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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Thanks. I'm guessing you're actually on 1.23B at the moment? Because I'm 99% certain this bug is fixed in 1.25, which I'm about to release onto the standard branches for everyone to play. Let me know if it's not fixed once you update.
  2. GOG actually told us about the issue shortly before launch - shame they didn't tell us three years ago, but I'm glad it's resolved either way. It'll therefore only affect Kickstarter backers, and I've posted on the GOG forums about the solution too so it should hopefully we sorted from now on!
  3. Hi - sorry for the slow reply, glad you're enjoying the game. This should be fixed in Milestone 1.25 which is currently on the Experimental build but should be out on the standard branches soon!
  4. @Cohali @foxfire can you guys try again with 1.25 (which is currently only live on the Experimental branch)? Hopefully it will just work by default, but if not you can supply a command line override for the save path in the Steam launch options. -gameSaveFolder="<PATH>"
  5. I don’t think this is true at all - it was true in the first Xenonauts and we changed it for 2. e.g Lasers get a scaling accuracy bonus, can be upgraded to recharge ammo, have bad armour penetration but high armour destruction, are way better at destroying terrain, and are much heavier than other types of weapon. There’s not that much more we can do to make them different from previous tiers!
  6. Thanks. Unfortunately we can't tell much from the logs created by a standard version of the game, so if you're able to put up with somewhat reduced performance would you mind switching to our Experimental branch and trying to play there? There's a number of additional bugfixes on that branch already, and if you do experience a crash then the logs should be able to tell us what's going wrong!
  7. Thanks, glad to hear you're having fun. I appreciate you taking the time to write all this out and I've skimmed it once, but I'll come back and read it properly next week when the stability fixes are done.
  8. Great, thanks for writing this all out. This is really useful stuff! Although I really wish there was a way I could just get returning players to play the tutorial so they could understand how to do force-fire and the shoot-move preview!
  9. Thanks for writing all this out. It's nice to know that you've enjoyed the game - and although I'm definitely looking forward to playing JA3 when things calm down, I can understand people's frustrations that it doesn't seem to be the faithful successor to JA2 that a lot of people wanted. For the loading times, if you can install the game on a faster hard drive then that will hugely speed up loading times. But yes, we are planning to optimise it - a lot of people have complained about the loading times. I think you're also correct that players should be able to brute force through enemy reinforcements (and this is something we've changed in a recent patch). And it's a bit surprising to hear a JA2 veteran finds the combat a bit too difficult - although part of the problem is that you were fighting a night mission, which can be notoriously difficult. We'll have to think a bit more about how to balance those. But yes, the point Skitso makes is also valid - unlike JA2, the soldiers in Xenonauts are relatively expendable until they become valuable veterans. Especially at the start of the game before you have good armour!
  10. Yeah, this change has already been implemented as of 1.24 - which is still on the experimental branches at present, but will arrive on the normal branches in the next day or two!
  11. You shouldn't need to do anything, it'll automatically update!
  12. Thanks for the feedback. Just wondering what difficulty you were playing on? If you played on one of the higher difficulty settings then the starting Panic is actually quite high already.
  13. Thanks for writing out this feedback. I'll add it to my reading list for next week once the stability fixes are done, but I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed the game overall!
  14. This is an update to Milestone 1.24 that we released yesterday on our Experimental branch. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although note they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! This update fixes a couple of issues our 1.24 changes had introduced, and also contains some additional crash fixes. If this build proves stable we'll likely push it out to the main branch tomorrow! Changelog: Added support for command line override of the default save path: -gameSaveFolder="<PATH>" Fixed various issues that were causing hangs / softlocks during the tutorial. Fixed a crash when loading a save game that contained a MARS. Fixed a crash that could occur when holding Shift or Ctrl when triggering a C4 detonator, as well as various other crashes related to using similar items with one or both of those keys held. Fixed a crash that could occur if achievements were mis-set on Steam or GOG. Fixed a couple of Kickstarter backers with invalid portraits who could crash the game if sent into tactical combat.
  15. OK, so we think we know what the issue is. The errors are looking for missing assets - but the assets it's trying to find were deleted back in 2020. I think there's been a historic issue with GOG Galaxy where it doesn't uninstall the game properly and leaves some files behind, so I think you've got some corrupted or out of date files in your install and they've been there for years. You should be able to fix this by manually going to your install directory and manually deleting the whole thing. Don't do it through GOG Galaxy. If you then reinstall, it should work fine. Let me know if that works!
  16. Thanks. Yeah, this is interesting. There's a LOT of errors in that log. We'll take a look and I might come back to you with some more questions on the topic.
  17. Thanks, glad you enjoy it - maybe consider leaving a Steam review if you do I do agree with your suggestion about the reinforcements, yeah. It would be cool if they actually ran onto the map (triggering overwatch fire) rather than spawning in place. It's something we'll consider adding during Early Access but there's just so much to do already! Allowing multiple potential spawn points is certainly easily possible, but a bit less cool than having them run in.
  18. Hey - quite a few people in this situation aren't aware the special floor tiles in the UFO are actually teleporters and it has an upper level. Just walk onto them and it'll teleport you to the top. We do need to make that more obvious, I think!
  19. Yeah, that's a different bug. I think that wall is actually destroyed but hasn't visually updated properly. I bet you could shoot through it without any restrictions.
  20. Sorry, would you mind trying it on "experimental" in GOG again? I recently pushed a new update there and that one *should* be producing logs.
  21. Thanks. It's actually the damage type of the ammo that matters for the HEVY, but I can see how the tooltip would be misleading. We'll take a look when the stability fixes are done.
  22. Yeah, I think the issue was probably that the items are being carried by the dropship and you only get access to them when it lands back at bae?
  23. Thanks. Yeah, this is an issue where the translator missed off a bracket when editing a string that contains code. We'll get it fixed in a future update!
  24. Thanks. Funny you should say that, actually - we've just released our first Experimental build and we would appreciate some people giving it a quick test before we push it out to the general public. (Also, if you're enjoying the game, the other thing that does genuinely help us is to leave a Steam review - but no pressure on that front!)
  25. Thanks. Yeah, looks like you're already aware but we finally fixed this in 1.23
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