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Everything posted by Straker

  1. I forgot. One thing I don't like about the UI (old and new) is the soldier portrait does not show them with armour on. When I see the portrait I sometimes do a double-take and check to make sure I didn't forgot to armour them. As it is now, some are equipped with armour and some are not so its possible I may have forgotten someone.
  2. I like the AP Reserve slider as it also tells me how many APs I need for an action without having to mouse over a target. Does it automatically change the cost if you kneel (or is only accuracy affected)?
  3. Generating interest is always a good idea. I did not know Xenonauts was even out there until fairly recently. More the merrier.
  4. Not bad. I'm not sure about how to say it in Latin though.
  5. Saw that too. Sorry I didn't say anything. Not sure if something belongs or not when I see it.
  6. Probably not a bug and not complaining but I thought I'd mention it. When I hit a scout UFO with an Avalanche or two I get a message saying target destroyed but it always generates a crash site. I thought destroyed, like in X-Com, meant just that indicating I used a bit of overkill and blew the UFO out of the air. I believe a damaged UFO that generates a crash site should just say target crashed instead of target destroyed.
  7. Sometimes when a UFO appears my report tells me that its altitude is grounded but the speed is 2300 kph! I would think grounded UFOs should not be moving (like in X-Com). Otherwise it would plowing a furrow across the land at super-sonic speeds.
  8. There are still alot of old 2D games with bad graphics that are still alot of fun to play. Like X-Com for example?
  9. Still would like a man portable indirect fire weapon like the M79 grenade launcher. It is single shot like the rocket launcher but can go over small obstacles. Its a seperate weapon, not underslung like the M203.
  10. Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke I believe.
  11. If they start vaporizing everyone then you'd have nothing to lose by fighting back.
  12. Reminds me of a recent movie about an alien invasion of America's Wild West.
  13. Possibly. I always thought TFTD had a Cthulhu flavor to it.
  14. Seen the same. I was in baseview then started clicking on tabs down the line (research, workshop, etc). I got a crash as soon as I selected the soldiers tab. Happened more than once. I just stopped going there if I could help it.
  15. If we cut out the corny elements from the movie we are still left with a mother of a mother ship. It could be like the TFTD final base only bigger. I'll reserve judgement on that until I see the insides of an alien base in this game.
  16. I would love to see in flight refueling allowed, at least for the Chinook, until longer ranged transports become available.
  17. Orbital bombardment of the martian base has certain amount of charm. So much of the game is as yet unrevealed and we may not be aware of the direction everything is headed until just before we are there. I like the idea of a mother ship (like in the movie Independence Day).
  18. Xenonaut colors should be uniform and non-national. The geoscape allies could be national forces though.
  19. Sounds more like scenarios than a battlefield objective.
  20. Sure, even hardened soldiers fear combat (they would be foolish and liars if they said they didn't). Despite that fear the motto should still be a statement of defiance drawing the line allowing the aliens to go no further.
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