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Everything posted by legit1337

  1. In the battlescape the slider for adjusting how many TUs to use with the medkit is broken. Additionally when it says 5 tus to heal 1 HP, it only end up taking 1 TU out of your TU pool to do. But if you keep doing it and you get down to 4 TUs, it won't let you do it further... IE requiring 5 TUs, but only using 1.
  2. The whole accuracy/supression balance when it comes to snap/normal/aimed/burst shots needs to be looked at... One time on the battlescape, one of my own soldiers was blocking my LOS. I actually had LESS chance to hit her and GREATER chance of hitting the alien i was aiming at with a snap shot then with a normal shot... which made no sense. I have little idea of how the shooting mechanics work now but they should have these rules... -Burst/automatic should offer more supression per individual shot then semi-auto fire. Under NO circumstances should a snap shot be more accurate then a normal/aimed shot. Snap shots should be weighted so that it is more TU efficient to shoot with normal/aimed shots then with multiple snap shots. Reaction fire should be taken at the most efficient shot the soldier has TU for. -Aiming mode should not affect cover %.
  3. Agreed. UFOs need to spawn in relation to area and not funding nations. Countries should also have unequal funding... I should be getting a crapload from USA, Russia, and Europe... Also, UFOs should appear in between waves. Not too many but one or two here and there to break the monotony.
  4. No, my version says stable + hotfix 1, the January 1st version. I did not download anything else.
  5. Running v20 stable hotfix 1 So I just ran into caesan guards on the FIRST light scout mission. Three of them jumped me as soon as I got off the chinook and wasted half my squad with plasma rifles. I still finished the mission and it said a plasma rifle was sent to my research division but it isn't showing up on my research screen... Also, they didn't seem to use the burst function on their rifles at all... even within spitting distance. So... uhh... WTF? Are these bugs or intended features?
  6. Blaster launcher wasn't overpowered it was just a really powerful lategame heavy weapon. Well ok the waypoints things was sorta bullsh*t. Psionics was overpowered... I remember seeing a guy on youtube doing the last mission on cydonia without moving his men even 1 square. I personally don't mind weapon tiers that are direct upgrades so long as there is differentiation between weapon types inside the tier and that there are no useless weapons (ala heavy laaser in the first xcom).
  7. @gauddlike I still disagree. Like I said it brings up a whole bunch of issues that needs to be addressed, like balancing it (nightmare). How low will the health on the sebs have to be reduced to balance the difficulty with the less numerous caesans? You might get sebs with LESS health then caesans or other wonky stats... Think of the new players who have a caesan mission for the first time, and then go into a seb mission thinking they are going to fight the same amount of enemies... It also pigeonholes alien force deployments... Because sebs have to be balanced to be weaker then caesans 1 on 1, you will ALWAYS have missions where there are more sebs then caesans in a given scenario, and you will NEVER see a mission where sebs are few in number. It just seems better to balance on a 1 to 1 scale imo. A whole lot less headache and coding. You aren't missing out on much either... Sebs are more numerous then caesans? Whoop de do, that doesn't really benefit the game in any way or add to the immersion/lore/story at all except that one of the enemy types is changed to be cannon fodder in relation to the others. EDIT: Also, from a military logistics standpoint it makes absolutely no sense to have different numbers for the same missions. I'm not saying the alien's military structure is the same as ours but they will still have to follow certain rules to be efficient. If they have to send more sebs to do the job of a smaller number of caesans that means more seats/consoles in the ships, more supplies, more weapons, instead of just a standard loadout. As someone who was a quartermaster for just a couple hundred people I can safely say I would have murdered my Captain in his sleep if he even suggested such a thing.
  8. @aaron Eh... Not really sold on the idea... It could work, but it brings up some issues. Why would the alien heirarchy send 3-6 caesans to do the same job as 7-10 sebs? It sort of breaks immersion a bit to be honest. A question about how many sebs it takes to screw in a light bulb springs to mind... I know they are supposed to be less intelligent then humans and all but they cant be THAT dumb. After all, they need to fly the ship and operate technology. Also, balancing it will be a pain in the ass... I forsee you are going to be having to be tweaking stats up until release day. As opposed to having aliens numbers uniform which makes balancing a whole lot easier because you can compare them on a 1:1 scale. Has anyone ever proposed the idea of mixed crews like in TFTD? Now THAT is an idea worth implementing.
  9. @aaron For once I agree completely with what you are proposing. I am excited to play with the new changes.
  10. Don't kid yourselves. The original game had linear upgrades too. The fact that you sometimes had to fall back on laser technology because you ran out of plasma ammo was an intentional design choice to make the game harder... NOT a balance decision. Plasma was better in every situation then laser, period. Same for laser vs ballistics.
  11. I see where you are coming from but respectfully disagree. In the original x-com your base, troop, and logistics management was a series of spreadsheets. Your rookies were expendable and you pretty much had an unlimited supply of them. The entire war against the alien menace was essentially a battle of numbers. If this were COD I would agree with you but seeing numbers pop up in combat does not run counter to the theme of x-com and xenonauts imo. Higher difficulties should hide the numbers but I want to at least hear when I'm hitting flesh and hurting the alien, or when he just shrugged off the hit because of his armor.
  12. Giving the player more information is never uncool. I personally would like to see or hear some sort of indication on how the enemy's armor is mitigating my firepower.
  13. I agree with whoever said caesans should be noticeably weaker then other aliens in terms of durability. In exchange give them better reflexes and accuracy. Much like the sectoids from the OG. This would give them a "defensive" niche (better accuracy and better chance of reaction firing = better defender) which is good because the sebs are already thematically the "attacking" shock troops (better health + health regeneration + close range weapons). They should have higher accuracy then sebs anyway due to seb's "poor eyesight" in the lore. @chris Someone brought up chinook speed in the geoscape thread. Any chance of seeing a speedier chinook in this patch?
  14. Also for the fact that the sprites for non-coms have no armor showing. And the caesan autopsy picture (which is a picture of a caesan non-com being dissected) he is just wearing the alien's version of clothes.
  15. For what it's worth. If you are messing with the stats of aliens I think alien non-coms should have 0 armor. They aren't combatants, why should they be wearing combat armor?
  16. Personally I think the projectile speeds are fine as they are now. Quick enough to not appear cheesy, but slow enough to show the direction that they are coming from.
  17. Suppressing someone with a single sniper rifle shot makes perfect sense. It's a very powerful, accurate round and if it whizzes by your head and you have no idea where it came from you would probably huddle in cover too. IRL single snipers have held back the advance of entire battalions before.
  18. I third the opinion for the global accuracy nerfs. Before the accuracy buffs, the base accuracy was too low, soldiers would miss targets very close to them. But since the change it's been the opposite. I think 1.25 would be a good place to start. Directly in the middle between what they are now, and what they used to be.
  19. @StellarRat As per your #5. Aliens need to be more dangerous then humans I agree. But it should be because of their weaponry, not because of how physically "tough" they are. Its sort of dumb to have the lore tell me that caesans are much more phycially frail then humans, and then see one take half an assault rifle magazine to the face and keep on trucking. Sebs feel about right though. @Chris 1. I disagree with this change, the current movement/shooting balance feels right. This makes "offensive" tactics a little too powerful imo. 2. I strongly disagree with this change. Cover should be massively important in a firefight, it is what makes flanking and grenades useful. It also makes "offensive" tactics more powerful then they currently are. 3. Yes please. 4. Oh god no! Weapons are already too accurate now. I think they need to be toned down a little if anything. See Skitso's #4. 5-6. YESYESYESYES! Thank you! Maybe my guys will be able to take down an alien with reaction fire now that they aren't bullet sponges.
  20. I agree with StellarRat, less aliens seems like a better solution. Although I do think that 4-5 shots to put down an alien is sort of dumb. In another thread I was remarking how "odd" it felt to be outnumbered even on light scout missions. These aliens are supposed to be massively technologically superior (at least at the start of the game). I want it to feel that way. The early missions IMO should be tense alien hunts, search and destroy missions against a technologically, intellectually, and sometimes even physically superior foe. The large pitched battles can wait for the later missions and larger ships. I want to lose rookies in droves at the start of the game even if I'm careful. I want to lose men in the lategame even if I do everything perfect. This is how it should be.
  21. Agreed. Harder difficulty should be more aliens, not aliens with increased stats.
  22. @Ol'Stinky That's the thing. The aliens are so far ahead of us in terms of tech that 5-7 of their noncoms armed with nothing but pistols can actually stand toe to toe with out finest soldiers and still inflict massive casualties. Teir -1 for the aliens is actually more like tier 5 for us. I guess we will have to just wait for the AI improvements to come through before seeing. I guess all I'm saying is that I sort of want the early missions to feel like tense alien hunts. The later missions can be action packed pitched battles.
  23. Remember, xenonauts are supposed to outnumber the aliens and still have a hard time (at least at first until you start getting tech improvements). Being outnumbered on a light scout mission just feels wrong IMO, especially since the aliens are supposed to have a huge technology lead on us at first. It may feel good right now, but once those 7-9 aliens all start shooting properly I predict light scout missions will become much harder then they were originally intended to be. @Max_Caine I have edited the aliens down to six for a light scout and the maps feel perfect in terms of alien density. Not sure why people wanted 7-9. But 4 is indeed too few. Perhaps 5-7 would be a better number?
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