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Posts posted by Alienkiller

  1. There were an Game-Row of that Gerne called UFO-After-Series (UFO Aftermath, UFO Aftershock, UFO Afterlight), which tested that out again during the 2k-Time. Later the JA 2: Back in Action-Rework did the same and the new XCOM-Row with the tactical Shooter Burea. The outcome: The Groundfights in that Gernes are not good with Real-Time and the step back to Round-Times gives more and better possibilitys.

    That´s why the new XCOM-Row (XCOM: EU / EW, complete XCOM 2 incl. DLCs and XCOM: Chimera Squad), Phoenix Point (the original old X-Com-Makers), JA 3 and similar Games uses the Round-Base in Combats again, combined with the Real-Time on the Geoscape.

  2. About the Reason that the small Support-Vehicles are no Transportation-Horses. The same you see from the Aliens from their Support-Drones.

    An Alternative is to bring in an Package-Slot in the Transport-Ship, but therefore the Soldier-Limitation have to be reduced again. Instead 8 / 9 you can then transport 5 / 6 incl. an Support-Vehicle in that Numbers like in the Game-Archives mention.

    That Package-Slot for the Transport-Ship is already discussed and the Option with more Soldiers / Vehicles or an Package-Slot in the Transport gives the Game more Pepper. Sadly we couldn´t test that out in the Betas, so the Early-Acess-Players / Full-Players have to test it out then.

  3. The MARS have an great Upgrade-Gear with more R & D already. Played the stablest Betas and could test it out. But yeah, more modular Components and Rework-possibilitys would be great, there I agree.

    There get done a lot of Discussions in the Beta-Phase already (and we could make an MARS-Refit later on to let him fly instead using Tracks).

    If you and others have good Ideas to make the Mars cooler, then come with Ideas. But not with impossible Ideas like in an other Thread for Support-Vehicles already mentioned about the hardcoded Field-Limitation (1x1) to bring it in instead an Soldier.

  4. The Suppport-Vehicles are not changeable in their Size. If you would read the Informations from the Archives correctly, you would know why that is so. But the most Gamers are to stupid to read that and then make demands, which destroys the Game completly. 

    But what you can do later on are more Variants-Upgrades / Variants-Reworks / Variants-Refits (like Drones, more Surviveabilitys, Weapons or similar). In the new older X-COM-Series, the 2 Years old UFO 2 ET and the Upcomming UFO 1 ET-Refit such Variants-Upgrades / Variants-Reworks / Variants-Refits are integrated already or will come.

    The same is here. You have your Ground-Variant (the MARS-Support-Vehicle) and can make different Versions. But 3x3 or similar big Vehicles you won´t get in the Game for the Reasons you can read in the Ingame-Archives (Hardcoded). Such fast and small Transports can´t transport support-Vehicles which weight 8 or more Tons (like the Vehicles in X1, which were completely unrealistic for the Transport-Vehicles Xenonauts have).

    Don´t dream from the 1990s or old 2ks anymore, where more advanced modular-Vehicles, Planes, Ships etc. were impossible in such Games. X 1 was an Protoytype from Goldhawk and the Devs said official too, it´s not good (the unrealism with the Support-Vehicles played an big role too with many other Parts).

    That´s why the Game have to make an complete replacement in that and all other bad Parts incl. the best modern Modular-Buildups and Realism we (Devs, Beta-Test-Founders, Publisher with the Translators) can make. The Transport-Planes you have and get can´t transport an 15 or more ton Support-Vehicle. Like said, read the Infos you get correctly and use the Brain. Exactly that get done for UFO 2 ET too to make the "Raven-Support-Vehicle" there more modular and interessting.

    The MARS / ARES with the already integrated Standard-Modularisation overrun the UFO 2 ET-Raven in that Part 10.000%.

    Short said: First read correctly the Infos and Ingame-Archive, then use the Brain and make an concept to use the Modular-System you have to advance the MARS (later in the Game additional ARES)-Support Vehicles.

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  5. Eversor, the Time-Unit-Airfight in different Versions get tested from beginning on and was completly rejected from the Community and us Beta-Testers. Similar to the new Base-System, where the Beta-Testers and Developers haven´t found an 100% working Alternative for the Systems for both. Furthermore the Communty outvoted the new Base-System to an older correctly working one.

    The other Suggestions about the Refit / Rework for the Airforce, Airbattles and what belongs to that:

    - Pilot Skills: Yeah, that get already discussed in the Betas and we Beta-Testers as well as the Community wanna have that Feature, so the Devs have to bring that in

    - Decoy Systems: Sounds interessting. We had some Decoys like Outposts in earlyer Beta-Versions, which get attacked very often from the Aliens; evtl. such Outposts come back and more of such Decoys come in (Civilian Planes, Military Planes etc.) as well as more Aircraft Gear for your Airforce will come back

    - Ramdom Damage Effects: Yeah, that get already discussed in the Betas and from the Community; we will see what can be done from the Devs in that Part

    - other Effects you mention: for normal Forces and Civilians it´s integrated on the World Map, for Airfights that´s not doable in such Games (all Developers of that Gerne have Problems with that, otherwise UFO 1 ET Gold / UNI-Mod, UFO 2 ET: Battle for Mercury and the upcomming Refit UFO 1 ET: Platinum as well well as Phoenix Point and Xenonauts 2 or Stellaris with the latest Upgrades / Star Trek Mod would have it already integrated); short said: it´s impossible to integrate, only as Events or similar!

    - Up to 10 Fighters: as single Squadron impossible, but you can evtl. make 3 Squadrons (help from the Country you fight), where you control yours and the AI the enemy and 2 Country Squadrons. 3 Squads are possible, we tested that out with the Outpost-Variant, where 1 Country Squad help your Fighter-Squad to fight the Aliens. That Idea get discussed and evtl. will come in again in an more upgraded Variant.

    - last Effects you Mention: Yeah, that Idea we have too and the Devs wanna bring more in (Clouds, High-Effects and similar) in an Refit from the existing Airfight. What is doable we will see when they present it.

    Short said: Not all Ideas are doable like we Beta-Testers, Early Access-Testers, later Standard-Gamers and the Devs whish and have in mind.


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  6. The Difference is easy:

    Lasers are lighter, have better Accuracy, an similar or little bit more Damage-Output like Accelerated-Weapons and get with an later Upgrade some more cool Advancements. As well as they can be equiped to Private-Soldiers, which get new to the Job. Therefore this first Energy-Weapon need some more Materials then the Accelerated-Upgrades to Standard-Weapons and have reduced Ammo for the Clips, until the Laser-Weapon-Upgrade get done.

    Accelerated-Upgrade-Weapons from the Standard-Beginning-Weapons are heavyer, have an normal Accuracy, Recoils which reduces the Accuracy with to much Automatic-Fire, heavy Ammo-Clips, don´t have differnt Ammo-Variants and aren´t upgradeable / refitable to the next Version incl. the Ammo. Therefore they penetrate and destroy Protection-Vests / Protection-Suits Step by Step with good hits and only need one Alien-Material for the Upgrade / Buildup.

    The Advantages and Disadvantages are well-adjusted. In that Case it belongs to the Player to make an Mix of Both or using only one of them until the Gauss-Weapons show up. That Decission is one of the many you have in the Game and make the Difference between Life and Death to the Soldiers.

    As an Beta-Tester from the first Hour I can say, both Weapon-Types are good and we all have tested them in several Situations. But what we can´t do is to make an Decission for the Player, which is playing the Game earlyer or later.


  7. @DaviddesJ: The historian Part is well known to the most of us. That´s very interessting and give an deeper insigt to the World-Situation for that Countrys to us. Some of us older and mid-age Founders / Main-Beta-Testers and Gamers here have experiance of the cold war, about the Fact, we grow up in that time until the German reunification get done.

    Sadly some of the former East-Block-States didn´t have learned from the History and the Failures get done. They sadly repeat them. But that goes into political. Our Problem is, that the Language (cyrillic skript) are for 90% of the normal Worldpeople unspeakable and unreadable. That´s what we mean and why the Names of that and that get differently spoken / written.

    To make it for the full world playable every Devleoper-Studio / Publisher have to use in Games the World-Language (English) for producing the Games. Then it will get translated to different languages (like German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Ukraine and so on). I played and play too the old Star Wolves-Row (Dev and Publisher is from Russia) as well as the Sherlock-Holmes-Games (Dev is Ukraine). You see we aren´t racists.

    Short said: It don´t make Sense to fight about languages. The official Translators will make it correctly for People which wanna play it in their Language.


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  8. From what I have seen in my Tests is that the Heavy Weapons and Sniper-Rifles already have an Accuracy-Reduction after Moving, in Standing-Position and Reaction Fire. As well as for the LMG at Long Range and for the Sniper-Rifle at short Range.

    Where I give you absolutly right is, that the Crounch-Bonus for Accuracy isn´t there. And not only for Heavy Weapons and Sniper-Rifles. That Crounch-Bonus is missing for all Shooting-Weapons (Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun etc.).

  9. That you will have lesser Missions at the Beginning have an very good Reason. You have 80% to 90% Standard-Causal-Gamers and 10% to maximum 20% Experts / Veterans.

    The Gamer shouldn´t deterred with to much you can´t win Scenarios at the Beginning. If you bring in such evil things directly in the Beginning, you can close the Company and search for a new Job. 

    That´s why Goldhawk, Chaos Concept, Firaxis, Frontier, Blizzard, Paradox and similar good Companys intodruce the Gamer Step by Step (the remaining 10 to 20 % very good Publishers / Developers). That´s the correct way and the difficulty grow Step by Step.

  10. There is an Credits-List with a lot of Backers. But not all Backer-Names there are the Soldier-Names. So you have to make the try & error principle.

    I made myself an written Handlist, what Soldiers of the high Backers work and work not and then go through with the lower Backers. Otherwise you won´t find out what Backer-Soldier work and not work from the Credits-List. If you have 1 Week or 2 Weeks time with minimum 6 to 7 Hours dayly, you will handle that.

  11. Not everything is in the Game yet. Many Games I play get in Early Access-Phase (like U-Boat, Terra Invicta) big Improvements, which you didn´t expected. The same will be here.

    I played the Game in the last Beta-Version fully through. It was very interessting with the advanced R & Ds, Upgrades and what have done there already. I give you right, that some cool Parts after the Cleaners (sadly not all 3 Cells are there in the Milestone, which is an Reason I don´t test it) are not integrated. The cool testet Parts will come again with some new ones during the Early Access Phase. But like said several Times, first the Gaps from R & D and similar to about 70% of the Game have to be closed, which the Devs and some Main-Beta-Testers already mentioned.

  12. I think Skitso have to make an 70% Play through (up to Day 180+). Therefore you are in the Starting-Game-Part, which is balanced quite well already.

    The first 50 to 70 Days are not impactful anymore. First if the more advanced stages are played (from Day  71 to 180+) or a fully Playthrough is done, the Gamers are in the Knowing.

    Some Researches and other Parts of the Game need some more work and aren’t 100% done yet, there I agree.

  13. Have you played long at a stretch?

    If yes, an very easy Step helps to play fully normal again. Completly going out of the Game (therefore Save) to Steam or Desctop an Restart. Then it works fully normal again. When you playing to long at a stretch, then this small and easy to fix Problem shows up.

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