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Everything posted by Svinedrengen

  1. Just an idea her: Will it be possible to chance the ammo % meter, to show the exact amount of rounds and missils instead, after an interceptcion? This was not an issiue with original game since the airgame was to easy and just a minigame, still better than original X-Com though, but now the airgame is not just a minigame anymore, it has become quite an important part of the game ( I like this very much). An easy wya to this would be to do it like the old days when I was a kid, and write everithing down on paper, but with several bases and dozens of airplanes in the sky, I have a feeling it would very timeconsuming. Will this idea fall under the same category as qouted below?
  2. Newermind, I read in a post somewhere on this forum that the formula is 50% - 200%, I prefer this this much better than original formula, but can someone please confirm this?
  3. Hej Charon, one question : What is the damageformula for X-Division? Is it the same as the original game at 50% - 150%? I can not find the formula in the files or the game, but I seem to remember dealing 100 something damage whit the sniper rifle whit basedamage of 60, which would indikate it to be more than 150%, I could remember it wrong and it was a rocket, but I am quite possitiv it was whit the sniper, and after you changed the configfile to my likings, I do not dare to change it back to test and find out myself in case of screwing something up in the proces. If I do remember it wrong, is it possible to change it to 200%? Or would it be gamebreaking? All weapons should have the possibility to deal at least doble the basedamage if it is a vital/critical hit if you ask me. Now as for dealing less than 50% I am not sure, 25% could work but not sure, 0% is to low and it can lead to some crazy random battles. What is your oppinion about this?
  4. Do not worry, I am completly chilled. I hope you find a solution to my issue, but if not, it will not discourage me from playing by any means. No worrys.
  5. I have tried several times but can not seem to get it working as intended. Like I said before I am pretty sure that I am to blame for this, have no idea what I am doing I just copy,paste and pray that it will somehow work. It is not that big of a deal anyway, and on the plus side this just means that I have to play X-Division enough to become good enough for the insane difficulty , time will tell, a goal has been set at least. Thanks for trying to help me.
  6. -<Character MODMERGE="update"> <InterveningStoppingChance vehicle="90" shieldCrouched="57" shield="75" oneTileDistCrouched="10" crouched="10" default="25"/> <BleedingWound hpLossPerTurn="3" chance="50" damageAmount="5"/> <RegenerateHPPercent>20</RegenerateHPPercent> <PsionicBerserking fireAtUnitChance="0"/> -<DamageText showSuperhuman="0" showVeteran="0" showNormal="0" showEasy="0" fadeDelay="0.5" displayDelay="1.5" offsetVehicle="-60" offsetCrouched="-64" offset="-84"> <DamageColour blue="0.2" green="0.2" red="1.0"/> <StunDamageColour blue="1.0" green="0.3" red="0.3"/> <HealingColour blue="0.2" green="1.0" red="0.2"/> <ResistedColour blue="1.0" green="1.0" red="1.0"/> </DamageText> </Character> </Config> I have copied and added in the config file and this is what it looks like now, but it does not work I still see damage. Pretty sure it is me that is doing something wrong, but have no idea what it is. I am kinda scared to mess whit anything else in risk of not been able to start the game again, and then have to delete and install it again.
  7. True I do not know which one it is, just picked the first one and now I think it was the original gameconfig files I changed , ups. This is the first time I try to edit any game, so komplet rookie her.
  8. I just rigth click on the config file and choose edit, then set value to 0 on the other difficultys as it is on insane/superhuman and save the changes. Was it wrong?
  9. I have changed the value to 0 on easy, normal an veteran, but it still shows the damage I am dealing. Do I have to change something else or did I do something wrong?
  10. Hey Charon, I have a question I hope you can answer : Is there any way the damage I am dealing to the aliens to not be shown on other difficultys than Insane? I feel that it is cheating to be able to see the damage that you are dealing. I can understand the point that when you observe an enemy being hit you can see if it was a vital hit or just a scratc, but I still feel like I am cheating when I know the exact damage I am dealing. I could just play X-Division on Insane, but I daubt I will get very far in the game that way . Thanks in advance.
  11. Thanks for fast reply. That is to bad, I have next to zero skills in modding/editing. I will just have to get used to it then, and I will, those were only minor things after all .
  12. First I would like to say many thanks to those who worked on this mod, or game as I would call it, because thats what you guys actually created in my opinion. I downloaded this yesterday and I am still in the first month, date 23 sep, but I feel already that there is more content in what I have experienced whit X-Division so far, than I did in the base vanilla game. I can not wait to experience what X-Division has to offer later in the game, that is of course if I get that far on the first run, because the Aliens are serious this time, I have already gotten destroyed a few times, in both the aircombat and groundcombat, this I do not mind at all, I consider this a good thing, it feels just like X-Com , I have gotten destroyed so many times that I can not remember it in X-Com UFO Defence and X-Com Terror from the Deep on Superhuman, mostly Terror from the Deep, that game just knows how to make my life a living hell sometimes, in a good way of course. X-Division is giving me the exact same vibe and feeling as the Final Mod Pack did in OpenXcom . There is one minor thing I was wandering if you guys could bring back, is the feature that allows you to move soldiers on the list in the equipment screen, so I can place them in any order I want example: my shields together and heavys together and so on. It just annoys me when I first have to equip a shield soldier, then a heavy soldier, then sniper then shield then sniper, instead of having put the shields first then heavys or in any order you prefer. I think this feature came whit the community edition, but I am not sure. Is it possible for you guys to do this? Another thing which I do not know if it is possible, but when I want to intercept something I can not choose the airplanes that are airborne to intercept, I have to click on the airborne unit or squadron on the geoscape to do this. Is it possible to make this work from the same meny screen whit airplanes that are airborne and airplanes that are in hangars. It could very well be just me that has this issue, but playing X-com for years made me used to be able to do this. I still keep clicking on the UFO first instead of clicking on the airborne unit/squadron I want to intercept it whit. These to things have nothing do whit gameplay or are gamebreaking in any way of course, I was just wandering if it was possible for you guys to do this. Once again many thanks to everyone who helped create this total conversion, it is very much appriciated.
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