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  1. Can't load log file. Getting error -200?output.logoutput.log
  2. I have also a door issue in the alien base, but it is different. The door is closed but the Xenonauts can walk through it as if they are ghosts. See game save, just pick a soldier that has not moved yet and make him reach the others beyond the closed door straight ahead. output.logoutput.logoutput.log user_day_166_alien_base_manual_save-4.json
  3. A bit more background. I launched the chopper with the Cleaner mission as target, but when the other mission in California popped-up, the system seemed confused. The "commence mission" form did not popped up on arrival. Yes, the way you showed works (and so there is a work around), but if you click on the Skyhawk and then click "Select new target" and then try to click on the Cleaner mission on the geoscape it does nothing (the chopper does not get a new target). I tried at the highest zoom-in resolution on the geoscape, still does not work. I guess it is because they are too close to one another (including the other Xenonaut base).
  4. On the geoscape, a cleaner mission appeared near Miami, and as the chopper was on the way another Cleaner mission appeared in California. Once the chopper arrives in Miami area, the cleaner mission there cannot be selected by the chopper. See attached game save and log file. user_clear_mission_bug-2.json output.log
  5. output.log Here it is, but I played since, so it might not show on the log file, as it seems to refresh itself every new day.
  6. It was grenade launcher that missed and went through the end of the map. Oddly, the location of the animation is off the line-of-sight of the grenade's trajectory.
  7. There is a burning fire off map that can be seen. Game save attached. user_fire_in_void_bug-3.json
  8. Same here. Xenonauts literally walking in the dark.
  9. Getting the "You" message while not being even close to the General (first couple turns), and then unexplored parts of the base become visible. See attached file, just complete the turn. user_day_3_atlas_you_bug-1.json
  10. OK. Thanks. Just seems worse this time around, and at times only with a green path from a sniper. Maybe sniper shots need to have their randomized damaged modified with the minimum damage increased, as they can only shot once per turn. I am at times wondering if it is worthwhile to have a sniper on a team.
  11. Although load times have been declared 30% faster, and I did observed a small improvement from previous milestones, but it is closer to 10%.
  12. I notice since Milestone 3 that successful long shots barely make any damage. This makes snipers quite useless, and gives huge advantage to the aliens. I have not seen any discussion about this in the release information, including the patches. Am I dreaming? If so, please be at least upfront about it in the documentation.
  13. I am not sure why the Medkit load was increased, but this is really problematic. Combined with the nerf stats for soldiers, then one is facing a situation where: is it grenade or medkit; can't have both as it is too heavy. If you pick medkit, then with poor stats where your soldiers miss their shot very often, you can't have a grenade to "soften" the aliens before hand, and you will have far more dead soldiers, replaced by poor stats soldiers. If you pick the grenade, then you loose many more soldiers because you can't heal them, so you have to keep getting new soldiers with poor stats anyway. This is a vicious circle. Please reconsider, and at very least the advanced medkit should be less heavy.
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