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Everything posted by Person012345

  1. This topic ignores the fact that this is a 1 player game and that if you want to do stupid power grinding, that is a deliberate action by you to exploit the game mechanics and is entirely your business. You don't have to do it (I never have and never will). The interceptor problem is an entirely different one in that interceptor balance inherently affects everyone, exploit or not (the alleged "problem" is that skill levels alone can dramatically affect your outcomes, not any sort of exploit). Comparing the two doesn't work.
  2. I lol'd so hard at your post. I actually completely agree. The entire notion of not being punished (in-game) for being bad at the game (or being rewarded for being good at it) is ludicrous imo.
  3. I'd swear there were these things called "difficulty levels". If someone is good at one part of the game and less good at another, then they absolutely should be rewarded for being good at that part of the game. Not rewarding them and not punishing people who are bad at it is essentially trying to pander to baddies and making the game casual. Losing 1 or two aircraft should not be game over, agreed. Losing plane after plane after plane absolutely should be (and indestructable interceptors for example mean that it doesn't matter how many you "lose" you'll never be punished for it directly).
  4. o.0 I swear this thread was at the top of the page. I certainly didn't go through several pages of threads, I only ever look at the first forum page. What is going on. >.>
  5. Fyi your attitude is 100 times worse than his, and with every snarky douchebag post like this you make you make yourself look worse. This is not your personal property and he can disagree with you if he likes. You making personal attacks makes you look like a petulant little child who can't get his own way. Just saying it as I see it.
  6. Are you sure or are you going by the ingame popup? I'm running the stable steam release and last I heard it was bugged and ignoring the terror missions didn't result in any penalty
  7. If you don't want to make night missions easier, then don't force them on me the moment the first terror mission arrives. Seriously, the first 4 terror missions I had started at nightfall and ended by daybreak. I was starting to think they only happened at night (makes some sense) but then one happened to new york during the day time (and I eventually had a terror mission where half me team didn't get slaughtered disembarking the chopper). OK, so ignoring terror missions doesn't do anything at the moment, but I assume that's a bug that will be fixed. I see nothing wrong with a mechanic similar to the one I posted that gives you penalties for using it, but takes away the irritating "1-shot from way outside of view range" crap, at least for easier difficulties (nerf the goggles on harder difficulties if you like)
  8. Why not implement them like this? This way you wouldn't equip all xenonauts with them all the time and mitigate night missions. As soon as something in the night-vision unit's FoV fires, or a light source enters it, they become "blind" (perhaps for the duration of the turn or more). That way they only work as advanced scouts so that your xenonauts aren't constantly getting sniped off by things they never even saw. But you wouldn't just be able to keep eyes on the aliens during a firefight. Edit: also, I'm thinking they would be equipment in some slot (maybe the primary weapon slot) so to shoot things you would have to un-equip the goggles, then re-equip your weapon (or use a pistol) before firing.
  9. Wat? I don't understand what the problem is with having hedges on farms. This and this is where I live.
  10. If this crap gets implemented can we at least get a toggle?
  11. best thing might be a video or step-by-step screenshots so people who are better-than-me can tell you if you're doing something wrong or are just unlucky.
  12. Ok, I'll say I was not aware of the function of flares until you said that and now it seems so obvious...
  13. Honestly, I think most of the problems above could be countered by a funding increase. I've been playing through on normal, I've been doing really well and losing very few soldiers, but I simply haven't had the funding to do anything other than equip my soldiers to having a snowballs chance in hell of putting up a fight, let alone play around with any cool toys. Then north america dropped out and at no point was I even close to being able to afford to get another base up and running. Maybe I have just been doing it wrong. I do have a suggestion though that could work for everyone - let us have customizable difficulty sliders for different aspects of the game. For example, due to my funding problems I want to be able to slow down the alien escalation so that I can learn to do it properly without having to do the same sort of thing over and over and fail a bunch of times. But at the same time, I don't want the aliens getting weaker weapons and so on that comes with easy difficulty. Edit: Additionally, part of my problem might be that, and I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature, aliens don't obey the same LoS rules as you at night. That is, it appears that the aliens can see at night as if it were day time. This has led to me ignoring several terror attack because they happened at night and there is literally nothing I could do about them without being totally wiped out (I am generally reluctant to attack anything at night because when you can't see the enemy until you're right up in their face and they can shoot and kill you in one shot from normal distance, it's suicide) and maybe that escalated things quicker (plus I had to let a number of ufo's go, but again this was always due to funding).
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