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Everything posted by SoftwareSimian

  1. Yeah, there's no "main menu" in the current build. The campaign name (therefore savegame location) is hardcoded to "debug" rather than the usual "<colour>_<noun>" format. I assume they just didn't turn off a debug flag on this build. Doesn't matter too much for the transient nature of rapid-testing the prototype branch.
  2. I thought NPC friendlies used one tech level behind the player, or has that changed?
  3. I'm not too upset by the inability to split research (although I liked that too), but what I find frustrating is the lack of a research queue. We can queue engineering projects, why not research projects?
  4. I tried continuing my v2.02 playthrough this morning... and found the prototype branch has been reverted to v1.33B so savegames no longer work for now. In case anyone else runs into this.
  5. I noticed on the Geoscape I'm getting mysterious money increase of about $1000/day. My scientists and engineers are not idle. Attached savegame starts with $170k, just speed up the time and watch the money tick up every day at 00:00h, $1000 at a time. user_day_39_manual_save-17.json
  6. Savefiles are always useful with bug reports. How many days into the game are you? How many days between "losing the region" and "next funding"? Did you get UFOs after the funding report?
  7. Mentarch fire takes way too long. You know it's going to shoot during the alien turn because the game pauses for 3 seconds before and 3 seconds after.
  8. I just got the Future Warfare ("kill an alien with an energy weapon") achievement during the alien turn when a civilian ran into the UFO and got shot by a Mentarch. Energy weapon, yes Alien killed, no Achievement text doesn't explicitly say that a Xenonaut needs to do the killing, but I think that's a reasonable assumption. auto_groundcombat_turn_10_end-113.json
  9. I started a new M2.01 campaign and played up to Day 36 without any real issue (I noticed the Ironman save bug is still present, but no CTD or anything). Research: You finally have time to complete the first research project (vehicles) before you get flooded with other research projects from the first ground missions. However, once the projects start coming in, the early ones still take far too long I think. You can't have more than 5 scientists before Day 20 at the earliest, and the early research projects take 8 days each mostly. I made a very deliberate effort to research accelerated weapons this playthrough since Laser has always become available before I get around to Accelerated in past playthroughs. I think Accelerated research should come earlier, straight off the first Cleaner mission and maybe take a bit less time. But I really like the change from Accelerated weapons being a separate buildable weapon type to now being a Workshop upgrade, that's much much better, I'm actually using them this playthrough. The unlocking of research projects seems chaotic though, I've currently got two new armour systems and two new weapons systems available in the research list at the end of the first month. Soldier Loadout: Heavy Armour checkbox: that's fine, I don't mind this in place of the armour plate system. Module dropdown: Terrible. Only picking one upgrade feels overly limiting. 2/3 starting upgrades are useless (gas mask, morale booster). No visual cue as to whether you have your soldier equipped correctly. I still much prefer the freeform previous system where I can pack as many modules as I want at the expense of other equipment. But if you do really want to go with forcing the player to pick an artificially-limited number of modules, I would suggest making a "module" section in the loadout, possibly tied to the armour. Tactical Suit gets no module slots, Defender Armor gets 1 module slot, Warden get 2, Guardian get 3, etc.
  10. https://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/index.php?/topic/36022-cover-next-to-shooter-provides-no-cover/
  11. from here. Cover next to the shooter shouldn't get in the way of shooting from behind said cover. However, if the target is hiding behind something, that cover should always count as cover, even if it's the same "something" that the shooter and target are hiding behind. In real life, hiding on the other side of a pile of bricks will make you a lot harder to hit than sitting in the open. Please re-examine this adjacent-tile mechanic.
  12. That's probably what's happening here, but from the user perspective it seems unexpected. At least to me. I see soldier loadouts as a starting point, but I only expect them to be invoked in one of two circumstances: when I change a soldier from whatever they currently have to a new loadout, or explicitly set click the button to update them to the current version of their current loadout. Having armor "disappear" by being silently assigned to other soldiers in the dropship is confusing at best. I do like the concept that armor is automagically unassigned from not-on-dropship soldiers (usually when they're sent to hospital). I wish it would be extended to other manufactured items (notably weapons) because we still have to walk through the injured soldiers after a battle and collect their laser rifles to give to somebody else.
  13. Cover next to the shooter shouldn't get in the way of shooting from behind said cover. However, if the target is hiding behind something, that cover should always count as cover, even if it's the same "something" that the shooter and target are hiding behind. In real life, hiding on the other side of a pile of bricks will make you a lot harder to hit than sitting in the open. Please re-examine this adjacent-tile mechanic.
  14. Seems odd that this giant pile of cement blocks provides absolutely no cover to either my soldier or the alien? auto_groundcombat_turn_5_start-53.json
  15. When you select a soldier on a dropship, the active soldier is highlighted with a grey background. (Good) When you select a healthy soldier in the Unassigned list, their name is highlighted with whiter text. (Acceptable) When you select an injured soldier, there is no visible highlighting to show which solider is selected. [Arejen Meyer in my screenshot, but you wouldn't know] (Bad) Can you please make this consistent, I suggest using the full-row light-grey background highlighting (as per the the on-dropship soldiers) in all cases.
  16. I think I may have found the unexpected behaviour I was seeing: I believe after I equipped my first soldier with the new armour, I updated the role equipment to include the new armor, and that automagically re-equipped other soldiers on the dropship of the same role with the remaining stock of armour. I don't believe older versions would automagically update soldier layouts on other soldiers that you had already configured, and that might cause surprises if you had customized a certain soldier's loadout that is now silent changed.
  17. The game is always saving "Iron Man Campaign" savefile even when Iron Man mode is disabled.
  18. I'm still having this (or related issue) in 1.32c Queued 8x Warden armor to build, got 4 of them built by the time a crash site came up. Equipped first soldier with new armor. Now I have zero. If I unequip him, I have 1. If I wait until another is produced, I have 2. If I kick everyone off the dropship, I now have 5. I can get the team properly equipped, but only if I kick everyone off the dropship, equip them with armor, then reassign them. It didn't used to be like this in my previous playthroughs (~v1.10)
  19. Please always attach a savegame to make it easy for the devs to reproduce the crash and fix it.
  20. Doesn't work in cleaner HQ (although I think it should). Half-works in actual alien bases (the aliens disappear at the end of each turn and only reappear when a soldier moves to a new tile in the control center. To me that's a bug and somewhat immersion-breaking that I need to go back to the soldier I left in the control room (supposedly looking at the security cameras to see where the alien(s) are) and tell them to move to a random new tile to (reactivate the screen?)
  21. I would also make it a point to always do all 3 cleaner cell missions before the main base, even if it had been revealed, purely for the bonus of not having armor/weapons/guns in the main base. My last Cleaner Headquarters playthrough (v1.06 I think) seemed a lot tougher than previous playthroughs, with what felt like a lot more enemies in the main room than before (on Recruit). Having to deal with sentry guns also made it harder than previously. I don't think the in-game text says anything about +$450k/mo for taking out the Cleaner Headquarters (it just says $500k reward). It does say stops all cleaner activity, but it's perhaps not as clear as it could be that cleaner activity = panic, even after playing the game a dozen times in the last month I still see those panic events as random (perhaps caused by an invisible UFO) and I don't have the strong association that they're caused by Cleaners.
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