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Everything posted by aajs

  1. Nice idea, I have Adjusted the xml as you suggested, but still no joy.
  2. Thanks Mikhail, my weapons xml now looks like this <Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0"> <Cell ss:StyleID="s25"><Data ss:Type="String">weapon.AlienPlasmaPistol</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s25"><Data ss:Type="String">weapons/alien/alienpistol</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s25"><Data ss:Type="String">weapons/alien/alienpistol</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s25"><Data ss:Type="String">plasma</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s26"><Data ss:Type="Boolean">0</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s26"><Data ss:Type="Number">50</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s26"><Data ss:Type="Number">16</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s26"><Data ss:Type="Number">9</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s26"><Data ss:Type="Number">0.6</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s26"><Data ss:Type="Number">2</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s26"><Data ss:Type="Number">3</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s26"><Data ss:Type="Number">2</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s25"><Data ss:Type="String">ammo.alienplasmacell</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s26"><Data ss:Type="Number">20</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:Index="16"><Data ss:Type="String">Plasmas</Data></Cell> </Row> my items.xml for these entries is now set to unlimited however they still do not show. I also added them to researches xml as unlockitem entries just in case...
  3. As far as I know we still cannot have multiple ammos per weapon. However I still want combined shotgun/rifles and rifle/grenade launchers in my mod. Would it be considered to lame, to add a combined ammo graphic and let the shots draw from that. I was wondering if that is a compromise to far?
  4. Yes I thought about the ammo also, however I had already set it to unlimited so that's not the problem. I must be missing something.
  5. I manage to move this on a little, I am still setting them to normal in the items.xml but if I also change its images column to patch the other items that show in the inventory to "weapons/airplane/rocket" then it does finally appear in my stores. This is good but I still can get them to show in my weapons view. I have tried changing their catagory to ballistics and other but still not showing. Has anybody got this to work?
  6. I do not know why I want to do this as alien weapons are rubbish for humans. I just have an issue that you can capture alien weapons but not keep them. Is there a way of doing this. I have set them to uncapped and also tried setting them to normal in items.xml but nothing seems to let them appear. Any ideas?
  7. Does anybody know where we can download free sound effects? And if we need to convert them does anybody know a free editor?
  8. aajs


    One way of getting soldiers to start empty is to slightly rename the weapons and ammo in the files. For nstance rename weapon.pistol to weapon.pistol2. I had pretty much been doing this for other reasons in my mod and then noticed my soldiers were all unequiped.
  9. Thanks for the pointers, I have tried copying some tiles and modifying them but am not doing very well. I am not sure if I am just tired after working all day or really dumb. Unfortunately I suspect the later. Could anybody post an example of the .xml to create a tile overlay effect with just one simple frame that does not change. I want top replace the impact spectre with it.
  10. 1) A bright flashlight to hold in your off hand so it gives the same area of light as a vehicle? 2) Binoculars that could when used extend you revealed squares 3) Combat Stims. An injection that gave you more morale or reset you morale value? 4) Stamina Injection to give you a time unit boost. I am guessing from what I have managed to mod so far the answer is no. Regarding point 4 I have tried setting negative time units but that definitely does not work. Has anybody got anything like the above to work or created any other obscure tools other than just weapons etc.
  11. I have decided I am going to have a few tiers as "unlimited on research" then when I change my weapons to fire Depleted Alenium rounds then the barrels will need to be especially hardened etc..etc...At this point I am going to make the player use alien alloys and create the manufacturing for profit possibility there. Any upgrades after that, I will put along side the existing tier but try to make it so that the previous version still has some value as an option. I think that will work out OK.
  12. Okay I was perhaps being a little dumb trying to use the afterimpact spectre. Now I am just using this: <Impact spectre="particles/tranq/tranq"/> The impact spectre I am using shows the same dart frame on a loop so it effectively stays where it hit and looks good. The only thing is when a solder walks in front past it the dart appears on top of him rather than behind him. I am sure I read a thread about this a while back, however no amount of searching seems to find it. Does anybody know how to resolve this issue.
  13. I was getting a lot done today, when I got a list distracted making my tranquilliser guns. I am happy that I have finally got my Tranquilliser dart projectile animation looking nice. However I kind of wanted to see the little dart sticking out of the floor or wall if you missed. I have been playing with the AfterImpact spectre but cant get it to show anything. Has any body got this working? Or can anyone mock one up and post it. I dont need anything complex, I dont really care about the angle of the dart, I just want a dart sticking straight up if you miss. <AfterImpact spectre="particles/tranq/tranq" />
  14. Wow thanks for the help. Looks like its a goer, I think I will put it with xenobiology and put something in the description to show that it can somehow distinguish aliens from humans on the scanner. blah de blahh... I have so many items and weapons to put in its crazy... Thats kind of the idea of my Mod I am making. I am going to call it "Xenonauts choices" and just bombard the player with tech tree choices. That will be the challenge, do you work the tech tree broadly or pick a technology and research a path to the end. My theory is that having too much choice will actually make the game harder as players try to stretch themselves to thin researching everything. I was also trying to create a little spin of mini distraction through manufacturing for profit. However certain limitations to what can be accomplished has forced me to tone down the idea.
  15. Is there any way I can test it is making a difference when equipped. Is there some log files or any debugging mode that will show whats happening when its being used?
  16. I was reading the quick start guide with regards to how reaction fire works. My big question is how does the calculation work if holding two weapons one in each hand. Say I had a 1.5 reaction fire weapon and a 1.7 reaction fire weapon in the other hand what would happen. Would one be calculated or both added together and calculated. The reason I was asking was that I was thinking about making a motion detector item, something like the gadget in the film aliens. I was going to make it as a weapon that technically could not fire anything but give it a high reaction rating. I was hoping if this was equipped in one hand it would allow you a high reaction chance with a pistol in the other. Does anybody know if this could work. Or has anybody tried anything similar.
  17. I am new to this whole modding thing and was wondering about modding etiquette. If I am making a mod that does one thing and somebody has made another mod with features that are compatible with your mod how do you go about including in them in yours. This is not an issue if your mod is for personal use, however what is the situation if you are intending to share you mod with the community later? Do you have to specifically ask the mod owners permission to include it in you mod? Or can you add it in, but make sure there is a section that gives credit to the modder that created that part and add links to his original work etc? Can anybody steer me in the right direction.
  18. Well I tried everything I could think of but no success. I was hoping to have tiers of weapons in my mod that could be improved replacing the old ones. But have some of them that could be sold off at a slight profit and thus opening up a bit of a mini game based on trading opportunities. However I think this is going to be a bit of a dead end as its very confusing for players to be able to spend time and money creating something that effectively no longer exists and cant be sold. Unless anybody has done anything clever here, then I will just convert my mod back to having boring infinite weapons, either that or 40 plus weapons in the ballistic weapons menu.
  19. Thanks for the help I tried the long shot but it didn't work. If I try to produce the old items nothing happens. The item does not get created at the end of the manufacturing process, however it does not crash. I tried replacing items with nothing "" which effectively makes them disappear which is also useful however the manufacturing parts are still there. A RemoveManufacture or DeleteManufacture would have been real helpful. I will play around with it for a bit and see If I can produce anything workable.
  20. I need some help here and cant find the answer in any other thread. Basically I have 3 weapons that get researched... Then I have another research round the replaces the first weapons using replaceitem(X,Y). I have the unlockmanufacture setup against each of the weapons. However once my weapons have been swapped out for the new ones I still have entries to manufacture the old ones that no longer exist. How can this be resolved? I was looking for something like replacemanufacture(X,Y) but that is not available.
  21. Thanks for posting the adjustment. I had not even noticed it was broken as I always use the wheel on my mouse.
  22. I have been playing with the flamethrower settings but whatever I do with its ammo type etc,, I cannot get it to do any damage. I have been testing it on my fellow xenonauts and it always says resisted... It does a lot of damage to surrounding objects tho. Has anybody got this working to some extent. I would rather have it in my game with no perfect graphics than not have it at all.
  23. AAhhh haa I managed to get it done. For anybody else who want to do the same. I edited the sequipview.lua script file in notepad. This script lives in the assets/scripts folder as was stated in an earlier post. The parts I modified were: { name = "weaponselect", x = kMax - (wsw * 1.0), y = 0, w = wsw, h = wsh * 1.25, image = "ui_screens/ui_stores/speechbubble", bordersize = 4, headersize = 23 * screenScaleY, and a little bit further down { name = "weaponwindow"; x = wsw * 0.04, y = wsw * 0.2, w = wsw * 0.94, h = wsh + (wsh * 0.13), Window This now lets me see more weapons without scrolling.
  24. I am just trying to make my weapon selection box larger so that I can see more weapons without scrolling. I have edited various sections of the file but just cant get the desired results. Can anybody help.
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