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Posts posted by Skitso

  1. 1 minute ago, Von_Emmy said:

    You are right about that, but but "gG-Unknown" ain't wrong either.
    For v3.0.0 they made the following changes to the Abduction missions but seemingly forgot to change the mission briefing accordingly:

    Abduction missions:

    • Abduction missions no longer end immediately when the abduction tubes disappear; the mission will now continue until all alien forces are eliminated (effectively these are now deathmatch missions with a time-limited optional objective). This change was made because many players reported that the abrupt ending of the mission in previous versions could feel quite jarring.
    • You still gain Alien Alloys for each abduction tube you disable, but now you also gain -1 Panic in the local region for each surviving civilian that you released.
    • The timer on abduction tubes has been reduced by 2 turns (from 8 turns to 6 turns).
    • There's now a teleport animation when the tubes disappear.

    Hmm, there's no mention of changes to the victory conditions however. So I would think the minimum of 5 tubes is still in the game.

  2. 54 minutes ago, gG-Unknown said:

    They changed the mission design, becouse Z-gen customers would feels  uncomfortably under stress of failure caused by limited time.

    SO it is not a bug.  it is intended.


    Wrong. It states in the mission briefing that at least 5 civilians need to be rescued to win the mission. This is not reflected in the on screen objectives.

  3. Stress could be nicely tied into units' bravery stat: each completed mission decreases units' bravery value, while resting at the base recovers it slowly back to normal. This way more brave soldiers would also be more resilient to the effects of stress and stressed soldiers would be more likely to break while on the mission.

  4. Controlling Xenonaut units has become slightly janky after 3.0 update. Haven't been able to pinpoint the issue more precisely yet, but it seems often that right after the unit has finished the movement, the next click is not registered by the game. Pressing C to crouch, right click to rotate or just clicking to a tile is just not registered and it makes playing the game feel more unresponsive than before.

    EDIT:  It might be tied to a movement action that reveals new ground from the shroud.

    EDIT 2: Just load a save and make a move shown in the screenshot. Try to crouch (press C) as soon as the unit stops it's movement.



  5. Launch mission, click immediately Soldier positions and the Skyhawk is empty.

    EDIT: 2 non-bug things concerning the same screen:

    • Soldier positions screen should have the launch and abort launch buttons too.
    • Soldier positions button has "abort launch" tool tip


    Just load the save, launch the mission and go to the Soldier positions page. 


  6. Had A blast door go out of sync in Atlas Base. It seemed to open at the end of my turn and it was repeatable. But when I walked through it the next turn it glitched and opened again so it was only visual.

    Unfortunately saving and loading fixed the issue, so no save for this. It was only one door, so I'll attach an image in case it might be some kind of a map setup issue.

    door glitch.jpg

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