard looks bad, but xenonauts aren't that flashy anyway. 3 Gb isn't that much for windows 7 either... anyway. I would suggest trying another videocard and another set of ram to see if something changes, and work from there.
  8. I thought revealing a map would get rid of the fog of war, so still went into command center, wandered around waiting until it works... it never worked obviously. I actually forgot one soldier in the command center for a while, too. Then i cleared the map, battle didn't end, i went around it again, bam! There's andron in command center! Things are weird.
  9. Well, how about telling us your system specifications first?
  10. Well, i don't like shotguns and i like rifles. Still, until i started relying heavily on shotguns and ditching rifles on most guys, i usually lost horribly. So yeah.
  11. What else would you expect from a game called XCom? I know i wanted it to be better than the original in terms of alien invasion simulation, not worse. If it would be called, say, Superheroes Against Cartoon Monsters, i'd be totally fine with it.
  12. >There are (at-least were) Airshow audio mp3s/cds out there that are pretty clean and free of copyrights. If you're looking for comms from actual combat, you can find some on youtube, probably free of copyright since it was uploaded to net. It's attacking ground targets, not interceptions, but i didn't see any footage from real interceptions, just some training fights:
  13. Update: yeah, it was a landing ship building a base. And yeah, mig flying over it revealed it immediately. Now i have fancy base upgrade. By the way, base was really weak, i only lost 3 guys and a tank due to my stupidity. Also, map got revelaed just some turns into it. Not sure why. Maybe game doesn't count androns for aliens in command center? It was basically just androns and some other guys, wraiths or har... whatever, not sure. By the way, tank got recovered just like soldiers with hp in low negatives do. That was also weird.
  14. You mean a tactical nuke? Well, it must be a pretty low-yield one. And where's fun in that? What if some reaper escaped the blast radius? One should not take any chances and nuke the whole city.
  15. What's harsh is the low level of casualties after it. A nuclear strike on city and you get just a few tens of thousands? Come on!
  16. Well, when i inspected corpses myself in the early game, i only found weapons and ammo usually. Later, i started to find grenades on corpses. So they definately had them. They just don't use them for some reason.
  17. Actually... I've seen a lot of mentions here about grenades, how aliens throw them a lot and how they kill people. The thing is - they never used grenades in any of my games. At all. I used shields a bit, tho, just not much and mostly before i got lasers. Not a single nade thrown.
  18. Great. I guess i should let him live and see what happens. Gonna intercept a bit, tho, just to make sure i didn't confuse landing ship with a corvette (not sure if those even appear by now with cruisers around, but better safe than sorry). Also, some xenonauts wiki showed me "ground attack mission". What's that if not terror? An abduction?
  19. Won't work in my case, i usually shoot everything that isn't fighter down as it appears. So now i want to let aliens build a base but don't want them to run amok. So it doesn't even have to land? Because right now i have a landing ship with escorts landed and was already sending a team to clear it out, but then decided to ask if that's actually the base building and i should let him alive. There isn't a terror mission there, and it's not in the city, anyway. So...
  20. So, how exactly does it all work? I take it a landing ship needs to land and stay uninterrupted by people with guns. Then what? It takes off and flies away, and the base is already there? Or it needs to escape unharmed? Or some other landing ship must land there and add its load? If so, how many landings are needed? Also, i heard that bases get autodetected after 5 days since they're built. Does that always work? Is there any other way to detect a base if not? And even if it does?
  21. People complain about anything. That doesn't make removing features any less of dumbing down. I'm not even sure why some people try to defend that horrible abomitnation firaxis game was. Is it fashionable to be against the general stream, to paraphrase some firaxis defender? Seriously, it's like some kind of mmorpg met x-com and they spawned a hybrid that got everything wrong. All the special abilities like "FIRE A MISSILE" made me die a little inside, and the general tone of this game was about bunch of superheroes mowing down dozens of aliens with their superweapons who mostly didn't even activate until you went further, thus reducing almost every mission to boring shooting range. (i played at maximum difficulty of course) And i'm not even touching the geoscape and "strategic" part of the game, that with only one base, interceptions even worse than in the original (how could that even be possible?), inability to react to different missions at once, hit points instead of proper armor... all in all, this is just cartoony farce instead of a proper remake. But yeah, it sells better. Just don't sell it here.
  22. I'm not even sure smoke works on them robots, but then again, 10 tiles is very, very close. If you have no cover, you're probably dead next alien turn.
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