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Everything posted by Gam

  1. V22x3 [TABLE=width: 752] [TR] [TD]Status[/TD] [TD]Importance[/TD] [TD]Lang.[/TD] [TD]Issue[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn.[/TD] [TD]High[/TD] [TD]Cyrillic[/TD] [TD]Cyrillic letters cause somehow game crashes every time terror site appear. That makes quality Russian translation at the moment impossible.[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn.[/TD] [TD]Medium[/TD] [TD]Non-E[/TD] [TD]“HIDDEN MOVEMEN” in the hidden movement screen[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn.[/TD] [TD]Low[/TD] [TD]Non-E[/TD] [TD]The "SUPPRESSED" status over a unit[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn.[/TD] [TD]Low[/TD] [TD]Non-E[/TD] [TD]The "End Turn" text in the end turn button[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Will not be fixed[/TD] [TD]High[/TD] [TD]All[/TD] [TD]Text does not resize with screen resolution. No known workarounds. The only solution to date is to tweak the translation to use shorter strings.[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Will not be fixed[/TD] [TD]Medium[/TD] [TD]Non-E[/TD] [TD]gcloading_tips.XML does not allow for special characters such as à, è, ì, etc.[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Will not be fixed[/TD] [TD]Medium[/TD] [TD]Cyrillic[/TD] [TD]You cannot modify “kg” and “TU” in the soldier equipment screen under "Equipment weight" and "TU after penalties"; the same in Xenopedia for armours stats. You can't translate "km/h" in "UFO detected" menu, "sec" in "UFO intercepted" menu ("Combat fuel" column)[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  2. Questa settimana fino a venerdi' pomeriggio sono abbastanza libero, poi torno in Italia per 4 giorni e non avro' accesso a dropbox. Carica pure fin che posso. Gam
  3. Giovanni, Do you know if the first 4 items will be fixed? Otherwise we need to list a workaround or something. Thanks Gam
  4. Questo spiega perché non riuscivo a visualizzare il file correttamente grazie Tutto corretto
  5. Spike, Prova di nuovo per vedere se "Frammentazione" ci sta, appena cambiato. No range (8 lettere) = 1) Fuori portata (13, troppo lungo) 2) Fuori raggio (12) 3) No raggio (9) 4) No portata (10) ...? Gam
  6. Allora, Strings tutto fatto, tranne "Fuori Portata" / "No range" - idee? Gam
  7. Non e' che potresti salvare il file come xml? Salvato come txt e' difficile da gestire Che risoluzione schermo usavi pr no munizioni e poco carburante? Il problema è che al momento le stringe non scalano con la risoluzione e con il testo. Quandi "No carburante" non sta dentro il numero di lettere di "Low fuel" e "Poche munizioni" dentro "Low ammo". Idee? Giovanni, verrà sistemato questo problema prima del lancio?
  8. Spike, d'accordo su tutto tranne Velivolo/Apparecchio. Secondo me possono andare bene entrambi. Mi rimetto al popolo. Giovanni, grazie, buona idea Gam
  9. Signori, Dato che la data di lancio si avvicina, e' ora di iniziare atirare le somme della traduzione. Io sto continuando a tenere i file aggiornati, ma le differenze sono diventate minime. L'unica cosa che non riusciro' a fare quasi per nulla, e' verificare che le traduzioni siano implementate correttamente. Questo richiede tempo per fare alcune partite e verificare se tutto e' ok. Sarebbe necessario che qualcuno usasse i file della traduzione e verificasse che: 1) Non ci siano errori di grammatica o sintassi 2) Le traduzioni siano consistenti (cioe' che i termini siano stati tradotti nello stesso modo in diverse parti del gioco) 3) Le traduzioni siano scorrevoli 4) Il testo non vada oltre i bordi delle caselle o che sia parzialmente nascosto, a diverse risoluzioni video (sono certo che vi siano problemi qui) Volontari? Gam
  10. V22x2 [TABLE=width: 752] [TR] [TD]Status [/TD] [TD]Importance [/TD] [TD]Lang. [/TD] [TD]Issue [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]High [/TD] [TD]All [/TD] [TD]It seems that when you resize some text in strings.html, it does not get scaled with the screen resolution. Thus if you fix some text for 1024x768, most likely it won't work in 1920x1600 (and the way around too). This happens with ANY language, including English. A possible workaround would be to increase the cell size to allow for longer text. (this would solve some but not all of these problems) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]High [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic letters cause somehow game crashes every time terror site appear. That makes quality Russian translation at the moment impossible. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]gcloading_tips.XML does not allow for special characters such as à, è, ì, etc. I assume it is going to be a considerable issue for Cyrillic [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic [/TD] [TD]You cannot modify “kg” and “TU” in the soldier equipment screen under "Equipment weight" and "TU after penalties"; the same in Xenopedia for armours stats. You can't translate "km/h" in "UFO detected" menu, "sec" in "UFO intercepted" menu ("Combat fuel" column) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]“HIDDEN MOVEMEN” in the hidden movement screen [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The "SUPPRESSED" status over a unit [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The "End Turn" text in the end turn button [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  11. V22x1 New one spotted. "MISS" over the units. Could you please let us know if you are going to fix the issue around the nationality of the soldiers? If not we have to start translating those files too. [TABLE=width: 752] [TR] [TD]Status [/TD] [TD]Importance [/TD] [TD]Lang. [/TD] [TD]Issue [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]High [/TD] [TD]All [/TD] [TD]It seems that when you resize some text in strings.html, it does not get scaled with the screen resolution. Thus if you fix some text for 1024x768, most likely it won't work in 1920x1600 (and the way around too). This happens with ANY language, including English. A possible workaround would be to increase the cell size to allow for longer text. (this would solve some but not all of these problems) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]High [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic letters cause somehow game crashes every time terror site appear. That makes quality Russian translation at the moment impossible. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]gcloading_tips.XML does not allow for special characters such as à, è, ì, etc. I assume it is going to be a considerable issue for Cyrillic [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]“DANGER” in the aircraft control window during the air combat. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic [/TD] [TD]You can't translate UFO names (as UFOs "names" like UFO-1, UFO-2 and etc). © [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic [/TD] [TD]You cannot modify “kg” and “TU” in the soldier equipment screen under "Equipment weight" and "TU after penalties"; the same in Xenopedia for armours stats. You can't translate "km/h" in "UFO detected" menu, "sec" in "UFO intercepted" menu ("Combat fuel" column) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]“HIDDEN MOVEMEN” in the hidden movement screen [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]"MISS" above an unit during ground combat [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The nationality of the soldier in the Soldier Equipment tab; they are not hardcoded but the game takes the text from soldiernames.html. Would it be possible to move them to strings? [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The "SUPPRESSED" status over a unit [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The "End Turn" text in the end turn button [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  12. In the Base Management tab, the cost item for the Hunter vehicle ($0) is displayed from the start of the game, although it has not been researched yet. See screenshot below. Gam
  13. String aggiornata a V21 stabile. La xenopedia ha 2 nuove descrizioni da tradurre, c'è qualche volontario? Gam
  14. Chris, It would be great if you could push it a bit further up in the priorities, as we are trying to get it translated in time for the initial release Gam
  15. Ciao Ace, Siamo a buon punto con la traduzione. Puoi trovare i file qui https://www.dropbox.com/sh/miccdx7m8wqi0t8/oAIBIUtEje Non c'è bisogno di conoscere alcun HTML, i file si aprono con excel senza problemi. Fa sempre comunque comodo un altro paio di occhi, quindi se vuoi rivedere le traduzioni e dare il tuo parere sei il benvenuto! Gam
  16. V21x5 [TABLE=width: 752] [TR] [TD]Status [/TD] [TD]Importance [/TD] [TD]Lang. [/TD] [TD]Issue [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]High [/TD] [TD]All [/TD] [TD]It seems that when you resize some text in strings.html, it does not get scaled with the screen resolution. Thus if you fix some text for 1024x768, most likely it won't work in 1920x1600 (and the way around too). This happens with ANY language, including English. Eg. on warehouse tab there is button in lower right corner that have "####" in it (in English version also) – I think it’s the “SELL” button. A possible workaround would be to increase the cell size to allow for longer text. (this would solve some but not all of these problems) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]High [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic letters cause somehow game crashes every time terror site appear. That makes quality Russian translation at the moment impossible. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]gcloading_tips.XML does not allow for special characters such as à, è, ì, etc. I assume it is going to be a considerable issue for Cyrillic [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]“DANGER” in the aircraft control window during the air combat. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic [/TD] [TD]You can't translate UFO names (as UFOs "names" like UFO-1, UFO-2 and etc). © [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic [/TD] [TD]You cannot modify “kg” and “TU” in the soldier equipment screen under "Equipment weight" and "TU after penalties"; the same in Xenopedia for armours stats. You can't translate "km/h" in "UFO detected" menu, "sec" in "UFO intercepted" menu ("Combat fuel" column) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]“HIDDEN MOVEMEN” in the hidden movement screen [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The nationality of the soldier in the Soldier Equipment tab not hardcoded but it takes the text from soldiernames.html) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The "SUPPRESSED" status over a unit [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The "End Turn" text in the end turn button [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE=width: 748] [TR] [TD]Status [/TD] [TD]Importance [/TD] [TD]Lang. [/TD] [TD]Issue [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]In the aircraft interception window title "Main craft" above UFO picture. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The hints in the combat loading screen (THEY ARE IN gcloading_tips.XML) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]Soldier role (sniper, assault, etc) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]"funds" in the base views [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The 4th feature description for some buildings (capacity, radar range, etc) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The yes/no option in the popup to demolish buildings, dismiss soldiers, retire an AC and probably others [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]High [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The comment that appears in the warehouse at the beginning of the game [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]"fuel", "ammo" and "health" of an aircraft in the Hangar view [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]Aircraft engines are odd to translate; eg. for the Condor, if you modify the name of the engine, in any way other than the original (even when they have the same char length!), it appears in the game as "####". ie "F110-GE-100 Turbofan" works, "F110-GE-100 Turbo" doesn't, nor "F110-GE-100 Turbofa_" or "F110-GE-100". [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The description of the hardpoints of an aircraft [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The Sell / Transfer window in the warehouse tab [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]In the aircraft interception window title "Escort”. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]“Add new role” for soldier role in the soldier equipment view [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]"Fuel Level", "SIGNAL LOST" and "LOW FUEL" in the aircraft control window during the air combat. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]All [/TD] [TD]Afterburner tooltip says that it's increasing speed by 25%. While in reality Condor max speed is 1500 km/h and with afterburner on it's 2250 km/h. So it's 50% speed increase. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]In the end-mission report screen, if you click on the second tab and then go back to the first tab, the button on the bottom right corner is in English again (“NEXT”). [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]All [/TD] [TD]In ground combat there is a button with roof symbol on it (turning roof transparency on and off), but tooltip says it's a soldier statistic button and it's not in game yet. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]In Workshop tab there is a "Required:" string. And if project required nothing (for example "Hunter" car) it says "none". And you can't translate that "none". [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  17. List updated to 21 Feb [TABLE=width: 602] [TR] [TD]Status [/TD] [TD]Importance [/TD] [TD]Lang. [/TD] [TD]Issue [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]High [/TD] [TD]All [/TD] [TD]It seems that when you resize some text in strings.html, it does not get scaled with the screen resolution. Thus if you fix some text for 1024x768, most likely it won't work in 1920x1600 (and the way around too). This happens with ANY language, including English. Eg. on warehouse tab there is button in lower right corner that have "####" in it (in English version also) – I think it’s the “SELL” button. A possible workaround would be to increase the cell size to allow for longer text. (this would solve some but not all of these problems) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]High [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic letters cause somehow game crashes every time terror site appear. That makes quality Russian translation at the moment impossible. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]gcloading_tips.XML does not allow for special characters such as à, è, ì, etc. I assume it is going to be a considerable issue for Cyrillic [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Solved in next rev. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]"Fuel Level", "SIGNAL LOST", “DANGER” and "LOW FUEL" in the aircraft control window during the air combat. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Solved in next rev. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The description of the hardpoints of an aircraft [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic [/TD] [TD]You can't translate UFO names (as UFOs "names" like UFO-1, UFO-2 and etc). © [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Cyrillic [/TD] [TD]You cannot modify “kg” and “TU” in the soldier equipment screen under "Equipment weight" and "TU after penalties"; the same in Xenopedia for armours stats. You can't translate "km/h" in "UFO detected" menu, "sec" in "UFO intercepted" menu ("Combat fuel" column) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Solved in next rev. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]All [/TD] [TD]Afterburner tooltip says that it's increasing speed by 25%. While in reality Condor max speed is 1500 km/h and with afterburner on it's 2250 km/h. So it's 50% speed increase. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]NEW [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]In Workshop tab there is a "Required:" string. And if project required nothing (for example "Hunter" car) it says "none". And you can't translate that "none". [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Solved in next rev. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]“Add new role” for soldier role in the soldier equipment view [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]“HIDDEN MOVEMEN” in the hidden movement screen [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]In the aircraft interception window title "Escort. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The nationality of the soldier in the Soldier Equipment tab not hardcoded but it takes the text from soldiernames.html) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The "SUPPRESSED" status over a unit [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]All [/TD] [TD]In ground combat there is a button with roof symbol on it (turning roof transparency on and off), but tooltip says it's a soldier statistic button and it's not in game yet. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ackn. [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]In the end-mission report screen, if you click on the second tab and then go back to the first tab, the button on the bottom right corner is in English again (“NEXT”). [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE=width: 598] [TR] [TD]Status [/TD] [TD]Importance [/TD] [TD]Lang. [/TD] [TD]Issue [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]In the aircraft interception window title "Main craft" above UFO picture. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The hints in the combat loading screen (THEY ARE IN gcloading_tips.XML) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]Soldier role (sniper, assault, etc) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]"funds" in the base views [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The 4th feature description for some buildings (capacity, radar range, etc) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The yes/no option in the popup to demolish buildings, dismiss soldiers, retire an AC and probably others [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]High [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The comment that appears in the warehouse at the beginning of the game [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]"fuel", "ammo" and "health" of an aircraft in the Hangar view [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The "End Turn" text in the end turn button [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Low [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]Aircraft engines are odd to translate; eg. for the Condor, if you modify the name of the engine, in any way other than the original (even when they have the same char length!), it appears in the game as "####". ie "F110-GE-100 Turbofan" works, "F110-GE-100 Turbo" doesn't, nor "F110-GE-100 Turbofa_" or "F110-GE-100". [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Closed [/TD] [TD]Medium [/TD] [TD]Non-E [/TD] [TD]The Sell / Transfer window in the warehouse tab [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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