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Everything posted by ventuswings

  1. I am certain some squads will retain command center capture mission. I'm still excited for this change because having everyone rush for the CC makes other part of the map redundant and have strategy of sitting within the CC ungodly strong with how defensively it is set up.
  2. Increased inventory movement cost shouldn't remove too much variety in the game. It can however help eliminate some silly strategies. Perhaps I am exaggerating with two or three shuffling enough to remove all TU, but so is being able to move around your entire inventory yet being able to take bunch of shots thereafter in the same turn. Compare how much time it takes to reload. Reloading takes outrageous TU but I don't see people complaining because it's choice to be made on the battlefield. And deciding to change soldier's main weapon is greater decision than that! There should be more commitment for making that choice besides around ~15 TU. OG also allowed you to switch your weapon out and take a shot in the same turn but only enough for snap shot or such. I'd agree with the belt option but I am not sure how viable it is with this much development taken place.
  3. At very least, I want to see alien try to bring down the building if they see decent number of Xenonauts hiding inside heavily damaged building. f alien see Xenonaut soldier inside the building and are in possession of enough explosives/TU to bring it down reliably, they should take the shot. Always thought collapse mechanic was pretty cool and it should be easier to implement than introducing whole new decision system about when or when not to shoot through the wall.
  4. Does anyone think TU cost for switching items on the inventory is too low? In original game moving two or three item was enough to bleed entire TU dry, but in Xenonauts moving items - including the type of weapon you hold - hardly seem to cost anything at all.
  5. Armor is really strong compared to OG though, and to my understanding is not lost even if the armor-wearer is killed.
  6. Also, the accuracy formula is sure to be adjusted on next candidate so unsure the advice given will have much sustainability.
  7. Thank you! Hope the alien behaviour manages to reach that sweet spot where they are neither too passive or agressive!
  8. I don't believe tankers will be worth implementing since range of many aircrafts are already pretty far, thus would offer not much to the game. However, I agree it could be interesting to remove detection ability from fighters & dropships and give it only to AEW/C aircrafts. Since the base radar itself picks up many UFO, it would not be too unbalancing yet including aircraft separately dedicated for detection would provide interesting options. My idea for AEW/C * Available at beginning of the game * Large fuel * Is only airplane with radar detection (radar detection removed from other airplanes) * Works the same as Charlie for air combat; destroyed/grounded when intercepted by fighter, and if has fighter escorts it does not show up on the air combat screen.
  9. Regardless of the ideas merit, this would allow one to remove need for arbitrarily high number of TU that was added to prevent this exploit - only to fail - as well.
  10. Speaking of base defense, Besides the above I agree that alien not being aggressive seems to be a bug. Sometimes alien squad do not seem to attack even when there are clear path between their spawn point to the command center, unless "activated" by someone actually seeing them.
  11. Claiming that many people like the jsleezy portraits based on posts from that thread seem to be bit biased. It's much more likely for people who prefer new portrait to post there instead of someone like me who just see the OP and instantly back out because I prefer the dev one much more. Or is there some people outside of that thread posting about how they don't like the current portraits? I don't follow this forum much so that is definitely possible. rest editted out.
  12. Aliens from light scout mission are indeed really passive. If the player knows what they are doing, you are very unlikely to get fired upon except via reaction fire. That is why I advocated buffing the accuracy value of non-combatant aliens since the fact that they use plasma pistol is enough of a penalty.
  13. Does number of engineers affect the time it takes to repair the plane & facility at the moment? It could be nice to have engineers after reaching certain number cut off certain percentage of such repair times (72h recovery time for lost plane should always be fixed though). This reduction could be applied to facility construction time as well. So for like rudimentary example, If >X engineers, 10% reduction on airplane/facility damage repair + 5% reduction on facility construction time If >Y engineers, 20% reduction on airplane/facility damage repair + 10% reduction on facility construction time etc. I personally like this idea than manufacturing for donation example which is somewhat of an commercial manufacturing which is what developers are trying to avoid. More importantly, this constant bonus for having lot of engineers feels better than random requests which feel RNG based and only rewards player for having lot of enginners only at that time. Speaking of facility repair, does anyone have had their facility damaged during the base defense, because it seems like quite a rare occurrence to me. I propose at higher difficulties at least one squadron of aliens should have 'destruction AI' where they move room-to-room, firing at the equipments with explicit aim of destroying the facility until they directly engage the enemy. This should force the player to be proactive during base defense, and reduce effectiveness of camping tactics where one sit all his troops within the command center relying on reaction fire to wipe out all the aliens without even stepping out of the room.
  14. I wouldn't know about adding more stun weapons to fill out more conventional niche, we just got out from the Stun doctrine where stunning things were 100% right choice over actual live ammunition. Any further and we might end up in bizarro parallel world where standard Earth weaponry is stun pistiol, stun sniper, stun machine gun, stun ICBM (I'm pessimistic that close range direct weapon for stun would be far superior to conventional pistol unless given very short range, and if so why not use the baton?) It might be interesting opportunity to diversify stun unlocks a bit if aliens do get a type of stun weapon for the mission. Instead of [stun Weapons] unlocking everything, we could have it that [stun weapons] only unlock the baton and have [Alien Stun Technology] unlock stun grenade/rockets.
  15. Speaking of accuracy values, I want to see accuracy stat of non-combatant aliens to be increased, even if it entails decrease in number of aliens on board. The fact that they always use alien plasma pistol is already stifling enough penalty to distinguish them from the guards, and would make earlier engagements (before armours) more entertaining since it'll dissuade alien camping behaviour and punish player more for making mistakes. As is now, I feel there is too much difficulty gap between light scout and scout even now, regardless of how many aliens they come with.
  16. I assume the value of long-ranged missiles will increase once proper alien UFO AI is implemented, increasing the value of foxtrot on early stages of the game.
  17. It never bothered me that much, probably because they do the same in original X-COM too. Remember one unwanted rocket reaction fire wiping out 9 of my guys in one go At least in Xenonauts there are reaction fire modifiers to prevent that from happening.
  18. Is anyone having problems dealing with alien heavy plasma? I've seen a guy in Wolf armour take three shotgun shots point-blank and not take any damage.
  19. Actually makes me wonder, can they float like cyberdisc? I don't recall seeing one above the ground level; I assume it's related to the same bug that prevents alien from utilizing the upper floor.
  20. Bit late to the party, but I agree with the sentiment that should Reaper be adjusted, at first only bravery stat should be adjusted to make suppression truly difficult. Being suppressed seem to make Reapers frequently useless, but that doesn't mean they should have enough TU to make being suppressed redundant. Also concur Stun grenades & rockets should be pushed further back. However their suppressions value be adjusted, barring drastic changes latter two will always be more tactically useful than Stun baton.
  21. I like the idea of headlights. Very simple, and also fits in with the idea of Scout car.
  22. Wresting some control of the alien doors from Xenonauts makes some degree of sense anyway. Alien: Okay, we managed to survive the human's wave of bullets. Prepare to blast the fools who still linger at front of the door! Xenonaut Private: Unfortunately for you, we have brought our uber-hacker that will allow us to close your futuristic UFO door from outside without having direct access to the control room! Even better, each of us have super-strength enough to forcibly close the massive steel gate with our bare fist! *foosh* Alien: FFFFFFFF
  23. Nice! Does this mean aliens will be able to reaction fire when you manually open doors now?
  24. I can cautiously agree with point #2 and #4. Let me throw in my own gripe too: Prevent injured soldiers from being completely healed in combat (do not make their gray bar 100%). It makes 'injured' status pretty irrelevant.
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