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10 Good
  1. Personally I'd nuke Steam forums from the orbit and abandon all hope. They are a true filth bucket and only serve a purpose for trolls and people who are incredibly angry at everything and everyone. I'd post a sticky on the Steam forums that they are not supported and people who are interested should come over to the Goldenhawk's forums. There is really no place for a healthy comminuty grow anywhere on the Steam discussion boards.
  2. <p><p>Welcome to the forums!</p></p>

  3. Hey guys, I just bought Xenonauts, the premium since I want to support development of indie titles. For me the indie has saved PC gaming. Can't wait to get my hands on the Steam release, Kerbal Space Program and Prison Architect took that step and it looks like it has been working out for them. I can't imagine why it wouldn't work for Xenonauts. Edit: How and when will I get my forum badge, I want to feel special.
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