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Everything posted by asdfcyber

  1. I understand that, but as far as I can tell the only problem is that I still have some steel plates. All other changes work, and the logs show no errors from loading an older save. Do you mind if I continue my v25.2 campaign in v25.3? Because I can restart, but it'll take another 10h or so to get to my current point.
  2. See also this reply by @Ruggerman: When a Sebillian is not at full health and falls unconscious, it can heal itself to above the stun damage so that it regains consciousness. I'm not sure if that is a bug, because it kind of makes sense lore-wise. However what is definitely a bug, is that its fall-unconscious animation is broken when stunned again, so that it for example can fall to the ground and reset back to its default pose: I've also seen one do something which looked like a backflip. In the included savefile the Sebillian above heals, when whacked on the head it will glitch. auto_groundcombat_turn_7_end-163.json
  3. The load button is disabled and no information is displayed for this quicksave: When manually saving that manual save has the same problem, but if I then select the quicksave that information loads and its button works. Selecting the manual save again then also shows the information and button for that save. Edit: forgot the log output_savefiles.log
  4. I don't have a save file for this, but my soldier got shot at when using a medpack. Is that intended?
  5. In this example this soldier has 27 TU left when arriving at the end of the path, and it takes 1 TU to rotate toward the target. Shooting takes 27 TU, so that should not be possible anymore after turning. However, the game insists that turning is free when it is included in the shot. Rotating manually before shooting makes the shot impossible, but when taking the shot the soldier still rotates.
  6. I had it happen again with the same kind of wall. The quicksave is after the wall got destroyed-but-not-visually, it happened on the first turn so I have no save from before the event. Note: this is from my v25.2 campaign of which I edited the last save, but the ground combat was generated in v25.3 so I don't think that influences things. Edit: Interestingly, the next shot missed and hit another wall which did vanish: This is the complete sequence of events: 1. I discovered the alien in the corner with my scout 2. The guy on the top right hit the blue box with a grenade 3. I machinegunned the wall the sebilian is hiding behind (from the bottom right) 4. The selected guy missed the alien and shot the wall which is now missing in the screenshot output_farmwall.log quick-41.json
  7. @Chris are you sure v25.2 saves are incompatible? I edited the version info of one and it all seems to load and run fine
  8. I'm sorry Chris, I found some more :/ user_day_76_crash_site_manual_save-9.json
  9. Very true. But speaking as a unity game modder, I don't think there's a lot of difference in this case
  10. It's extremely technically feasable :D https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.OnApplicationFocus.html
  11. The corners also don't provide cover the way you might expect. Btw. the cleaner base doors are very loud.
  12. If I alt-tab out of the game without it being paused (to start the windows snipping tool for instance), the camera always moves to the bottom right. Afaik it is easy to know when the window has lost focus, so perhaps camera movement can be disabled until it has regained focus?
  13. This sentry can be seen from around the corner for some reason. Shooting is still blocked by the wall. user_day_66_cleaner_base_manual_save-7.json
  14. Here I unlocked the upgraded plates. The steel plates used to be infinite, but now there are only a few left. This might have been intentional, but it seems kind of silly. I'd say, either convert all plates to the upgraded variant and hide the old ones since you don't need those anymore, or have them both be limitless.
  15. MARS can be healed with medkits: Is that intentional?
  16. I found some z-fighting again when a wall got blown up. This might also be just the shroud-issue, not sure. I had not seen z-fighting with other shroud issues though. The dotted white line at the top of the walls in the second picture is seen in some camera angles and flickers when moving the camera as well. quick-10.json
  17. Does that also mean that if a unit is almost fully stunned and takes damage it will fall unconscious as well?
  18. I think I'd been playing for an hour or so, so somewhat long but definitely not as long as some other times. I checked the usage after it froze but before I alt-f4'd it (which prompted windows to tell me the program wasn't responsive, thanks windows). I don't remember specific values but if it happens again I'll list them.
  19. This probably isn't a bug but more like an oversight: I accidentally threw a grenade, and I somehow must have rightclicked the grenade at the same time because now I have TU's reserved for something which no longer exists: Because there were no grenades left I couldn't disable it, the only workaround being reserving a pistol shot and then unreserving it.
  20. It does not, and manually saving after that doesn't either. So it seems to be quite an elusive problem. I also remember checking cpu/gpu/ram usage when it happened and those were all fine. It is :)
  21. The game froze when trying to save. Music kept playing, but the interface is unresponsive. I have roughly 250 savefiles if that's of any interest, of which 25 are from the current campaign. The logs say the save did work and the save is also actually there, so I'm not sure what the problem is here. I included that save, the previous save and the log. output.log user_day_13_crash_site_manual_save-3.json auto_groundcombat_turn_3_start-17.json
  22. Does stun damage not gradually 'heal' over time? That's at least what would make sense to me (if you're breathing fresh air again, smoke effects should fade)
  23. Bump, this is definitely something I am missing in the current state of X:2. I often want to peek around a corner or walk backward through a doorway, and turn-walk-turn feels silly. I've never particularly liked it about the original Xenonauts either.
  24. When holding control and moving the target around, some items in the hit chance explainer (bottom right) get duplicated (without actually affecting the hit chance itself). For the first target it appears normal, then after moving to a neighbouring tile 'tactical module' bonus gets shown twice, and next time the no move bonus is shown twice as seen below: It does not get any different after moving the target twice. The hay bale also looks a bit strange due to it being partially highlighted, but that's a rather minor glitch. user_day_46_crash_site_manual_save-11.json output.log
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