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Everything posted by Charon

  1. Alternatively, i could also be a WINE specific problem.
  2. Im not getting paid enough to do this. Interesting, that logfile suggests someone simply put an empty ufocontent file inside, but since @Solver confirmed that there were actual units supposed to get loaded i guess thats not the case. Anyway, at this point i rather would doubt the usefullness of the autosave, as it is not trustworthy enough. The next thing you would need is a geoscape save, optimally right before you hit a bugged crashsite. With that you can reliably load a bugged mission without having to doubt an autosave. Anyway, what we are basically doing is troubleshooting the combination of mods which are not coded correctly, the quicker way would be simply to fix every mod in question, as this requires the same amount of time.
  3. Dude, chill. You are not to blame for this. I am on it, you just hang in there. Im in the ropes with @Solver to understand the modmerging system. You can start on your favourite difficulty and i can patch when you have started already, as it is backward compatible.
  4. Well, there are a lot of config files all around the game, how do you know it was the right one ? Copy this into the main X-Division config file, at the end and between the <Character> code lines. <DamageText offset="-84" offsetCrouched="-64" offsetVehicle="-60" displayDelay="1.5" fadeDelay="0.5" showEasy="0" showNormal="0" showVeteran="0" showSuperhuman="0"> <DamageColour red="1.0" green="0.2" blue="0.2" /> <StunDamageColour red="0.3" green="0.3" blue="1.0" /> <HealingColour red="0.2" green="1.0" blue="0.2" /> <ResistedColour red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /> </DamageText>
  5. How can you do that ? You dont even have the code available for that.
  6. config.xml <Character> <DamageText offset="-84" offsetCrouched="-64" offsetVehicle="-60" displayDelay="1.5" fadeDelay="0.5" showEasy="1" showNormal="1" showVeteran="1" showSuperhuman="0"> </Character>
  7. You are getting this the wrong way, i do the questions here. I still dont have your logfile on my desk.
  8. @varangos @ralph_09 There is a tech tree available, both for the current version and for the upcoming version 99.5.
  9. @Rodmar18 If we are getting down to testing this however these are the quickest methods: 1. Start the Xenonauts_gc_editor.exe, load the save and press "Ctrl + Q" to reveal the whole map. "U" for the editor, you can put a soldier into the ship and see if any units spawned at all. 2. Alt tab out of the game and send us the logfile here C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Goldhawk Interactive\Xenonauts .
  10. This does explain it. Example 1: Lets say a sensible mod only adds a few units, and uses these units in the ufocontent. Another mod on top of it however "replace"s the whole aiprops again, deleting the added units out of existents again. The added ufocontents files stay ofcourse and still ask for that special units to be loaded. The more common case i think though is where there is an aiprops modmerge error, where the game reverts to the basic file, i think.
  11. This aint possible. Fpr features like this you have to put effort into XCE and ask/help @Solver to do this. You are welcome ^^-
  12. Well, i was going to look into the situation, but then i noticed you were using several incompatible mods together, like Dreadnaught, Armoured Assault, Crew Diversity and Tweaks, which i presume are your personal mod changes. The situation is quickly explained, you have an aiprops modmerge error. The game tries to load units who dont exist, hence the absents of units and weapons. I would simply write this of as(s) an incompatible mod setup. Sry gal, aint your fault nobody tells you mods arent compatible with each other.
  13. 7. Pandis Aircombat Circus If ´yer ever wondered to what perfection a player can play the airgame, take a look into Pandis Aircombat circus, the man who can defeat UFOs with a single toothpick.
  14. @JoshT There is no update for .45 version. The whole .4X versions use the same tech tree to keep savegame compability. I am talking about the next .5 version, which you can already admire on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/charon117 Here is the one used for it: researches.xml It is basically all fixes and revisions which accumulated during the .4X period.
  15. 200 saves successfully suggest either UAC or AV were the culprits. Further testing ofcourse is necessary but if you can play 200 saves that sounds pretty promising. The most troublefree period of time i had is when i didnt have any AV for 7 months. Right now i use Norton because it actually makes my system faster, never mind what the Antivirus part actually does.
  16. Keep making saves for 10 minutes and report back. If you make a save every 10 second you can make 60 saves. Apart from that this rather looks like your ssd/hdd drive is causing any amount of random problems throughout your system, which i wonder why you come to us in the first place as it does clearly not have anything to do with the game or the executable itself. Here look: Since your documents are usually kept in your "main" drive i suspect having 0 mb of free hardware space wont let you write a savegame which sometimes requires up to 2 mb. Maybe the AV/UAC will fix it, but the point is being your drive needs to get checked first. The hard points are, buy a new ssd/hdd. I dont recommend moving your documents folder to somewhere else as that might cause even more problems along the way. Alternatively get your current ssd up to a normal state again, save the data you need and type "format c", every windows system has a cmd tool. Then you need to set up your OS again, etc ... .
  17. @Mattes98 And what is your ssd J all about ? Is that a virtuel environment ? Is your documents folder properly accessible for that ?
  18. Use Controll Access. https://praxistipps.chip.de/windows-10-uac-deaktivieren-so-funktionierts_42667 EDIT: UAC - User Account Control
  19. @Mattes98 Can you completely deactivate your AV and your UCA and run the game again ?
  20. Aye. I cant see anything wrong with anything, if it wouldnt be for you report i would say everything should work fine. I can only pass it on to @Solver to see if he has time to look into a possible corrupt state of savegames. Appended is the original message.
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