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  1. Ok, the IA is terrible. But you can do like in real life when soldiers have to deal with civilian : You see a civilian you need to protect, you control him and he dont move anymore. I have a guy with a electric baton and his job is to beat every civilians. Simple and efficient. And remembers : The best protection against reapers is to play dead.
  2. You can turn the soldiers there ! Put the mouse on one soldier and clik on q ou e (qwerty French-Canadian keybord here).
  3. - Tutorial mission : I lost one solier and I kill fews aliens. I had achiements for something I totally dont control. And ingame, there is no indication after the mission that I did it (no soldier have the kill, my planes have 0 kill also). If you want a achievement for the tutorial mission, give one specifically for the turial mission, and desactivate the others ones. - I have a mission about find some data on computers. I send my plane with soldiers. It arrive there and I have a message showing a fly figther. I was confuse and I was thinking I send a fighter. We should have a picture of soldiers or a picture of a transporting fly. - Screen victory : Most of my soldiers have theirs names in yellow and a yellow arrow to the top. I guess that means they increase their rank. But it is not clear and there is no explanation there about how important it is. So, a small tooltip there could be great. - During mission, on the top, you have the life of yours soldiers. Red and gray. On the bottom, you have details of yours soldiers. You have the life again, but here, you have strong red, dark red and gray. You should keep the dark red on the top too. It is an usefull information and that dont take more place.
  4. I will use this thread for give my feedback as a total new player (but a old one from UFO from 90') : Page for recruting the soldiers : There is lot of numbers under PV, UT, PRC, FOR, RFL, CRG. We should have a explanation. The tooltip exist, but only on the page about your soldiers ! Not on the page about buying news soldiers ! So it is a kind a small ''bug''. And we have the opposite : We have a tooltip with the picture of the face of the recrut when you put the mouse on the name, but we dont have it when you put the mouse on the face on the name of your soldier : Not consistant, we should have it everywhere or nowhere. Page of warehouse : No tooltip of the equipement we have in the base. I know its exist because I can find it in the page of factory. Page of equipement for soldiers : The heavy shield in french is call ''fusil balistique''. fusil = shootgun. There is lot of missing text in the french translation. Here is just an obvious mistake. The french translation need some polish.
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