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Posts posted by chiroho

  1. Quote

    X2 have to be 1.000 % better than it´s predecessor. And it looks like now it will be the same like it´s predecossor with some little improvements. ATM it dosen´t make a difference if you play the predecessor or the new version downgrade to the old stile. 

    The developers of the game have done a huge amount of work in order to try and make a game that is a worthy successor to Xenonauts, one that has improvements in many areas. And while some of what they had hoped to be able to provide has turned out not to be possible, even with the game in the state it is in V9.1 it's already a much better looking game that plays very well. I certainly don't think this is downgrade-Development. The graphics are much better, the ability to actually shoot your way into a UFO is a huge improvement, and there are many more small things at both the strategy and tactical level that are quality of life improvements. And as Chris said above, they were struggling with stability issues and had to get back to a stable platform before they could start adding more new things again.

    Yes, the community here has called out many things that have perhaps taken the direction more back towards X1 and the way it played, but that's a good thing in some respects. If a new feature simply isn't going to work, then would you want that in the game? It's also important to remember that the team at Goldhawk is a small one. Firaxis has hundreds of people working on the X-Com games they produce, and can double that during the most intensive development times as they move staff around from one major project to the next. The Goldhawk team is only a few people, so we have to be understanding with what they can do. The mantra of software development is that there are three main things that can be allocated for any given project - features, time, and resources. If we want certain features and resources are constrained, then it will take a much longer time. Or if we want the game quickly then only so many features can be implemented. In addition, a developer like Goldhawk only has so much money beyond the number of developers, so eventually they will need to ship something so that they can stay in business. So while I agree that I want X2 to be a game that is better than X1, there are many ways to judge how that actually looks.

  2. 16 hours ago, Max_Caine said:

    1) Aliens should shoot more Aliens currently spend more time moving from cover to cover than they do shooting back.

    This is true of Sebillians, and especially true of Brutes. If X2 aliens have a minimum -to-hit like thy did in X1, then it seems like the aliens in X2 spend too much time trying to get to the point where they can hit a target. I don't know quite how you'd address this, as aliens in x2 have the same problem as they did before the minimu to-hit was introduced in x1. When an alien in X2 can hit a target, they stay where they are and spend all their TU shooting. Sometimes this is a good thing, but most of the time it makes them a sitting duck. 

    2) Brutes needs more dakka

    Sebillian Brutes are not scary. They don't fire their LMGs, they are too easy to suppress. I would suggest either doubling or tripling their current bravery to make them much harder to suppress, because once you suppress a Brute they sit their sucking their two thumbs. Even warriors have more fight than Brutes! They're supposed to be RAWR, instead they're roar . Also, somehow, force them to fire their LMGs more. This may be not how you picture it, but the Brute has some parallells to the humble Ork. Big, resilient, dumb, always up for a fight. I picture a Brute just blazing away and when it gets up close using its LMG as a club. 

    I agree that some aliens definitely seem to move a lot more, and Brutes seem to do this more than most. Not that I necessarily want them shooting more as they seem to be a good sight more accurate than my soldiers are, but they aren't really doing what you'd expect them to do. Of course, if they were to be a lot more RAWR and shoot a lot more, I'd want a smaller number on a mission until I get the chance to handle one. As it is, even with some converted alien weapons I often have to devote half my squad to one Brute simply because I cannot get enough hits to put it down. 


    3) Human ballistics could stand to be nerfed a little re. damage

    After some interesting revelations from Solver, I experimented with ballistics a lot. The curent damage output from human weapons is a touch too high to make aliens fearsome. I've experimented with rifles doing 20pts damage per bullet, shotguns do 18 per pellet, LMGs doing 20 (the extra bullets per burst tend to multiply quickly), snipers doing 30. 

    I'm not sure I agree. There is quite a bit of randomisation with damage which doesn't make it a sure kill. I've got hits with sniper rifles and done less than 20 damage, and then done 50 with a regular rifle. It's not until you get to laser weapons that you can generally one shot kill anything, and even then it's mostly just Psyons with the laser sniper. And given how much Sebillians can regenerate, I've seen Brutes come back over 100 hp in a turn, I don't want to become even more frustrated than I already am with taking one down with ballistic weapons. In my last alien raid mission in 9.0 I think it took me 4 turns to kill a Brute. Given the way they swarm your ship, which I really like as it's realistic, you'd get massacred every time if ballistic weapons were nerfed. 


    4) Sub machinguns and pistols could stand some reworking

    As things stand, I don't currently need either pistols or submachinuns. The basic primary armament does the job, and by the time I get to shields I've usually got access to either laser or converted pistols. istols ad sub machineguns need to up their gam to be more competitie. I would suggest making pistols really cheap with their shots. That's not how actual pistols are, but it's a field they could compete in. Sub machinguns, I'm not certain about. Cheap bursts? 

    I agree that I barely use them. The only advantage they have is as a backup weapon for the HEVY Launcher or LMG when you simply don't have enough TUs left to fire the other weapon - or you really don't want overwatch fire with the HEVY. I do also use them with the soldier carrying the shield, but by the time I get that I usually have the converted plasma pistol which I think makes a lot more sense. That said, at anything other than very short range they miss a lot, and do need something to make them more useful in the game. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Chris said:

    Do any X-Com games have a research queue? Research in this sub-genre is different to in a general 4X; it's far more narrative and is the main marker for how you advance forward in the game. There's something to be said for making your research choices a decision rather than having it playing out in the background.

    The only game I can think of is Phoenix Point, which does have a research queue. But in that game you have to queue up every autopsy and pretty much everything you want to look at. So it does make some sense that you can add things to a queue. 

    I guess the reason people are asking about this is that it was present before the 9.0 release, and now isn't there. Just from convenience sake it was nice to put a couple of things in the queue rather than having to remember to go and add something every time a research project finishes instead of jumping to the engineering space to start building what you just researched.

    One suggestion, if there isn't going to be a queue, would it be possible to have some sort of visual flag indicating that there are things you can research but nothing is currently in the queue? That way I wouldn't forget to add things. 

    • Like 1
  4. I have multiple bases each with one aircraft assigned. When a UFO appears, I go to the interception screen and the time and location given for each interceptor is the correct location. However, the interceptors always seem to launch from your initial base. See screenshot.


    The aircraft intercepting the UFO in the US is supposed to have launched from there, and the interception in Latin America is supposed to have launched from that location. However, you can see that they are all coming from my main base and the time taken to get to the UFO is as though that is where the aircraft launched from.

    Interestingly, after the interception the aircraft returns to the correct base. 

    I don't know if the issue was that the aircraft were constructed at the main base and then transferred to a different location, and I've not done that many interceptions so it's possible that next time this doesn't happen, but at least once the aircraft launches from the wrong location.

  5. Further to this issue, it seems that when a loadout disappears, if the item being equipped is limited in numbers then one of those limited number items is consumed.

    For example, I created 12 pieces of combat armour. As I was attempting to equip soldiers, some of their loadouts were disappearing and I had to reassign the combat armour. However, I suddenly realised that I'd run out of combat armour and only 5 soldiers were actually equipped with it. 7 sets of armour had disappeared. So I think the armour must still be somehow assigned to the soldier but isn't displaying. Which is fine if you have infinite numbers of an item, but much more problematic if you have to manufacture the item.

    My save is attached which should hopefully have some indication of the fact that I created the 12 items of combat armour which now no longer seem to exist.


  6. I have constructed two Foxhound fighters and entered combat against a scout. However, even when the scout was within the attack cone of the UFO, I never seemed to fire any missiles. At the same time, the scout seemed to be able to fire at my fighters as long as it was within weapons range, even if the fighter wasn't within the firing arc. I kept trying to fly my fighters around until they ran out of fuel and had to retreat without a single shot being fired at the UFO.

    I believe that the attached save is from immediately before the intercept so should allow this to be recreated.


  7. The initial ballistic pistol that you have in the game is, according to the flyover, weight 8. After researching alien plasma and mag weapons, it's possible to manufacture converted plasma pistols and mag pistols. In each case the weight of the weapon is, according to the tool tip, the same as the ballistic pistol - 8 units. However, when equipping them on a solider both converted alien weapons actually weigh 2 more units than the standard ballistic pistol.

    If you open the attached save and go the armoury screen, my HEVY soldier is currently equipped with a ballistic pistol resulting in a carry weight of 84 and a 2 time unit penalty. If you equip either the converted mag pistol or the plasma pistol, although the tool tip says they weight 8 the carry weight of the soldier jumps to 86 and they incur a 4 time unit penalty. So either the tool tip or the carry weight of the weapon is inaccurate.


  8. In playing a ground combat mission I experienced a CTD during the Alien Movement phase following my first turn. 

    What happened: After completing my movement phase, I selected the End Turn button. The one alien visible to me must have been shot by a friendly with a shotgun. There was more exchanges of fire in the area of the map still not revealed, and it seemed as though another alien may have been killed based on the red damage numbers appearing, but suddenly I experienced a CTD. 

    There were a few ERRORs in the log, but the one immediately before things seemed to start to go downhill read the following:

    2019-10-28 17:04:49,609 [ERROR] (D:\Jenkins\workspace\X2 (Build)\hotfix-0.52.3\Assets\Code\Screens\GroundCombat\Systems\AI\Behavior\StandardCombatantAIBehavior.cs:100) 
    Strange discrepancy between projected path and actual path in Action System when moving to [F:0, I:37, J:41] / [X:18, Y:0, Z:20], ID:4178 Type:Centre

    Shortly after that the first FATAL occurs. 

    I am attaching the automatic save, the log, and the recording files from when the event occurred.

    When I tried loading the automatic save and ending the turn again, everything proceeded normally and I was able to get to the next turn.




  9. I believe that this is the way that the game should work - all soldiers will recover from their wounds when back at base. However, that recovery is supposed to be faster when a medical room has been build and even faster the more scientists assigned to it. Unfortunately I haven't done any testing on recovery times with and without a medical room to see if this is actually the case.

  10. It certainly doesn't seem right that with the HEVY launcher you can take out a panel on a UFO, but cannot take out parts of some buildings - not all buildings. Because I've definitely been able to impact some and not others. The sawmill does seem particularly resistant though for some reason.

    In the original UFO: Enemy Unknown I seem to recall that you couldn't actually blow your way into an alien craft until you'd researched Elerium Grenades or the Blaster Launcher. Those were the only things powerful enough to penetrate the skin of the craft. So it actually seems a bit strange that you can use the HEVY Launcher to do that at all - though I appreciate being able to do so. I always figured that's why you needed the demolition charges because, with the capabilities of the HEVY Launcher, that's something I never bother to use in-game.

  11. On 10/22/2019 at 12:40 PM, Challenge said:

    It says I can transfer the dropship, so if I load one do the troops go with it?


    Right now I don't believe it's possible to have soldiers stationed anywhere other than your main base. In X1 you could have transport aircraft and soldiers stationed at multiple locations. But that isn't the case in X2. It's more like XCOM in that sense - one main base that everyone travels from. The other bases are basically just for radar locations and for fighters to be located for interception purposes.

  12. The first Firaxis XCOM attempted to address this by having the directional sound which gave you some idea of where an alien might be located. They continued that in XCOM2 But Phoenix Point does this with basically a sort of "echo location" when your soldiers can "hear" a sound coming from a particular part of the map. So you cannot see the enemy, but you can hear approximately where they are. It's even possible to shoot at and hit them using the echo location as a target. It looks like this:


    With the rings continuously moving out from that centre point of light. 

    • Like 1
  13. In my current game, I started with my main base in North America. I was able to shoot down a UFO in the Soviet Union, but on attempting to send a ground team to investigate I received a message when the Skyhawk was almost there that it had reached it's operational range and had to return to base. Given that the Skyhawk's range is limited and it's not possible to station soldiers at other locations, as far as I know, how can these ground attacks be carried out in the early game?

  14. After starting a new game in V8.2, I constructed a second base in Europe. After the access lift was completed I built some hangers. Before the hangers had completed, I went into the aircraft screen to requisition a Falcon. Even though the hangers were not yet completed at the second base, it was possible to switch to that base. There were issues with the refresh of which base was selected as I had to click on it more than once, which is possibly because the hangers weren't completed. However, when the second base appeared I was able to select "Requisition Aircraft" and was charged $500k for the aircraft - though it could not be delivered because there were no hangers. 

    I've attached my save though I have less than 500k so it's not possible to requisition another aircraft at this point.


  15. In my current mission, the first against a Probe sized spacecraft, I fired at the side of the UFO using the HEVY launcher. It looks like two panels should have been destroyed, but all I see are black blocks. I cannot see into the craft. Not sure what I'm supposed to see, but here is a screenshot and attached is a save game from right after I did this so you can look at it.


    The next turn, you can see that after an additional shot it looks like I should be able to see into the craft clearly:


    But if I swing the camera around to look from the UFO side, you can see there is actually still a panel present which is blocking the view, just visible in outline from the reverse side:




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