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Everything posted by Charon

  1. - Submission - -Aircrafts.xml- -Charon- Name :The CODE name, it has to match letter for letter if other files refer to it. HitPoints : Health Points, if they drop below 0 the unit crashes Armour : Doesnt work, was never implemented (Max). Range: the maximum flight distance a unit can fly, no matter how fast it is. TopSpeed : Maximum speed without afterburner a unit can achieve. Its the speed the unit without escorts fly on the Geoscape. Acceleration : The maximum speed a unit can in- or decrease their speed in AC. TurnRate: the rate at which an aircraft can turn. Seems to be influenced by rotation accuracy RotationAccuracy: ??? seems to influence/cap Turn Rate. Cannons : Cannon Slots, a unit can have a total maximum of 4 weapons NormalWeapons : Normal Weapons Slots, a unit can have a total maximum of 4 weapons HeavyWeapons : Heavy Weapons Slots, a unit can have a total maximum of 4 weapons SuperheavyWeapons : Superheavy Weapons Slots, a unit can have a total maximum of 4 weapons WeaponPositions: the position the weapons get fired from the aircraft (0,0) in the AC, the codeing is (x,y;x,y;x,y;x,y). Only works for aircrafts. Soldiers : how many soldiers a unit can carry Vehicles: How many Vehicles a unit can carry Grid : ??? RadarRange : the Radar range in kilometers RadarChance : ??? does it work ? Upkeep: the total amount of money that gets deducted at the end of the month Length: ??? Width: ??? Weight: ??? Combat Area: ??? PowerPlant: the Power Plant which gets shown in the aircraft tab in the game Airframe: the Airframe which gets shown in the aircraft tab in the game ServiceCeiling: the Service Ceiling which gets shown in the Aircraft tab and unit selection menu in the geoscape Loadout: The starting lodout when an aircraft is purchases/manufactured. The formula starting from cannons, normal missiles, heavy torpedos, superheavy weapons is (weapon1;weapon2;weapon3;weapon4) SlotPosition: the position of the weapon equipt button in the aircraft tab, (x,y;...) Image : the directory for the aircraft image tab and the hangar image, the names have to be the same ACIMage : the AC image(imagename), the damaged states (imagename00 to imagename100) SelectionSize: the size of the circle which is shown around the selected unit in the AC CanEvade : Sets if the unit can evade or not WeaponLockMod: ??? SpawnCrashsite: Sets if the unit can crash a spawn site if shot down, UFOs only Buyable : ??? might be hardcoded OnWinAgainst : The items you receive when the unit gets shot down. For UFOs mostly ShotDownBonus : The relationship bonus you get when the unit gets shot down. For UFOs mostly CanLand: ??? Supposed to set the ability to land if the mission requires it AutoresolveStrenght : The autoresolve value used for the autoresolve calculation AirstrikeValue : The amount of money the player receives when when airstriking a Crashsite SEQBackground : ? The background which is shown if in the soldier equipt tab How to add an aircraft ? Copy and paste or make a new line in the aircrafts.xml. Set the name for new aircraft Add all the images to aircraft\; aircraft\hangar and aircraft\aircombat Add it to items.xml Add it to manufactures.xml Add it to researches.xml Add all new CODE names (unitsname,items, manufacture, research) to strings.xml Add it to xenopedia.xml Set all remaining stats in the aicrafts.xml Clean up errors How to add an UFO ? Copy and paste or make a new line in the aircrafts.xml. Set the name for the new UFO Set the dropped items when shoot down Add all images to aircraft\UFOs and aircraft\aircombat Add the unit and all new items to the items.xml Add the unit and all new manufactures to the manufactures.xml Add the unit to researches.xml Add all new CODE names (unit, items, manufacture, research) to strings.xml Add all necessary new entries to xenopedia.xml Set all remaining stats in the aircrafts.xml Clean up errors How to add a dropship ? ??? Discoveries & Knowledge: The Difficulty modifier in the gameconfig.xml doesnt work for humanAirplaneSpeed*** and humanAirplaneRange***. Only the humanAirplaneSpeedNormal and humanAirplaneRangeNormal will get taken on all difficulties. This is a known bug since 2014, lets hope the other difficulty modifiers work as intended. As a general rule: dont trust the difficulty modifier too much, if you wanna make changes set the ***Normal Values to the value you want. The size of the Cannon images in the AC are hardcoded (kabill)
  2. First of all thank you for answering kabill, i appreciate your effort. That file and line is exactly what i wanted to get named - not look for it . Sounds cool but testing is something i can do on my own - i wouldnt ask for it if i want to test that. Good to hear that the mod system should work - thats exaclty what i wanted to hear but - does it work ? About transporters: aajs is doing this for some time now. Heres your enlightment. http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/13452-New-Dropship/page5 So what i notice is that whatever you ask in this forum you always get the same answer: "I´ve heard about it, maybe its there, but we dont know if its soft or hardcoded, or if it works, or anything specific for the matter, you just have to test it" Where are the people who know shit ? Was the same thing with the researches.xml which Max helped me immensly with, nobody seemed to know anything about a basic file like the researches.xml. In the end i had to find out every single step by my own, motivated by Max. I´d really like to change that and have a good idea how to do it. I would ask you, kabill, to support me when the time comes, if you want to.
  3. Let me give this thread a bump: 1. Xenophobia AI = XNT 5.3 Firebat AI = XNT Hellgate 6.0 AI = X-Division 0.98 AI. Here you can see how differently the AI behaves with the EXACT same AI file. Not a single behaviour number is different. So for your initial request: Every AI is unique to the game its put on and replicating ANYTHING like it was is more difficult than coding an entire Xenonauts 2 alone. First comes the game and then you try to put the AI file on the game in a way it fits best. 2. How to properly test mods and changes to the game you made 3. I think the Alpha 2 is the thing you are waiting for
  4. I would like to add more civilians to all maps. Is there a convinient way to do this without having to change and include all the maps in a mod ? As far as i know there are "spawn points" for everything. If you increase the civilian count beyond the maximum possible spawn locations does it still work properly and places the number of civilians i want ? What do i have to do to properly increase the civilian count ? My latest update on map modding was that they need to get integrated into the base game and dont work as a mod. Do they work now ? Does the map overwriting work ? Meaning that the highest priority map gets taken if multiple mods change the same map ? Does map modding work in general with the modloader now and what do i have to do to get it working ? I would like to add 2 Transporters to the game and need to know what i have to do in order to achieve this. Step by step pls . Anything else i might have missed to ask to get the aforementioned tasks done ?
  5. - I want the aliens to get suppressed by xenonauts reaction fire on the alien turn. Xenonauts get suppressed by alien reaction fire on a xenonauts turn as well. And as it stands one alien is running around taking all the reaction fire and then 2 other aliens come and finish the rest. If he would get suppressed it would save a lot of reaction fire on the xeno side for the other aliens to gte suppressed or killed as well. As we have it now most reaction fire is only good against 1 or 2 aliens running into LOS at most. This cahnge would lead to more tactical responses as well in my oppinion. -Can i please select the soldiers i want my base to defend with ? Please ? Please ? Right now the first 16 soldiers, no matter how injured or incapeable they are, and the first vehicle, even though i could have a better vehicle at second place, gets selected on a base defense. Apart from that i want ALL my soldiers to defend my base, which is ridicoulus when i you think about not being able to have all your men defend the base, I would really like to actually choose who i want my base to defend with.
  6. I tried it with my own threads and didnt find a way. I guess you cant do it.
  7. Autoresolve seems to do a lot more dmg to the winning squad if the main UFO can evade. From 2 times up to ? dmg.
  8. Heres more of the Working with code series. Casually regexing some 998 entries.
  9. It seems like i can get the xenopedia vehicle weapon interface working. 1. The correct interface has been entered: "VHW" 2. The Xenopedia name matches the actual game name "VV.DIVISIONGUN". Its the same name used in the vehicleweapons.xml. Heres an example: <Row ss:Height="51"> <Cell ss:StyleID="s72"><Data ss:Type="String">VV.DIVISIONGUN</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s73"><Data ss:Type="String">VV.DIVISIONGUN</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s73"><Data ss:Type="String">Empty</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s73"><Data ss:Type="String">X-Division Vehicle Weapons</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s73"><Data ss:Type="String">VHW</Data></Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s73"><Data ss:Type="String">Description</Data></Cell> </Row> VV.DIVISIONGUN Ballistic 45 25 18 240 200 Kinetic 40 weapons/vehicle/division DG Does the Subcategorie "VHW" even work ? Solutions or workaround pls. Heres the thing:Looks like it doesnt work. Can somebody confirm that ? Any workaround other than writing the stats into the wiki ?
  10. Heres what my modloader looks like for future references:
  11. No need to rename them, you can choose what the game plays. Thats slightly more work, namely making a mod out of it.
  12. The version you can look forward to is the Alpha 2 version, propably starting soon. This is the polishd version only missing a proper Xpedia, strings, balance and some bugs we might have overlooked. After that comes the 0.99 Beta which is essentially the 1.0 With everything finished but the things we might want to implement in the future and a finetuned balance. After A LOT OF FEEDBACK AND BALANCE CHANGES, which might take a while to get, there comes 1.0 version. At least thats the plan . In my book, i wouldnt need a 1.0 version, since modding is always about making things better. I would go from finished betas to betas to always improving on things. The way i would like to do things is to make the 0.99 beta version the 1.00 beta version and then go up from there. 1.1 beta, 2.0 beta, 3.0 beta, just like the long war mod. Every new *.0 version fully play and enjoyable.
  13. xenopedia.xml: Some entries in the Vanilla/XCE have additional rows which need to be overtaken as well in order to overwrite them. Namely: Researches.AlienLeaderInterrogation; Researches.AlienOfficerInterrogation; Researches.AlienInvasion; Researches.AndronDisassembly; Researches.WraithAutopsy; Researches.ReaperAutopsy, and the Researches.AlienAssaultPlasma. Otherwise this leads to a MODMERGE error.
  14. WE HAVE KATANAS !!! I think if you dont want that XCOM 2 style then you will get what you want here. I had amazing ground combat fights, the last one against sebillians in a corvette. Even I had problems against their aggressive style. The only thing i noticed is that they dont come closer once they found a suitable position to fire. Like from a players standpoint of view, if i would play the sebillians i would sometimes move them to a closer proximity to get into that bonus range. That would give you more chances for critical dmg but on the other hand its also suicidal as well and i guess the sebillians want to live too, at least sometimes. And the Look Away exploit is still there but thats a Xenonauts thing.
  15. Again Drages was faster. Heres my answer: Basically yes, but we try to get away from the randomness of this system, leading to 1. predictable spawns which you can count on to get basic tools to deal with the challenges and 2. Luck in which you get the chance to research and manufacture improved equipment if you A. get to spawn the certain alien and B. were capeable to catch it. The frequency of random chances should be so high that with an average amount of effort you will be holding SOME improved weapons in your hand. Which weapons those are might be random, leading to different playthroughs and different approaches every time you start a new game. How you use those better weaponry will then be up to you. You might get better kinetic weapons very quickly one time, rocking against caesans, and the other time you will be holding OP chemical injectors in your hand sneaking onto every alien there is, potentially putting you at risk from reaction fire and ambushes.
  16. Aaaaah Drages beat me to it . Heres my answer: Exactly my oppinion as well. We are trying to refrain from relying on such randomness in the future. Still it is heavily incorperated. Aircrafts are loosely done in 0.98. The Aircraft Expansion (Overhaul i guess) in 0.99 has appropriate aircrafts for every phase of the game mostly relying on alloy research and UFO Datacores which you can easily get. Additionally there are reasonable autoresolve values for the first and second phase of the game. The third Phase has quite the twist in it and represents a steep challenge regarding aircrafts and manufacturing of them. Phase 4 is endgame phase. I also thought about armors since they need andron parts to manufacture. If you get unlucky you might not even get to see them in the first place, leaving you with jackal armor to fight against plasma loving aliens. Getting androns to spawn is only a 33% chance from the 3 races and it can easily happen that you wont see them in the first 15 UFOs you encounter. Apart from that you regularly need andron crashsites to produce the exact right amount of armor you need, which leads to a very dicey dice roll on your progression through the game, emphasising luck over planning. Early on you dont have any quantum cryptology center either which tells you what alien is onboard what ship, which might lead to reasonable decisions regarding your progression through the game. These things are on our radar. Thank you for bringing this to our attention .
  17. Wait, let me google french trench ... . ""Veteran" Difficulty is all stats are 1/1. Normal Difficulty can be easier then expected." - Drages. Maybe he was wrong :D:D:D. Just kidding , you can try it on the easier difficulties but i would say you are behind a bit in your research thingies. I think i already had predator, wolf and direwolf armors en masse on your date. Heres a story I wrote: Alien Fortress Cosmetic Changes are ok with the mod, only the Lore+ doesnt fit into the game, but it doestn break anything either. Heres my modloader I use for the 0.98 and 0.99 versions: Hm, thats a lot of dead Xenonauts. I could discuss strategy with you endlessly, but i think the best way to learn is to watch others play and listen to their explanations. This will give you ideas and what you can make differently.
  18. Thx I kind of suggest you wait until we announce the second release of the Alpha version where you can play through the beginning to the end, only missing out on the aforementioned things, Xpedia, Strings, Balance, and possible not fixed Bugs. That would be your time to jump in, and for a lot of other people as well if they wanna try it out.
  19. Since the Aircraft Expansion has been finished, apart from some weapon images and the heavyintercptor the game has the following main points left to be worked on: Xpedia (we wont go into the 1.00 beta state before the Xpedia isnt top notch) Strings Economic Balance Every Bug and Exploit fix we can find Apart from that I have this singular task list as well:
  20. The Autoresolve Calculator is dead accurate if you calculate Cannons + Missiles. When you add heavy Torpedos to the Equation the game follows a slightly different formula, leading to a maximum of +/- 6% difference to the calculated Percentages. The low/high percentages are higher/lower than expected. When you calculate only Aircraft cannons the actual ingame percentages are up to 5% lower than expected. I suspect this is all because the game has different equations for cannons, missiles, and torpedos. Either way they get merged when they are calculated together or they get "set" to the appropriate equation. For instance when calculating Cannons + Missiles they get calculated on the missile equation, calculating only Torpedos = Torpedo Equation, calculating Cannons + missiles + torpedos = torpedo equation. The solution for this would be to make different decrypting tables for all of those, but im fine with how the calculator works right now. Bugs: A torpedo bonus higher than 1.0 leads to incorrect calculations. This is because i calculated the inverse of the bonus value, instead of adding it as a UFO bonus like the game does. This works fine until the value gets higher than 1.0 because the inverse gets negativ at this point, leading to complete nonsense. The normal missile only works with the value 0.5. Again because i calculated the inverse of it rather than treating it as a coefficient. These are easy to fix. Edit: Fixed, new Version available !
  21. Heres the Autoresolve Calculator I used to balance X-Division
  22. Here is the Autoresolve Calculator I used to balance X-Division: Autoresolve Calculator New Version ! Let me show you how it works: Here is the explanatory image: Enjoy Notes: The Autoresolve Calculator is dead accurate if you calculate Cannons + Missiles. When you add heavy Torpedos to the Equation the game follows a slightly different formula, leading to a maximum of +/- 6% difference to the calculated Percentages. The low/high percentages are higher/lower than expected. When you calculate only Aircraft cannons the actual ingame percentages are up to 5% lower than expected. I suspect this is all because the game has different equations for cannons, missiles, and torpedos. Either way they get merged when they are calculated together or they get "set" to the appropriate equation. For instance when calculating Cannons + Missiles they get calculated on the missile equation, calculating only Torpedos = Torpedo Equation, calculating Cannons + missiles + torpedos = torpedo equation. The solution for this would be to make different decrypting tables for all of those, but im fine with how the calculator works right now. This is some sort of the latest explanation:
  23. What instructions where ? No you dont deactivate lore+ in the modloader. To put it simple: Get a fresh XCE install and put XDivision on top. Dont forget to apply the incedniary grenade fix. This should work. I dunno anything about the Vehicles though.
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