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Everything posted by asdfcyber

  1. I feel like the use of snipers is limited because almost all maps have a lot of cover without great elevated positions. I'd say that for defending open areas they would be good, but aliens don't really come to you so you need to go to them. That costs TU's, and sniper rifles are expensive to fire. They have more damage per shot than a rifle, but because firing costs more I think the damage per turn is lower. Sniper rifles feel like slightly more accurate but also more limited rifles to me. Machineguns are only good if used by a soldier with high-ish accuracy, but especially with upgrades they can be extremely effective. I've been able to kill two aliens in one burst with them if they line up nicely. Also good in other kinds of target-rich environments like UFO's. I don't use them for suppression, because flashbangs are far more reliable.
  2. I loaded the autosave from before intercepting the tutorial UFO, and the game CTD'd. Also occurs with the autosave after intercepting. The ground combat save loaded, but CTD'd a second later anyway. The log is added, but NOTE: the logged .cs files and line numbers are incorrect because I edited the .dll and not the .mdb. Btw, there is no autosave after finishing the tutorial. output.log output_1.log auto_groundcombat_turn_1_start-1.json auto_strategy_before_intercept-1.json auto_strategy_after_intercept-2.json
  3. I was looking for what the game would allow in the tutorial mission and found that the demolition charge can be thrown on the box instead of next to it. A pop-up appears falsely stating that all hostiles were eliminated a few actions later. After the turn has ended the soldier has to be moved, but the leftover cleaner shoots him in the back. This in turn causes another pop-up with a typo to appear (showExplainTarget with args Overwatch Fire): "Seelct the Flashbang" should be "select the flashbang". FYI, there are a couple of old bug reports you never reacted to (on page 3+ by now). I don't think they've all been fixed, I assume they are still on the radar?
  4. I definitely agree on #1, I said the same thing in my feedback post a while ago ("Instead of not showing anything when damage is all absorbed by armour, it would be very nice if it was shown but in grey/white (as opposed to red). And if a shot connects but has no effect at all, perhaps it could say ‘resist’."). #2 also makes sense to me. Not sure if I agree on #3 though, I didn't really have a problem with that. I would like knife upgrades though.
  5. 'tail ufo' might also be useful if you want to reduce panic in a specific region and the ufo is heading their direction
  6. @Chris ping to get your attention, there's a korean bot on the loose that's been creating new threads every 3-4 minutes for the past day
  7. I tried it as well, and the fact it's crashing should tell you they're not compatible (it was also mentioned in the announcement). It seems to be caused by something about tutorial notifications, likely related to "Fixed a crash that would occur if you set the Controls Information setting to 3 Missions". To be expected but kind of sad, I wanted to try the endgame mission.
  8. That's a great way to encourage doing interrogations! I also like the new/updated difficulty effects. I do wonder if the starting panic isn't a bit on the high side now though.
  9. Quite understandable. I'm sure you'll be able to get to it eventually :) Thanks, that's really helpful! When I have some more spare time next month or so I'll try actually making a mod. I thought I posted this 10h ago but apparently not
  10. I hadn't encountered that before in Unity games, but I suppose it makes sense. Wouldn't that make it easier to upgrade though? About the hooks: if I want to have code execute every time the game uses a specific method I'd need to patch that method, and I haven't found many hooks in that native C# part. For instance, I would like to execute something when the strategy screen is loaded, but there is not something like an event I can subscribe to (or is there?) I couldn't find such a thing in the Assembly-CSharp.dll when I looked so I added my own IMod and Xenonauts.XenonautsMain.LoadMods. I can share those if you want? If mod assembly loading is included in the game I must've been searching for the wrong thing, can you tell me what namespace/class it might live in? Executing Harmony.PatchAll gave a System.MissingMethodException about System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.op_Inequality. But for some reason I was being quite dumb and was building against .NET Framework 4.8 instead of 3.5 (Harmony luckily still supports that), so changing the build target actually solved it :) Of course, I don't expect you guys to.
  11. I tried modding the game last week. Of course that's not supported yet (I had to edit a DLL to get stuff loaded), but I think I'm able to comment on a few things: The game runs on Unity 5.5.6f1... which is five years old. Likely as a result, Harmony patching does not work because of missing equality operators in System.Reflection which were added in .NET Framework 4. This is really bad for modding, because it means the game's code can't be easily patched and anything we want to do has to be possible with the existing code. So that basically rules out changing existing behaviour or installing hooks. It might be possible to edit mscorlib.dll or change Harmony so that it does not use missing stuff, but the first is impractical and the second is hard. I'm just being dumb, Harmony works fine provided you use the .NET Framework 3.5 version. Everything is happening in one scene, which really surprised me. This also means it's not possible to use any of Unity's SceneManager events, and the game does not yet have something to replace that as far as I can tell. No doubt that'll come though. There is a lot of inheritance going on, I think I need to make a flowchart to see which things inherit from MonoBehaviour.
  12. There's a namespace typo somewhere :) Edit: got mod loading working! (not relevant to the typo) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\___\Documents\My Games\Xenonauts 2\Mods\Geoshape\Geoshape.dll (this message is harmless) Geoshape has loaded! UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, String, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[]) UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) Geoshape.Geoshape:Initialise() Xenonauts.XenonautsMain:<LoadMods>b__0_1(Type) Artitas.Utils.EnumerableExtensions:ForEach(IEnumerable`1, Action`1) Xenonauts.XenonautsMain:LoadMods() Xenonauts.XenonautsMain:Start() Loadmods finished. Loaded mods: 1
  13. Alright I got to the endgame mission. Can't progress sadly, because there's an Andron one level up and I get the cameralevel-ctd if I shoot or kill it in any way. I guess I'll have to wait for when that's fixed, so you won't be seeing any bugreports from me for a while. Some more feedback (unorganised this time): The eternal interrogation page pops up immediately after the autopsy, without having to research it first. Also, given there is only one in the alien base where I first found it, how can you do an autopsy first and then interrogate? I propose that autopsies are only conducted when a corpse has been brought home or after the interrogation has completed. The endgame unlocked quite early, before I even had seen a battleship (although that did eventually pop up). Perhaps the endgame research project should require some component from that ship before unlocking? I like the cruiser and battleship layout. The harvester layout is a bit weird though, where the first thing you run into is an operating room and with the teleporters a bit weirdly off to a side - does not make too much sense from a logistics point of view imho. I never got to see the upper floor(s?) of the harvester, because there were no aliens there on the two or so harvester missions I had (one of which was landed instead of crashed). It will be possible to breach a ufo from the side later, right? There is not really a way to reduce panic in the mid/late-game, is there? I had North America go to 70-80 panic at the end even though I had my second base there and semi-regularly shot stuff down. The fusion torpedoes do not seem like an upgrade over the plasma torpedoes: you'd go from 80dmg/30pen/-22des to 60/20/-30 which seems worse to me. The fusion blasters absolutely shred anything they encounter. I skipped the X-3 dropship and went straight for the X-4, which I only used for the last two missions. I had no difficulty completing missions with only nine units, but the AI upgrade will likely change that. After rereading it all, the story is not that bad. Still don't like the multiverse though. There is one instance of swearing near the end of the interview page that I'd like to see removed. By day 284 all research was completed, after which I launched the endgame. I had two instances of aliens with capes appearing outside the ufo, and two of mentarchs outside. Shouldn't they always spawn inside for lore reasons? I never did get the air combat ctd. Do you want the rest of my campaign saves anyway? You already have most of it :)
  14. There's a tooltip on the assault shield, perhaps also on the non-upgraded variant.
  15. The battleship's hull is made of glass: Edit: there is also some other weirdness Edit 2: more line of sight weirdness, some tiles here are still shrouded (save included) auto_groundcombat_turn_3_start-272.json quick-216.json
  16. I assume this module is not finished so I don't know how useful a bug report about it is to you, but if the soldier is near their carry weight (this one only had 5 or so left) the 12 weight from the actuator module is applied before the strength is increased which seems strange to me.
  17. I threw a grenade at this floor and my unit on the floor below also got suppressed. I don't think that's right? This may have been reported before but I couldn't find the thread. This probably affects more grenades than just the flashbang. auto_groundcombat_turn_14_start-246.json
  18. It seems that loading a save that was made in the same turn will not always work in ground combat, it's been happening again a couple of times
  19. Thanks for your reaction @Chris! > Yeah, the AI is still kinda dumb in various situations. That's something we'll be setting aside some time to improve once we hit Early Access. Great, I think that will improve the ground combat a lot. > Where does the 80% blocking chance on shields thing come from? I read that somewhere, but I can't remember if that's in the game or old changelogs - I'll see if I can find it. Shields must just protect less than I thought then. > Stun Gas isn't currently in the game, no. The grenades are all set up and functional but I removed them because I felt they were a bit cheap. Do you like to use them, then? I used them a lot in X1/X:CE because it was easy to smoke a room and wait, instead of repeatedly shocking them. I don't really mind if they're not going to be used because it did make capture a bit easy, but there are still a few references to (stun) gas and gas protection in the game. > It seems like you're saying that it feels like the research and engineering is mostly frontloaded into the first ~120 days of the campaign, and then it's a bit sparse after that? Yes, but like you said that could also be because of how many scientists I have. Immediately at the start I built an extra lab, and a month of two/three later I built another one in a second base. It could also be because getting to the end of the game naturally means there are less things to research. > Trying to model 3D space on a 2D map is asking for trouble though, imo. I think you'd get the worst of both worlds if you did that. It wouldn't be obvious to a large section of the playerbase why the flight paths behaved as they did or why the radar circles ended up looking super weird whenever you got near a pole. Perhaps. I'll probably try modding it in at some point (and possibly give up halfway through) > Modding is something we'll be looking at in Early Access. It's awkward compared to X1 thanks to us using Unity, but not impossible. Nice. I've never tried modding X1, but Unity games are generally quite moddable - as long as the game loads binaries and executes a method anything's possible. > Thanks for your thoughts (and the many bug reports) Thanks for fixing the many bugs :)
  20. The base defense mission automatically fills the roster with all available vehicles and sentry guns first, and after that soldiers. However, if I unassign any soldier/sentry/vehicle I cannot reassign them - that option is disabled until there is only one sentry or vehicle in total. There's probably a check for normal missions that needs to be disabled here. Edit: oh and there are infinite blue shirts for the sentries to equip as a weapon. Not sure how that would work (: And while I'm here, is this considered normal? auto_strategy_before_combat-192.json
  21. I have no idea how I would even go about reproducing this, but while I was using the ARES it didn't want to stop making the driving sound after moving (using a teleporter, perhaps that's a clue). It then kept playing that sound for the rest of the mission. It then stopped in the loading screen, but started again in the geoscape (I assume it was only temporarily muted?). Reloading the after mission autosave did not help, but restarting the game did. I included the last two logfiles and the save from around the turn where it started happening. Unrelated, in the harvester in that mission are only alive enemies in the bottom two floors - I never got to see the rest before it ended. Might be worth looking into, when there's time for such small issues. Edit: not teleport related, had it happen in the base defense mission. output_soundbug_1.log output_soundbug_2.log auto_groundcombat_turn_11_start-212.json
  22. I assume this is already known, but this shader doesn't work nice with ARES: quick-202.json
  23. These crops spawned inside this cruiser: quick-199.json
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