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Everything posted by Safaquel

  1. For now I'd settle for removing all that fluff from air combat, toning it down to a more X-com format. From what we have today I'd say I've seen either extremely difficult battles (where a light scout cannot be brought down by a single jet), or extremely easy ones (where two planes kill 1 scout). But the whole system, while novel, is a bit meh, gameplay-wise.
  2. Aw shite, what have you done to the game? Make it even more casual and it'll go nicely on them tablets.
  3. Я снова прошу всех перенести обсуждение других редакций переводов в отдельную ветку и вести обсуждение на английском языке. Это необходимо как минимум для того, чтобы разработчикам было, что читать. Теперь о главном. Ни я, ни мои уже отметившиеся здесь добровольные коллеги никому ничего не должны, пока сами не решат обратного. Что-то от меня требовать и спрашивать с меня могут только предложившие свою помощь и проделавшие свою работу три человека. Писем и личных запросов от них я не получал. Всего наилучшего и с наступающим! Once again I repeat my request to discuss other editions of the translation in separate threads. Please also converse in English, if you are capable of so doing: this will allow the game developers to monitor our situation. No colleague or helper of mine owes me or this community anything at all unless they themselves decide otherwise. The same goes for me, and I will only answer to those who helped with the translation. I have not received any requests for status updates. I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
  4. Выпилите свой баттхёрт в отдельную ветку и говорите о своей работе там. Also, please keep conversing in English. Translate to both languages if you must. Thank you.
  5. Коллеги, переходим на английский. Я утрясал свои личные дела и сейчас вернулся в Москву. I have been elsewhere, taking care of business abroad. I am back in Moscow now, with internet access and stuff. Though there are some things to take care of here, but they shouldn't take me more than two or three days.
  6. He should feel roughly like that mad doctor from Battlestar Galactica -- he is exactly the type, sans schizophrenia and mystic experiences.
  7. Just a quick update, folks, for all those keeping eye on the project — things are moving, and we are currently compiling notes on the strings that have to be adapted by Goldhawks for the text to be really fluid. Once we get the complete list, the plan is to contact Chris and discuss the matter. Chris, if you are reading this, you might want to contact me on this beforehand. Xenopedia is going on considerably slower, but poses no such difficulties as yet, so it's probably going to be just a matter of providing a quality translation. I am not prepared yet to post the resulting strings.xml, but we might do that once we get it to the 1st edition stage (i.e. without spelling mistakes and with certain general rules applied). Also, it depends on whether or not Chris will consider altering some of the ways the status reports in the game are constructed ('Indochina Base' for a quick example). Xenopedia.xml will probably be posted right after 2nd edition, maybe even 1st, but there's not elling exactly when it's coming. All I can tell it won't happen for another two or three weeks. See you later and keep your eyes open for further updates!
  8. Edit: deleted since the previous post was taken out.
  9. Sorry, Newfr, this does not work. PM me for further comments if needed.
  10. A point well made, in fact I wondered about the torpedo thing myself. However, we'll translate it as is for now, and then communicate our bewilderment to Chris. Actually the Photon Torpedoes of Star Trek became much of a classic.
  11. Much better than I anticipated, and better than I write at present for some reason. You're on too. I'll contact you both later today. Edit: check your private messages.
  12. Tried that with Xenonauts as Странноборцы and Чужелазы. Results are normally hilarious. I mean, seriously, "чуждий" sounds kinda funny and is in line with Lomonosov's reform insofar as I understand it, but you must remember that Xenonauts is an international project with America and the USSR being probably key players; history shows that English language via its american evolutionary branch is far more comprehensive and short-sounding, hence it'd probably be used widely throughout the project, and the terms evolved are more likely to come from there. I note, of course, on the lack of french- and german-generated terms in the game, but that is perhaps understandable. Hence the game should be translated in line with european-american style of English used in the original.
  13. Nicely done. Minor corrections are applicable, i.e. translating alenium as 'алений' in the vein of classic Lomonosov reform, editing some commas, and some minor detail correction. You're on, I'll contact you within several days.
  14. Actually they do. It serves a dual purpose: we practice our language, and Chris, for one, can actually see what's going down. I also use Desura, so we're kinda on the same floor here.
  15. Everyone, please. If you are willing to help, please translate a xenopedia article or a weapon/equipment tooltip and post it here as a spoiler. One item of translation would be quite enough. I promise I won't use your translation w/o your permission, unless it matches my own version precisely. Thank you for your support.
  16. I'm figuring I shouldn't wait for that then... Frankly, I'm not having much success in beating the game.
  17. I have not, still working though. I had some delays, mostly from trying to beat the game (which the game resisted with an impressive array of hardcore 'features'), waiting for a quick release of updated xenopedia, and actually trying to get a job in Moscow government in between. The job thing failed, and the new version is out, so that's two things out of the way.
  18. In fact if you read all the topics you'll find that German and Russian translations are the most in-demand as of now. Spanish is demanded by some, but the market is not nearly as large.
  19. Nah, that's cool. Now if only I could actually complete the game...
  20. Exactly how does he mean for humans to win a war if the aliens maintain superiority? Shepard-style suicide mission?
  21. They do get a jetpack on a shitload of armor, which does pretty much the same thing.
  22. Sure, that 'take-away-the-tactics' thing I can get behind. But the spirit? X-Com has always, always been about making the strength of your enemy your own strength, beating the ETs at their own game, beating the goalkeep into the goal zone with a ball, and then piling a ton of bricks on top of him. Sure, implementation could be questionable, but the idea is indubitably taking what enemy has, and mastering it, and then giving back twice as much as you receive.
  23. Regarding our poor mistreated 'Fury'... In the point of fact, 'Fury' is both a creature and a state of mind in all languages that exported the word 'fury'. In the other point of fact, all air vehicles so far are named after entities, not emotions, nor states of mind. I mean, okay, options is good, but don't we have a trend here which just needs to be adequately translated?
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