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Ram Jam

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  1. If I build hangers in a horizontal position and then build fighters in that base, the fighter graphic is stretched to try and fill the box, instead of rotating appropriately. Not sure if this issue is known or not. I should also mention the Hangar's art is as well.
  2. I still have not found a good method of assulting UFOs, in XCOM I would just blow holes in the ship and make my own door then blast anything that moves. I've yet to try that method here, cause I want to keep UFOs intact. Mostly...
  3. Not a huge deal or even all that important, but I enjoy the little things. I would like (maybe only in the harder settings) for (human) basic guns and ammo to cost money. The whole infinite thing, is useful and I'm sure not even a few people want to pay attention to their ammo stores (especially with basic human guns) but I enjoyed that little detail from xcom.
  4. I have yet to get a base assault in xenonauts but in original xcom, I would build my base defensively, even if it meant sacrificing some space. Base battles for me were always intense but I never cheaped out like some of the examples I've read in here.
  5. I really like the idea of being able to choose conscript or discharged men for cheap or pay much higher rates for more experienced troops. I personally would choose the conscripts, as I love the level progression and just throwing my troops at the enemy.
  6. <p><p>Thanks, but I have no idea how VBulletin works. Will take some time to get used too.</p></p>

  7. <p><p>Welcome to the Forums</p></p>

  8. Hello everyone. I am a BIG X-COM fan. Loved the game, though never got into any of its squeals with the exception of X-COM enemy unknown. With the newest expansion of that coming out, I got revitalized in the series. Although I am very hyped about the expansion, I feel it may be straying too far away from the concept of what X-COM really should be. So I decided to give the original another boot up. I did, played it four several hours and enjoyed it. But every time I come back to it, I suffered from the old UI design and the limits of the game from its era. I spoke to a friend of mine about it, and we both agreed we want a very similar if not exact same game with just a modern tweak to it. By chance, I Google it and stumbled upon this site. Took me about 15 minutes of reading it, and watching the kickstarter video. I tried throwing my money at the screen but that didn't work. So I bought it through Amazon oddly enough. Now here I am. eager and wanting while my download... Well downloads. I hope this game is as awesome as it looks and is as faithful as the creators seem to be earnest.
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