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Everything posted by ender101

  1. I think wiglafman1225 has been civil and willing to engage in good faith (for the most part) in trying to discuss his concerns. I disagree with many of his presumptions, but his position is based largerly on logic and perspective, which his been willing to articulate (even conceeded some points). In total, far more reasonable and rational than most of the folks in the haters in the quartertothree arena, which just did drive by digs often based in no basis of feasible reality. Btw, I normally dislike 'labels' such as 'apologist' and 'haters' are both terms used dismiss the thoughts of others without having to address their points. However having my points consistently dismissed by labeling me a apologist whenever i raise a reasonable point, i feel justified in returning the favor and calling them haters, especially since they were more interested in dismissing me, than discussing the ( i felt quite reasonable) points i raised. David
  2. I see a lot of arguements over motivations, subjective defintiions, perspective, ect...all topics that can't be proven/disproven. Chris and his team know of course, but many of the answers will be materalize when the game comes out. Their team has done enough to earn my goodwill (see my posts above). True, I was aware of the 2010 release goal, but like most indie developers (and AAA) they slipped, very common. Almost a certainty with a new indie team, come on! However they kept with the work for 2 years and moved at a stead clip. Recently kickstart craze offered them a opprotunity to inject some more resources to beef up their title. Good for them! So, Here's my perspective, for what its worth. I think the backlash has to do more with the X-Com franchise. People went ape with the XCOM FPS announcement, and they put that on the backburner. People also had some heartburn and churn over some of the choices of the Firaxis effort. Now Xenonauts is getting some of the same, because people have a lot of expecations for faithful recreations and clearly have passion for the franchise. So, it is what it is.
  3. I know i'm pushing it, since I agree with the entire post generally..except the Soviet tilesets, or motion scanner. On the motion scanner i do see your point, don't agree, but respect it. However, I'm not sure I get the pain over "Soviet tilesets", they were not in X-Com (the original) in fact it was just a bunch of randomized tile configs with a couple of diffirent zone types. Why would a ALL NEW tileset with a russian theme cause concern? Think I'm missing something there...
  4. LOL, to some degree thats true of most ambitous indie projects! I think indie developers are akin to learning on the job. Which to Goldhawk's credit they been working on this for a few years, they've kept commited, sustained productivity, and done some impressive work and gotten over the major hump to where they are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. They dont have it all nailed down, but they clearly done work met their milestones semi timely and by all accounts are accelerating the pace this past year...so again lots of earned goodwill that allows me to have faith.
  5. I think on this we can see some common ground. Marketing savvy part mainly, I'm much more willing to give them the benifit of the doubt with the understanding, and presume (rightly or wrongly will be known in the final product) good faith despite the lack of marketing polish. If it was a establish team (like the Wasteland team for instance) i would have a higher bar in that regard, but this is a small indie team that includes some motivated programers/fans. So they get benifit of the doubt, IMO.
  6. That's incorrect. I think you missed this update http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/69341191/xenonauts/posts A qoute about a relevant part, but really you need to read the whole thing. "Ironically, the two features that had the most vocal supporters did not do very well - the female soldiers came 6th and Mac / Linux porting came dead last. A victory for the silent majority? Actually, it’s a victory for everyone. We’ll also be putting female soldiers into the game, and providing a Mac and Linux version of the game too." "These two items have therefore been taken out of the stretch goals" The survey was sent out to decide the stretch goal based on funder feedback. The respective female and Mac/Linux support were included because they found a low cost solution and if i recall another post the porting wouldnt be as heavy as initally thought. I could see how you might think otherwise if you hadn't read this though.
  7. wiglafman1225 you're comments essentially boil down to, it feels wrong and it feels like they wont include things if they dont reach these arbitary goals. I suppose if you just glanced at the page, you might walk away with such a ill-informed impression. However, if you actually read ANYTHING the developers details, you would clearly know that's NOT the case. They've already been clear that despite that the female troopers and mac support were rated low on surveys, they would add them anyway BECAUSE they found a way to add them without much expense. So evidence suggests your implied concerns are invalid. We've countered your concerns and assumptions based on information, evidence and commons sense, yet you continue to hammer your position without acknowledging (or logically countering) the salient points . Now, your complaints essentially boil down to they didnt communicate their goals in a way you feel comfortable with so they suck. I'm not sure anyone can address something so minutely subjective.
  8. aw man, not here to! Ok i dont even work in the industry and EVEN I can work this out. This is a homage to the original, not a copy exact. Also, more importantly it's a small indie developer, that has been upfront that a few of the smaller things had to trimmed due to challanges with implimentation (such as the blaster bomb). Its not uncommon with small developers (and even bug ones from time to time) that the tool limitations create challanges with seemingly benign things, AND they didnt have the budget to include everything and the kitchen sink from the original, while updating it to a modern look feel and control scheme. Goldhawk has been pretty forthcoming on what they could do, what they can, and what they are having challanges with. IF you're paying attention, and being rational it makes sense. However I will conceed that it could have been communicated better on the kick start front, but i give them a break as there is no template to follow here. Its learn as you go, and I think for a small indie team without a huge budget, they've been doing very well all things considered. I can't wait to see the final results, and these 20/20 hind sight digs help no one.
  9. Generally favorable comments, though a few people are grippling. http://www.quartertothree.com/game-talk/showthread.php?t=58869&page=14 I've tried to explain (as i understand) the confusion over stretch goals and how/why it works. I hope i didnt make it worse. FYI I'm davidf there I do think that this project has some extra challanges that most others dont, in that some people think this is simpply a reskinned X-Com and dont understand its a completely seperate game! I think in this way Xenonauts has been a victim of its own success. To some (and even me) it feels so much like the original, its hard to aknowledge that their is actually a delta.
  10. I agree with this, but honestly I'm rarely losing guys right now anyway....so im ok with that currently. If my guys started dying in droves Id be more inclined to whine more about the flimsy tanks
  11. I would love to see a opening and multiple ending cinematics. These add to the grab of the title if done well. Look at X-Com even Empire of the Fading Suns. As good and great examples. I would also love to see some voice actors for the troopers. Some general order recieved, on the bounce, each trooper has several "triggers" a few confirm orders (which can be turned off). A panic reponse, a dying reponse, maybe a occasional kill response. I think something similar to the voice for the fighter jet chatter where you can hear it but not very clearly is perfect. It adds that small touch, but doesnt make it to heavy for producing
  12. FYI, Im sad and happy you didnt go with my idea of adding a 250 tier with the custom stats. When I was in Service I was a marksman and the 2nd fastest runner in the division. I would love to have my personal avatar reflect that. As it is I was 1 of the $200 pledgers!
  13. Id love to see us be able to create a custom trooper stats to apply to our cutom image (the 200 tier) with like a pledge of 250! Think about that, think like JA where you have a range of stats, and a certain number of points to spend. You coud set the teir to soenthing like 10 of them. I bet they would go like HOTCAKES!!!!! Those 10 people would be the pool of initial specialized troops you could purchase, or just come up random as the first 25 recruits, whichever is easier to code. I was just tickled by the idea of having my portriat name and chosen stats being a charcter in everyones game. I'd drop 250 without fussing to much for that chance. I'm definetly at least getting the $200 tier regardless, going to use my service picture..right in line with the game theme to boot!
  14. He could also have a US Citizen set up a business checking account. There are different rules that can be set up for those types of accounts on who can access and make deposits on those types of accounts. I’m not sure what the rules/regulations are for international business account usage, but it could be worth exploring at least
  15. Thanks for the infomation on the badge. Truthfully, being recruited makes more sense, but I would love to see this game on kickstarter. I would throw some more money at it, since it's associated with amazon.com and I trust that system.
  16. Well, don't know if it would help but I would be glad to aid in starting the kickstarter campaign in any way I could as a US citizen. I truly believe in this game, it has tremendous meaning to me, and would offer my assistance for free. FYI I've worked in the business prior as a gaming Journalist (Strategy Games +, Games Domain, Gone Gold, UGO) , a strategy guide writer (prima publishing), and a beta tester (edios and Bungie). Been out of the industry for a bit after getting a job at Intel, which I've been at for 12 years. So if anyway I can assist in the game for the kickstarter (or even a writer) I'd love to assist. BTW, I'm a premium pre-order customer, how do I get that icon on my account?
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