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Everything posted by NuclearStudent

  1. I'm really confused by some of the odd restrictions Xenonauts has. For instance, I can't figure out how to give grenades different throwing sounds. I would love you guys forever if you could help me with that. Thanks. EDIT: I can't just change an ordinary gun to shoot grenades. Any "grenade launcher" type weapon disappears from the inventory after being fired once. I can't change an ordinary gun gun to shoot bullets that are retextured as grenades. I can't program bullets to fall in arcs like grenades do. I can't directly change weapons_gc.xml to link to sounds other than "Grenade Throw" and "Grenade Explosion." My grenade explodes completely silently and there is no throwing sound at all. There might yet be some way around it, but I've decided to let the project sit until something changes. I've wasted too much time on it.
  2. I found the perfect sound for a heavy explosion about to explode. Leaving it here for future reference. http://soundbible.com/1766-Fire-Pager.html
  3. I'm trying to make a mod for a long-range grenade. Unfortunately, changing the prop accuracy attribute doesn't appear to make the grenade more accurate than any other type of grenade. Changing the prop range doesn't appear to give the grenade a longer range. So far, the only way I've been successfully able to increase the range of a grenade type is to increase the range for all the grenades. I'm puzzled. My files have loaded in properly, or else I wouldn't be able to see my new weapon at all.
  4. "Community Edition" is mostly there to fix bugs and add little quality-of-life features. You won't notice anything bizarre but it makes everything in your game a little better, slightly more lag-free, and adds a little extra lore.
  5. It would be tedious to change all the equipment to Soviet stuff, but doable. You would just to draw new textures for everything and rename many files. I have no idea if you can program the game to prevent you from building anywhere other than Warsaw Pact countries. That feature is probably locked up in the game code, and you'd have to ask for it to be unlocked..
  6. I'm lukewarm about modifying the tiers, but I'm a big fan of the idea of adding unique weapons for each tier and adding advanced grenades for each tier. Flashbangs and stun grenades just become obsolete after a while, and running the same basic set of shotgun/rifle/sniper/machine gun/shield/rocket makes the ground combat a little repetitive. I want a long-range grenade launcher for each tier, some sort of long range artillery, and lower-tier armour that adds more mobility so players don't have to wait for buzzard jump-suits.
  7. Melee does 10 normal damage and 10 stun damage. When an alien has armour, it usually blocks all the damage. I think it is a bug that the game never shows "RESISTED" when melee damage is resisted. Melee is always supposed to use 10 TUs. Melee is supposed to break windows. That allows you to throw grenades through windows, vault through them, and shoot without hitting the glass. You can melee random props. Theoretically you should be able to smash down a wall if you melee'd it dozens/hundreds of times. Yes, it is weird that there is no animation. I feel like the grenade throw animation should be displayed, at the least.
  8. I don't know how to find the log. It's probably embarrassingly simple, but I don't know how to activate "-modinfo"
  9. For the sake of it, I've decided to try a Ground Combat with full shotgunners, and then a game with full rocketeers. I'll get around to it on Sundayish.
  10. I ended up dropping in some sprites from a mod. The images were still there, so the sprites should link everything up as if my game were clean.
  11. Chris, can the game be programmed to start immediately with a Ground Combat? If a movie can't be programmed in, then the player can be thrown into an impossible-to-win situation with some popup text now and then.
  12. Will do, Drages. I think I was overconfident. What mods did Kabil add that includes an ordinary gunweapon?
  13. In the new X-CE, aliens telefrag your soldiers if they step through and your soldier is there.
  14. I'm trying to make a mod that adds a new weapon, mostly as a test to learn how to do it. Unfortunately, the mod is not showing up in game though installed via the mod launcher. I think my Modmerge commands are correct. I used modmerge=insert for the pure .xml and have the spreadsheets plain. I've inspected the thing for missing spaces. I think my labels are correct. After hours I've decided to put the file up here in the hopes somebody can help me. Thanks. [ATTACH]6048[/ATTACH] SPIT Launcher.zip SPIT Launcher.zip
  15. It's actually not as bad as you would think. I've tried a strategy very much like his. 1. The only time I really take many losses was when I was experimenting with new strategies. Specifically, learning how to breach UFOs with limited firepower. Gas/electro shock spam never changes. 2. You can do the predator thing, and spray a machine gun in the path ahead of you and listen for screams. I've killed a few civilians this way, but also discovered aliens. Usually, a single shield spots for a machine gunner/rocketeer barrage. 3. Rocket spam works. It loses money because of the destroyed artifacts, but it's better than nothing. 4. On Insane difficulty soldiers in Jackal armour are consistently one shot killed by rifles anyway. I only bothered to put Jackal armour on those with good health. I've never gone completely without armour, but armour and cover won't save your soldiers. If you end your turn within sight of the enemy and you aren't obscenely protected by many layers of cover and/or smoke, you are probably dead. Xenonaut cover has always been about controlling line of sight, and the presence or absence of armour doesn't matter as much as you might think. 5. It's always the optimal strategy to camp and wait for the enemy, armour or no. That's a problem because of the inherent design of Xenonauts. Again, UFO breaches are tricky without powerful carbines, and take about 45 minutes to do safely. In short, playing Xenonauts with little armour or weapons is doable, but you lose motivation to play the game because of how slow it is.
  16. I was talking about actually building the weapons. Right now, once AdvancedNextGen ballistics are researched Next Gen ballistics are obsolete. I'm suggest building an advanced next gen pistol require a Next Gen pistol, so weapons are upgraded over time. Next Gen pistol->Advanced next pistol-> SPEAR pistol and so on.
  17. Some of my game sprites are missing (a fact which greatly confused me as I was trying to mod the game.) As a result, my troops in Buzzard armour moonwalk backwards and my troops in Basic armour turn invisible in odd situations. Is there any way of installing the game sprites without reinstalling the game period?
  18. Drages, may I make a suggestion? All of your weapons seem to be rather expensive. For instance, each tier of ballistic weapons all cost 10s of thousand, and a player would realistically skip a tier or two throughout the course of the game. I would suggest lowering the cost and manhours of manufacture, but requiring the weapon from the tier below. That would add some micromanagement but also prevent the existence of many obsolete tiers of weaponry.
  19. http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/12611-A-plea-to-the-devs-or-the-community Tablet players can access almost every aspect of the game but the menu and the melee key. A melee key isn't supremely important, but a clickable menu button would add to the game. Thanks for considering this.
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