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Everything posted by Chris

  1. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! Fixes & Changes: Removed the "Heavy Fighter" UFO, and replaced it with the Interceptor (which it was intended to be an alternate variant of). Increased the Hardness on the Colossus from 15 to 20. Fixed Sentinel module having 270-degree vision instead of 180-degree vision, and the tooltip description incorrectly saying it had 360-degree vision. Fixed various "screen" walls inside UFOs incorrectly being crushable by vehicles. Added updated translations for Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
  2. We can fix it by making the Stores screen pop up every time you go over capacity and refuse to close until you sell back down under capacity like other games do, but I think you'll find that far more annoying tbh.
  3. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! Fixes & Changes: Added research text for the Alien Psi-Amp project. Added updated translations for the various non-English languages. Fixed a crash that could occur at random on the Geoscape when UFOs were flying around. Fixed a crash that could occur when starting air combat. Disabled various doors from autoclosing (UFO doors, alien base doors, blast doors in Xenonaut / Cleaner bases) as a temporary fix for the issue where the visual open / closed state of doors gets out of sync with their actual open / closed state.
  4. Thanks. We'll look into this. Just to check, this didn't happen in a pre-existing campaign immediately after the 4.10.0 update, did it?
  5. Thanks. We'll look into this. Just to check, this didn't happen in a pre-existing campaign immediately after the 4.10.0 update, did it?
  6. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! Fixes & Changes - Strategy: Fixed a crash on the Geoscape that could occur when saving after an air combat battle. Fixed aircraft missiles / torpedoes being available immediately after completing the Aerial Warfare research project (rather than after the Aircraft Missiles engineering project). Fixed aircraft missiles and fusion lances appearing twice in the weapon list once the appropriate engineering projects had been completed. Wraith Cloaking Field tooltip now correctly shows -1.5 Accuracy per tile rather than -2. Slightly updated the Gauss Shotgun art so it's easier to differentiate at a glance from the Gauss Rifle. Fixed a few typos in research project names and research text. Fixes & Changes - Tactical: Andron Elites (the weaker green ones) have had their Armour reduced to 35 (from 50). Fixed Servitors not spawning. Fixed the Cleaner Soldiers on the first Abduction site being unable to attack, and carrying an extra (non-functional) submachine gun. Fixed the "reinforcements arrived" conversation being out of sync on the Eliminate VIP (Cleaner Leader) missions. Fixed explosions for the HEVY sometimes spawning in the wrong place (in the middle of the screen). Improved the aiming of the HEVY, so the soldier now fires the weapon upwards to reflect the arced path the projectile actually takes. Units now play injury sounds when hit with a Stun Baton. Fixed zombified civilians / local forces soldiers not using the zombie animations. Fixed damaged palm trees on the Western Town biome being invisible when in their damaged state. Fixed some solid wall corners on one of the ATLAS Base maps that you could see / shoot right through as if they weren't there. Fixed the damaged particles on the yellow power generators displaying strange visual effects when targeted. "War Machine" achievement now refers to the Vanguard Battlesuit rather than the Colossus.
  7. We're going to be in it, yeah, as our publisher helps run it. I'm not sure exactly what's being done though, we're just concentrating on working on the game at the moment
  8. It's not a bug - it's the punishment for going over stores capacity.
  9. Question is, was it the same map Skitso is talking about? With lots of palm trees around the edge?
  10. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! Bugfixes: Fixed a crash that would occur when you completed the "Alenium Warheads" engineering project. Fixed an AI hang that could occur in the alien base. Fixed the confirmation dialog not closing if you tried to sell an aircraft that was under construction. Fixed visual flickering (z-fighting) issue on certain parts of a desert VIP extraction map. Fixed the Automed Module tooltip displaying an unnecessarily long Effect string instead of "Regeneration (25HP)".
  11. I’m on holiday until next week so there won’t be any fixes on this stuff until next week, but it does seem like the Servitors not spawning is indeed a bug. Regarding the overly easy intel gather map, can you please attach some screenshots and maybe a save so we can easily identify which map you’re talking about?
  12. No, they don’t. I’ll add it to our to-do list.
  13. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! Broken Save Compatibility: This build contains some changes to the tech tree, so save games from 4.7.0 and earlier are not compatible with this update. If you'd like to continue playing 4.7.0 then it is available on our Experimental Legacy branches (or on GOG you can manually switch to an older build). Gameplay Updates: The Exosuit is now called the "Vanguard Battlesuit", and has updated research text that reflects the fact is is now the ultimate armour. The "War Machine" achievement now unlocks from equipping this rather than the Colossus. The Aerial Warfare research project now unlocks an "Aircraft Missiles" engineering project that grants unlimited quantities of the basic missiles and torpedoes, as many players did not realise earlier versions of Milestone 4 gave these items immediately on completion of the research. We've updated the click detection in the tactical combat so UFO hulls no longer block clicks, as it could sometimes be difficult to select soldiers near the UFO in earlier versions of Milestone 4. The cabbage field assets that were causing FPS drops have now been fixed (properly this time). We've also made some performance improvements to the tropical jungle tree clumps. New / improved game assets: Added new research text for the Colossus battlesuit. Added corpse analysis projects for the Cyberdrone. Added new artwork for the Andron and Cyberdrone corpses. Updated the Andron idle animations to look more robotic. Updated the animations for the Colossus battlesuit to make it look more robotic, and made some minor improvements to the model. Added a sound effect when you decomission an aircraft. Balance Changes: Wraith seemed disproportionately strong compared to the other alien races, so their HP values have been reduced by 20% and their Cloaking Field now reduces Accuracy by -1.5 per tile (rather than -2). Colossus now sets the user to 100 Strength, rather than giving them a +25 Str bonus. Mentarch Corpse Analysis II and both Andron Corpse Analysis projects now require fewer corpses to complete. Weapon balancing: HEVY Launcher is now an arc-fire weapon rather than a direct-fire weapon and now has a maximum range of 25 tiles, which makes it significantly stronger (unless you're indoors). The scatter for missed shots has been updated to ensure they don't always catch the target in the blast area, particularly when shooting at long range. Slightly increased the fire costs on the shotgun (28% TU to 30%, and 40% to 43%). Reduced the range of the pistol from 12 to 10, but boosted hit bonus from +3% per tile to +4% per tile. It's therefore more accurate within 10 tiles, but less accurate beyond that. Bugfixes: Fixed several crashes related to Cyberdrones being killed. Fixed another crash related to throwing grenades. Fixed new suits of Colossus armour built after the Colossus Upgrade project still being the old non-upgraded Colossus version. Fixed Andron Praetorians not having visible weapons, having too little armour, and incorrectly looking like the basic Androns. Fixed the game playing some strange "weapon equip" sounds after throwing a grenade. Fixed research projects not showing a duration if the remaining time was between 23 and 24 hours. Fixed the Air Superiority achievement not unlocking correctly if you were using air combat autoresolve. Fixed the Angel incorrectly having an (oversized) F-16 icon in the air combat. Fixed another indestructible wall inside the Abductor UFO. Removed references to the integrated grenade launcher on the Colossus, as it can't actually use grenades,
  14. The issue is that your laser rifles actually have two clips inside them due to a bug. You can RMB click in the tactical inventory to unload them, and you'll get two clips out if you do. Then they'll reload as normal. I think this bug is fixed in 4.7.0, although it won't fix existing loadouts. I think if you re-equip the weapons on your loadouts and then save them, it'll fix the issue.
  15. No, they're just unlimited quantity items once researched. You can equip them on your planes immediately.
  16. If you were fighting an Abductor UFO crash site in your save game, then yeah, it's a problem with a corrupted map and it'll work fine if you reload the save on the Geoscape before the mission started. If that's not the situation you were in, please let us know and we'll look into it further!
  17. Thanks. It looks like this is caused by the fact the save game is from an Abductor UFO mission, and we updated the Abductor tiles in the most recent patch so the map is now broken. As you've already discovered yourself, it should work fine if you restart the mission from the Geoscape.
  18. Thanks. Sorry you're having issues. Is this happening on the experimental branch (4.0.7) or the standard Steam branch (3.8.0)? If you could attach the crash report zip (on Experimental) or the output.log and some save games (if you're on the normal branches) then we cantake a look and see why the game is crashing. Details on where to find the logs are in the sticky threads at the top of the forums.
  19. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! 4.6.0 Reversion & Save Compatibility: We released 4.6.0 on Friday and decided to revert back to 4.5.0 roughly 12 hours later due to stability issues in the save / load system. This update fixes those stability issues and will allow players to continue campaigns from 4.5.0, but unfortunately any saves from 4.6.0 will be broken (which they likely were anyway). Nonetheless, if anyone really wants to continue playing 4.6.0 then they can do so on our Experimental Legacy branches. Due to the reversion, these patch notes also contain the changes that were originally made in 4.6.0. Gameplay Updates: Added research text for the Andron Autopsy research project. Expanded the Funding Report so it shows the base funding level for each region, plus the modifier based on the region Panic. All research projects and missions that increase funding now list these values in terms of base funding (the amount you'll actually get varies based on Panic). UFOs now have a limit on the number of times they can land in a single mission, and fixed some issues to do with the take-off process that should help avoid the situation where a UFO spends days flying around the Geoscape while repeatedly taking off and landing. The minimum hit chance required for units to perform overwatch is now 10% and soldiers will not fire their weapons at targets beyond the maximum range of their weapon (which would inflict reduced damage). Androns and other robotic enemies should now play an appropriately mechanical gib animation if they suffer overdamage. Updated the "construct building" sound on the Base screen. Added a sound effect when launching an aircraft onto the Geoscape. Balance Changes: Colossus Armour now reduces the wearer's Reflexes by 20. Sebillian Time Units increased to 75 (from 60), and Reflexes increased to 50 (from 25). Andron Strength increased to 80 (from 50), Reflexes decreased to 25 (from 50), and TU decreased to 55 (from 60). Stalker Armour cloaking field defensive bonus reduced to -1.5 enemy Accuracy per tile (from -2 per tile). You can no longer complete the Fusion Lance or Shielded Plating aircraft upgrade processes without completing the earlier projects in the sequence (making them consistent with the other aircraft upgrade projects). Bugfixes: Fixed a crash in the load / save system (fix for a bug introduced in 4.6.0). Fixed a crash in the air combat that could occur if you accidentally right-clicked on one of the Evasive Roll buttons. Fixed a crash in the tactical combat that would occur if you pressed Esc while hovering over a grenade tile. Fixed another crash that could occur during the AI turn. Fixed the Abduction mission on day ~55 incorrectly spawning twice. Fixed a visual issue on the soldier equip screen where items in the Primary / Secondary would appear doubled when equipping a new loadout (fix for a bug introduced in 4.6.0). Fixed alien / Cleaner weapons being loaded with duplicated ammo clips, making their weight incorrect if you picked them up in the tactical combat. Fixed the You Sunk My Battleship achievement not unlocking after shooting down a Battleship UFO (which won't arrive until Milestone 5). Fixed some indestructible walls in the Abductor UFO. Fixed an issue with a climbable cliff on a Polar map being too close to a building and causing the pathfinding to think units could walk through the air onto a building roof. Fixed some animation issues with the unarmed Colossus armour.
  20. Thanks. They're not meant to be in Milestone 4, so they've been removed. They'll be back in Milestone 5.
  21. Hello everyone - it's pretty clear that our Milestone 4.6.0 patch on the Experimental branch is actually less stable than the 4.5.0 patch it replaced, so we're temporarily reverting the Experimental branches back to 4.5.0 while we work on some fixes. Apologies to anyone affected by these issues. Please be aware that any 4.6.0 save games will not be compatible with the older 4.5.0 version, so players will either need to revert to an older save from 4.5.0 or wait for us to release 4.7.0 next week if they want to continue an existing campaign. If you do want to continue playing 4.6.0 (and I wouldn't advise this given the number of crashes being reported), then you can still access it on the Experimental Legacy branch.
  22. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! Gameplay Updates: Expanded the Funding Report so it shows the base funding level for each region, plus the modifier based on the region Panic. All research projects and missions that increase funding now list these values in terms of base funding (the amount you'll actually get varies based on Panic). UFOs now have a limit on the number of times they can land in a single mission, and fixed some issues to do with the take-off process that should help avoid the situation where a UFO spends days flying around the Geoscape while repeatedly taking off and landing. The minimum hit chance required for units to perform overwatch is now 10%, which should go some distance towards stopping units firing at extreme long range. Sebillian Time Units increased from 60 to 75, and Reflexes increased from 25 to 50. Andron Strength increased from 50 to 80, and Reflexes decreased from 50 to 25. Stalker Armour cloaking field defensive bonus reduced from -2 enemy Accuracy per tile to -1.5. You can no longer complete the Fusion Lance or Shielded Plating aircraft upgrade processes without completing the earlier projects in the sequence (making them consistent with the other aircraft upgrade projects). Bugfixes: Fixed another crash that could occur during the AI turn. Fixed alien / Cleaner weapons being loaded with duplicated ammo clips, making their weight incorrect if you picked them up in the tactical combat.
  23. Yeah, it's confusing. I was talking about the hardpoint limit (4) on each plane. That's a reflection of the size of the weapon grid for each aircraft in the Air Combat UI (in the stats area for each plane on the right). Adding more equipment slots would be possible, although you might run into issues with not having enough horizontal space to fit them all in on the Aircraft screen. And if you're limited to an absolute maximum of 4 weapons, a fifth equipment slot might not be very useful. Yes, making the Gemini better at evasive roll is something we're looking at.
  24. Yeah, the problem is that (for now at least) the hardpoint number is a UI limit - there's no way to display more than four weapons in the UI, and cannons / lances are balanced to assume you can have fewer of them than missiles / torpedoes.
  25. The other question is how many crash sites you run - do you run all of them?
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